User talk:Squiggle/archive2

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§quiggle's ŢĄŁĶ ρĀĢĕ
Archives: 123


Heh, so far it's just a two man running of the namespace, meh it will catch on soon enough. Oh can you add a conclusion to your Why?:Bother, so it sums up your answer, sorry to ask you to do this :D --—Braydie 22:14, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

OK, sure. Hopefully, the more of these made the more it catches on. I had always thought that we had already made all of the good namespaces we could without repeating ourselves, but I stand corrected. I think this has the potential to be as popular as HowTo. Makes you worthy of your Uncyclopedian of the Month nom :). -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 22:18, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
Heh, thanks, but as it stands, Brad has got it. We just need to whore it around some more, then it will catch on, hopefully. --—Braydie 22:31, 2 December 2006 (UTC)


Love Squiggle?

Score: +3

I love you. -- Lacey clicky 00:29, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

But technically you did... bribe me. -- Lacey clicky 23:49, 3 December 2006 (UTC)
All's fair in Writer of the Month. And I didn't "bribe" you, I asked nicely several (dozen [or so]) times. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 23:51, 3 December 2006 (UTC)
:) But what did I do to earn that? -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 00:49, 3 December 2006 (UTC)
We ALL love you, Squiggly. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
  • For --—Braydie 01:16, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

UnBooks:The O. Henry Collection

I made something out of Life of a Hobo. I hope it's fine that I changed Brian's name to John (just because it seems too similar to Life of Brian). Cheers! --EMC [TALK] 07:51, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

I don't mind a bit. I'm just amazed someone made something good from Life of a Hobo. Cheery-o! -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 07:54, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

Cheating at Scrabble?

Ok, so I think it's near completion, big league worthy? HowTo:Cheat At Scrabble --—Braydie 11:58, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

I guess I just missed you in IRC. I think it's good, but I won't nom it because too many noms from one guy for one other guy looks suspicious. I'd self-nom. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 20:10, 3 December 2006 (UTC)
Yeah my IRC stops working after running for ages. Don't worry about nomming it, I just wanted your approval, because you mean so much to me, haha. I'll just wait for the Pee Review to get to one week then I'll nom. --—Braydie 20:37, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

Cookie Cookie!

Newcookie.gif User:Electrified mocha chinchilla has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Here you go. Danke for the nomination on VFH. Hopefully it won't be another quasi for me. --EMC [TALK] 22:18, 3 December 2006 (UTC)


Ice-Cream.gif Braydie has awarded you some ice cream!
For nominating HowTo:Make a Band and voting for it.

Oh, and I was looking at your picture thing, and accidentally reverted it.. heh, well I put it back, so if I hadn't said about it, you probably wouldn't have noticed. --—Braydie 16:40, 5 December 2006 (UTC)


DamnCongrats! You won!! I might go whoring somewhere for UN:NUB lol. See my newest rubbish if you want :P. Cheers -- It's gneomI 07:27, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

a belated congrats

on your WOTM. Sorry I didn't actually vote, real life hit me on the chin and I was a bit swamped. So, congrats on a well deserved award! -- Brigadier Sir Mordillo Icons-flag-il.png GUN UotY WotM FP UotM AotM MI3 AnotM VFH +S 13:31, 10 December 2006 (UTC)


Thanks for the vote. It means a lot coming from an accomplished writer such as yourself. --Sir ENeGMA (talk) GUN WotM PLS 02:30, 11 December 2006 (UTC)

No problem, man. Considering I also nom'd you. And you certainly took the smarter path by handing this award out every time someone voted for you, rather than belatedly a week after you had won like I did. But yeah. Good luck! -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 02:35, 11 December 2006 (UTC)


Any particular reason why you are moving all of my poems onto subpages on a bookshelf? --The Bard of Uncyclopedia Quill.gif 05:57, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Wow, you noticed quick. Drat. Well, first let me be the first to say I didn't realize it was a Bookshelf, not just a plain ol' UnBook. The only reason I hadn't already moved them all was because there was some Internal Service Error or something. There I apologize. However, each of those individual poems should at least be moved to the UnBooks namespace. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:01, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
There's some debate as to whether poetry should be given its own namespace, so I was leaving them be until it's settled. Wikia granted us UnTunes with only 1 known song (at the time), so I thought my chances were quite good. ^_^ I should probably start up a forum topic about it, but I wanted to write a few more first. --The Bard of Uncyclopedia Quill.gif 06:05, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
First of all, nice work on some of those. Second, I'm not saying make some UnPoetry namespace or something (Though I admit that it could be possible), I'm saying move all of the poetry to the existing UnBooks namespace... for now. As it is an UnBooks Bookshelf, it only makes sense that all the poems it contains are UnBooks. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:09, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
I understood you, but I think you misunderstand me. Radical X suggested moving poetry to its own namespace, and I'm mulling that over. In the meantime I've made a decision to continue to title my poems as if they were in the mainspace. If I decide not to pursue an UnPoetia namespace, or if the users think it's stupid/redundant, I'll most certain move all my stuff (and the other poems I've appropriated for the bookshelf) to UnBooks: for good. ^_^. --The Bard of Uncyclopedia Quill.gif 06:41, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
Ah, of course. Never mind me, then. I'll just shift quietly into the darkness. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:44, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

