Black Baby Yoda

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"Matter, black lives do."

Black baby Yoda is a small pull string doll approximately 1/300th of a football field tall. The resemblance is notably similar to the character baby Yoda from the series The Mandalorian. The pull string on his back causes his to say "Matter, black lives do."

Origins[edit | edit source]

Cinderella Castle at Disney world is much shorter than it looks, It is actually a little shorter than two poorly stacked Meijers (Visualised here)

Black baby Yoda is a marketing campaign by Disney created to market off of BLM protests, in an attempt to become woke.

In order to create this abomination, an unnamed Disney employee had to sacrifice themself to Walt Disney's Corpse. This was achieved by jumping off the top of Cinderella's castle at Disney World, Causing them to fall a total of 30 feet, which only broke his legs. The undercover guards promptly disposed of him. Upon the man's death millions of black baby Yodas descended from the sky to be sold to children all across California and Illinois. Despite high demand in other states like New York and Nevada, Disney refuses to release copies of him elsewhere.

Sentience[edit | edit source]

Several reports have documented strange patterns on these dolls, which seem to have some sort of sentience. There have been sightings of black baby yodas crawling around the countryside. This is most likely a result of them realizing that they were created with the sole purpose to pander to people.

See also[edit | edit source]