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“That Boy? I taught him everything he knows”

~ Chuck Norris on Nakaru

Kirasu, Showing some ass and raping sword.

Gantz-0 (ガンツ) Notorious for it's bizarre way of presenting shit up. Huge masses of fans enter a massive room and all doors are shut and locked when the show begins. It is a bit like the previous manga except this one violates a few moral laws.Therefore it is not to be confused with its less gory brother. Gantz-0 is an element found in the anime series. It's symbol is G0 and is lethal shit. When applied to males, G0 will cause hyperventilation, arousement and nosebleeds during the high amounts of sex. t contains bitchy schoolgirls that are killed in small rooms.

This thing is like taking philosophy course while on drugs and fucking your gym teacher. ((yeah that bad, worse than the original Gantz))

Deathly mushrooms ~DESU?[edit | edit source]

Some may call the soka entropy system. I just think that the fact that mushrooms are more deadly than vampires is ridiculous. -Poem- When deadly mushrooms attack do not use fire, they will just shoot back. Use the raping sword on your back, because it can also cut the grass. The shit you just killed had tentacles! That's right your bitch just got a deepthroat massage! And ~DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU!

Plot[edit | edit source]

Gantz-0 is the first thing ever to be based around a main character and have everyone else be shitty extras. This bad-ass that is supposed to be the next deadpool has more weapons than Rambo in the revenge of the deathly hallows with Oroshimaru starring as Voldemort. (which is in its own right the movie that should had been.) Due to a translation error and something called creative license, the show became simply about being horny and psychotic and how going on killing sprees can provide momentary relief for these kinds of things.

One of the important morals of Gantz-0 is: "Bitch I bought more lives than you!" That and getting your score over 9000 while not defeating 300 manly and homosexual bare-chested men. (No seriously they made a reference of that in the Manga.)

Episodes[edit | edit source]

The characters in Gantz-0 are always having episodes, and crazy days, psychotic rampages, axe murders and so on plus huge sex orgy in chapter 17 Also much burning all over the place. If you don't like that sort of thing, then this isn't for you.

Games[edit | edit source]

While normal people would call them episodes, Gantz-0 is divided into 30 Games of the same misguided hellspawn. with roughly two or three rounds each.

Game 1[edit | edit source]

Hey little guy, Whats wrong,

(broken neck), go die in hell.

The horror, oh the horror.

Game 2[edit | edit source]

Dinosaurs man,

I'm tripping!,

wait! what?.

Game 3[edit | edit source]

Dear Diary:

I just killed the pick haired bitch she bit me

my cock is hurt

Game 4[edit | edit source]

I saw a little girl I think she will die

Yep she died, good thing she had a sister but I already told her

Bitch, get off my leg.

Game 5[edit | edit source]

I took the little girl home

I felt bad and dint want to be like that other main char.

hoping for sex though

Game 6[edit | edit source]

Too disturbing to write about, even 4chan is quiet about this.

Game 7[edit | edit source]

still horrible

Game 9[edit | edit source]

Pointy, pointy sword, pointiest of them all what bitch shall we fuck in the wall?

Shark Attack!

Hey look a mermaid! We got dinner!

Game 13[edit | edit source]

The walls are RED!

Is that a dead giant dog form back in the past?

Game 16[edit | edit source]

Hurray hot springs!

Is that a Mexican?

Game 19[edit | edit source]

School time, oh its so peaceful

Hey is that a mirror in you pocket? *decapitation*

Game 24[edit | edit source]

We finally got a plot going...

I love you Nakaru!

I love necrophilia

Game 27[edit | edit source]

I got no more lives?!


Game 29[edit | edit source]

You were in a coma suffering from nightmares...


Game 30[edit | edit source]

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations !

Did we run out of budget?

Afraid so...

Characters[edit | edit source]

Kirasu, Showing the less clothing trend and deceptive cuteness

Kirasu[edit | edit source]

Kirasu is a sex phrase meaning "damn hot,underage.". Recent research conducted by anime authors indicated that Kirasu is the end product of the typical girly schoolgirlthat became a hot and deadly bitch No scientists have yet been able to explain the demonic tail that comes later on. Kirasu has a policy of less is more, when it comes to clothing, Whether this is humanity's natural rejection of the concept of clothing or not is not yet clear.---->see pic.