How's your shoes

<Squiggle> The only time rcmurphy brings me up is when he says "I hate your name."

We always hurt the ones we love. —rc (t) 06:28, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Isn't it just tragic, though? Although it was an awfully poor choice of Username, in retrospect. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:32, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
Might I gently prod you in Sannse's direction? I'm not pressuring you, now, but if you ever feel like you need to get some work done, I will of course support your decision. —rc (t) 06:43, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Thanks (again)

Sweetsprize.gif Braydie has awarded you some sweets!
For voting for HowTo:Cheat At Scrabble

Thanks Squiggle.--—Braydie 16:55, 13 December 2006 (UTC)


Santa cross money.png Premier Tom Mayfair does not share in your pagan ways.
Nor does he celebrate capitalist retail. He hopes that you
convert to Communism before it's too late. Do the right thing.
Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
Hammer and sickle xmas.png|

Spacer.gifSpacer.gifPremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png 22:25, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Tvcc.jpg Bradaphraser was throwing away last year's Christmas cards, and
realised they had purposefully forgotten about you.
This user is completely thoughtless, doesn't care about Multi-culturalism,
and therefore DEMANDS you have yourself a Merry little Christmas... NOW!

Failure to comply with result in disciplinary action up to and including excommunication from the Capitalist Church

May you focus on your successes and forget your failures here at the end of the year. Never forget how we all improve one another's lives. Season's Greetings.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 17:35, 17 December 2006 (UTC)

Xmasmoosewreath.png Nothing says [[Insert religious or pagan holiday of your choice]] like getting drunk with a moose. So this year, why not savour a treasured Canadian tradition with a bottle of hooch, horns, hooves, and hypothermia? The drinks are on me. ~ Todd Crown Royal.jpg

Sorry. I'll have to renege on the booze part. --Sir Todd GUN WotM MI UotM NotM MDA VFH AotM Bur. AlBur. CM NS PC (talk) 16:03, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Roast potato.jpg Braydie was throwing away last year's Christmas cards, and
realised they had purposefully forgotten about you.
This user doesn't care about Multi-culturalism,
and DEMANDS you have a Merry Christmas... NOW!

--—Braydie 16:51, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Holidayturtle.jpg Happy Holidays* from the Holiday Turtle!
May all of your Holiday wishes come true!
(*Designated holidays may include, but are not limited to:
Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, and the Winter Solstice)

I found this card, 'twas hard to find. Oh well, whatever, nevermind. HOMESTAR ME!!! TURTLE ME!!! t o m p k i n s  blah. ﺞوﻦ וףה ՃՄ ண்ஸ ފއހ วอฏม +տ trade websites 23:09, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Hannukah.jpg Mordillo is a bloody Jew and therefore believes that Xmas is plain silly, Jesus was a nice Jewish boy with some weird ideas, Santa is an old drunk and socks are meant to be put on your cold smelly feet.

However, since it's not your fault for being born to the wrong nation, you might as well enjoy a very HAPPY HANUKKAH and rejoice, for once again the Greeks had one coming.
Only 4.5 months left till Passover, start looking for Christian kids for the preparation of the Matzo Bread!

Karatechimp.jpg zim_ulator wishes you a Merry Kaizum Me!
the first holiday officially sanctioned by the church of zimizm (cOz)!

Zimbuddha.jpg Rev. Zim_ulator (Talk) I am the dirt under your rollers 22:28, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Separation Issues

Finished it what do you think? --—Braydie 17:51, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for your response on IRC --—Braydie 18:31, 17 December 2006 (UTC)

I love you

Er, nevermind about that headline. To be honest, I'm reusing this request from another user's page. I, er, need another judge for the PLS, and figured that since you've "rocked the house" at VFH, you'd be a worthy candidate. Would you be interested? If so, lemme know at my talk page. If not, lemme know that too, so I can go ask someone else cool before they die. Thanks.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 20:01, 16 December 2006 (UTC)


How about collab on my new brainwave, started from my rewrite of Separation Issues. Basically you know the book bit, the "Chapter 3" bit. Well Tom said that I should write the book that it's come from. And since the collab of the month award is pretty poor we could make one. If you want to do it get back to me. --—Braydie 18:34, 17 December 2006 (UTC)

You mean this? I don't think we can use that, because the article has to be started after the PLS begins. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 16:11, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
Yeah I know, it's not for PLS, just wondering if you wanted to do it in the mean time (you don't have to if you don't want to). Oh and when I was talking about "the collab of the month award is pretty poor" I meant this award. --—Braydie 20:11, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
Meh, it's basically finished now anyway, don't worry about it. --—Braydie 23:27, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

From me

  Sir Tooltroll, Esq. CUN  Eh?  Oh!  UnTunes! Cannabagreen.jpgI Card-hearts-up.gif my cat! 08:11, 19 December 2006 (UTC)

Merry Christmas!

BlueSophia.png SonicChao was throwing away last year's Christmas cards,
and realised they had purposefully forgotten about you.

SonicChao era poner en bote de basura de las tarjetas de Navidad del año pasado,
y realizado se habían olvidado sobre tú.

--Icons-flag-us.png SonicChao Babbel!Contribs 14:33, 23 December 2006 (UTC)

Merry Christmas

Unbookslogo.png Santa Claus has given you an UnBooks voucher for Christmas.
This voucher can be exchanged at any UnBooks store for an UnBook.
If you wish to complain about your Christmas present, do it here.
Merry Christmas!

From Santa Claus.

If you are another child that thinks they need a present, leave a message here (Santa never forgets, but he is getting on a bit.) Ho Ho Ho from Santa Claus 15:22, 23 December 2006 (UTC)


Even though Brad had it won from the beginning. Thanks, I really appreciate it. --—Braydie 17:46, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum viditur

Ad perpetuam memoriam de Sol Invictus

Composure1, writer of UnNews and humble servant of Uncyclopedia, sends personal greetings to you [insert username here], on this festival for our glorious god Sol Invictus. While many heathen have long abandoned our undefeated sun god, especially since Emperor Theodosius I banned the holiday in the year 390, I know that you are a true believer like me. So I hope you are celebrating with all the necessary debauchery and sacrifices, and I wish you the very best. Orta recens quam pura nites Sol Invictus! --Composure1 19:04, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

Merry damn you!

Your take on James Brown is 1000% better than mine, and even has a biting satirical point. Merry Christmas! bastard - David Gerard 18:28, 25 December 2006 (UTC)

  • I knew someone else was going to write about it. Oh well. I actually like yours a lot, and I think mine kinda sucked, but I'm complimented that you liked it :). Have a Holly Jolly Monday! -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 18:32, 25 December 2006 (UTC)
I recorded yours for you Squiggle. --—Braydie 14:47, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
And yours DG. --—Braydie 15:08, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
Thanks Braydie! -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 19:47, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
However, I reverted back to your version and recorded. I should be able to record more stuff now, I've just installed wireless. --—Braydie 19:49, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

Sunni days and Arabian Nights

Maybe it's too obsure, but the text is censored because the Saudi Royal family controls all media (the kind of control where you go to jail for being critical of Saudi culture). As for the resemblance to Tour 'o Baghdad not much can be done about it (vacations to places you shouldn't go and all...). I like the "modus magic" comment, but sadly that trademark is owned by Disneyco (their lawyers should be arriving at your door as I type this). Anyway, I hope you're Christmas went well (RC got an Oscar Wilde action figure); mine won't happen for two more days (work. sigh).--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:11, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

I saw Rc's Oscar Wilde, 'twas pretty funny. Yeah, there isn't really anything that can be done about resemblance to ATOB. As for the censorship, I don't think that it's obscure that the Saudi Arabia goernments, and a lot of the Middle Eastern governments, control their own media, but the {{C}} boxes usually bug me if not used sparingly. Either way, I voted an abstain and not an against, and at the momentum that it's getting votes it'll be featured anyway :). Keep up you goodly writeness! -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:22, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
Did it look better with the censored bits crossed out (a la this?--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:28, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
Yes. I'd probably vote for that version. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:33, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
Oh great, I wish you hadn't said that...I looked at the page and changed all of them back (except the lead quote) right after I asked which you prefered...(don't change your vote, I'll feel all ooky if you do.)--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:47, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

...'re my formatting go-to guy, by the way (since your advice for that Pulpy Novely thing was spot on). I've got you on speed dial. Or maybe that's the pizza place.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:33, 27 December 2006 (UTC)


Yeah. —Braydie 20:52, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

You got kick+bant

For that stuff MoneySign was talking about.