Vindicator[edit | edit source]

Born of the fantasies of clamp and fangirls of code geass he lived in bad Tokyo, where he was despised for his bibble power/skills. One day, during an exceptionally bad game of strip basketball with guns, bad Tokyo was attacked by godzilla, (not kidding, they guy imagined but migth as well say what happened) leaving Vindicator alone and insane, also naked. After a night of passion, he was opened up and killed for organ trade, Brazilian style. then was found by Uber-Pimp Nakaru and taken back to his secret underground squirrelcave slave trade/gantz games. The guy is the bitch to Nakaru and is alive.

Humans[edit | edit source]

Too many to list, too unimportant to care, just have in mind if they are not the main character they will die. except the cat the damn cat never dies.

Nakaru the Uber-Pimp[edit | edit source]

Nakaru Using the most expensive suit gantz-0 can sell.

Nakaru is secretly Simon's father, the guy starts out normal, he is a common school kid who happens to be in the gantz-0 room, but we quickly learn that he just isn't normal. (Kills alien with his bare hands). After this feat everyone thinks he flipped or something, but the readers soon realize that this guy was just acting like a wimp for his own twisted amusement.

Aside from that, Nakaru enjoys eating small Angels,(It happened!) growing poisonous plants, taking the weight of naked girls upon his shoulders, and long walks on squirrelcave.

Nirity[edit | edit source]

James Nirity is a secret agent who works for Drunk Tony Stark, and holds the world record for deepest perverted shit. His job is to make sure the games are twisted. He also has an awesome rapin' arm. He is the true antagonist of the series, creating things like giant naked women made up of naked women to dinosaurs with lasers.(I wish I was making this shit up)

The Director of International mess up shit A.K.A Gantz-0[edit | edit source]

Even bigger asshole than Gantz. He is apparently the human battery for giant black ball that he is encased inside of,stealing the idea obviously from matrix. He seems to be the organizer of the games, but his true job is to find the players and teleport them, aside from that he keeps score of how each player does.

Settings[edit | edit source]

Prehistoric times with naked women[edit | edit source]

Since this is prehistory and anyone with a phg (that's right phg not that phony Ph.D crap) will tell you this is based on the proven fact that since is before history raping cavewomen who aren't covered in hairs is alright and wont mess the spacetime continuum

Squirrelcave[edit | edit source]

This is where pimp master beat off to Johny rocket's shakes and girls forced to wear small skirts and roller-blades (sonic and johny rockets combined in some perverse Japanese version of a restaurant / base of operation) -{May be real in real life}

Scientific research from the Oxford Academy in Camebridge and a conjunction with the university of frankfurt germany and cuban FBI stated that 97.3% of the series was filmed on Location in sexford USA. the remaining 10% was filmed outside, using miniture sets, coffee mugs, and chop sticks. yes the series makes a 107.3% sense.

One bathroom apartament[edit | edit source]

small flat where rapes happens occasionally around 12:37 PM, no actual reason why this scene is included at all, but we see it frquently on the series. Some scientists back in HQ think that is due to some kind of space anomaly or simply because the author needs to cut back and add time to the series...

St. Reivax's Academy for Underestimated ball flippers sex[edit | edit source]

St. Reivax's Academy for Underestimated ball flippers sex is the school in which Nakaru and Kirasu attend their sex lessons. The school is like any other Japanese school where killer girls with sociopath needs go to find boyfriends. The bathroom is akin to a whorehouse and the classroom sports teachers who for some reason can afford extreme plastic surgery and triple G Breast implants.

Filming and Distribution[edit | edit source]


Gantz-0 is filmed in front of a live Studio Audience using hand-held Cameras, and Pin-Hole Cameras. for tight places. Filmed on Location in Cuba, capital of magic-canada, gantz-0 captures real people to play macabre games of the real world, using real actors in life threatening situations, to bring the realism of true life to the IMAX screen in eye popping 4D-cause screw Jew James Cameron!


Gantz-0 has so far been translated into English, Gaelic, French, Hebrew, Russian, Ancient Greek, Isebaldamic, Fargoshian and even Candrantophlembonian. And ancient germaneze Gantz-0 is enjoyed by many people, mostly appealing to the age group, of those ages 1-1000. And the Aliens of planet Sakkar.

See Also[edit | edit source]