Your reactions *Holds microphone to squigglemouth*--Witt, Union leader.gif of Union member.gif UNion Entertain me* 05:08, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

Totally innocent. No, but seriously, I deserved it. I was way out of line at that point, and MoneySign, if you're reading this, I think you're a great admin and photoshopper, and I'm sorry. I apologize to all those in the IRC at the time who took the blunt of my obnoxiousness. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 05:13, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
Thank you Sir Squiggle, This is the kick-bant story and Witt E, Loggin' off. Goodnight. *Camera pans out*--Witt, Union leader.gif of Union member.gif UNion Entertain me* 07:48, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

Wow, Squiggy? Got banned? The end of the world is nigh! Brigadier Sir Mordillo Icons-flag-il.png GUN UotY WotM FP UotM AotM MI3 AnotM VFH +S

Hmm, what was it for? —Braydie at 16:43, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
Oh don't worry I've found out. —Braydie at 16:45, 29 December 2006 (UTC)


How's your project going, §quiggy? If you need a hand with anything, lemme know. Also, the various UnTunes:Support pages are in a chronic semi random pseudo state of quasi flux - I've been adding bits as they occur to me.  Sir Tooltroll, Esq. CUN  Eh?  Oh!  UnTunes! Cannabagreen.jpgI Card-hearts-up.gif my cat! 10:17, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

It probably won't even begin to start possibly happening at all until my dad considers getting me a microphone. Until then, it'll probably take a while. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 21:35, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

Parkhurst Pete

Thanks for your promotion of this chap's ouevre. It was really hard for him to write and all, so he says. His head got so hot, the screws put him in solitary. Much appreciated. --Sir Hardwick Fundlebuggy - (Ring for service) 12:24, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

Bye :(

If you feel you have to leave for a while, then you should. But please try to come back sometime if you could. You haven't lost much respect at all.--Mr. Alberto "Letters" wg FU 02:10, 31 December 2006 (UTC)


Thanks for your vote. Rather than giving you a template of thanks, in honour of the occassion I wrote UnUnNews: Lindsay Lohan says "Gonch is for chumps" (snappy title, eh?). Don't worry, it makes more sense after you read it. Or less, I haven't decided yet.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 05:25, 1 January 2007 (UTC)

I'm Speechless :)

I just read your UotY vote, and I'm completely humbled. Your own joking about your age aside, your talent and personality speak for itself, and it's gratifying to be acknowledged by you, particularly in your characteristically magnetic prose.  :) While I don't generally add failed award bids to my scrapbook, I know I'll want to save and re-read your words from time to time when I'm feeling low (and it happens more often these days, as my life gets more complicated). I'm too numbed to compose a better thank you. Sorry. But I'm smiling bigger than I have been in a month. Thanks so much.

Newcookie.gif Todd Lyons has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

--Sir Todd GUN WotM MI UotM NotM MDA VFH AotM Bur. AlBur. CM NS PC (talk) 01:00, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

Wow... I'm glad to have improved your day! Good luck with the award, and I hope that you have a good 2007! -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 01:16, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

..and thanks again..

Hwgun.jpg The Artist as a Young Psychopath

Many thanks for voting for me as Writerie of ThE Ear. These things mean a lot to me.

Indeed, I recall the words of my old dad, who said:

Son, writing is just like shooting. You aim, you shoot, you watch the rodent explode and then you wander home with a strange feeling of regret. And you know what? ... He was totally wrong.

--Sir Hardwick Fundlebuggy - (Ring for service) 12:24, 3 January 2007 (UTC)


I appreciate the vote, dude.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 00:05, 4 January 2007 (UTC)


Cool! ... What'd I win it for, exactly? -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 23:34, 4 January 2007 (UTC)

Too much VFDstuffs.

I would recommend next time waiting until there is less voting going on, or just dumping it at QVFD. --14px-Stupcarp_for_sig.png» >UF|TLK|» 03:55, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

Apparently you don't read well. Please note the "Don't flood VFD" message on the VFD page. Flooding discourages votes, and makes Famine irritable. Lucky for you, my New Year's resolution was "talk to a few more users before banning them", and I haven't made it all the way to "a few" yet. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine, Gun Petition » 01/7 16:55
Oops. Sorry. Won't happen again, Mr. Famine, Sir. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 22:04, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

Good job on cleaning up FFW ashes.

Have a generic greeting card:
