User:NXWave/Uncyclopedia:Simon Cowell of the Month
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Are you a complete asshat, do you feel that every article has to be fancy, are your Pee reviews insulting, is your name Simon. Well if it is then this award is within your grasp. This supports the thousands of truth-tellers or asshats that have way too-high standards.
Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]
To be nominated, you must:
- Have been told that your reviews are insulting.
- That the user has a high sense of quality even judging you to the point of insultation.
- Feel like the user's name truely is Simon Cowell.
- Feel like that user is superior to you in every way possible.
- (optional) His first name is Simon.
- You can nominate yourself, but you can only vote for 1 user "including yourself"
Fabulous Prizes[edit | edit source]
Winners will get:
- "Booed at" Constantly
- Spammed
- A sign that says "I'm an Asshat, Kick Me!"
- Your image uploaded to the internet
- A judging spot on one of those reality shows
- A fabulous template to put on their user page: {{User:NXWave/SCOTM}}
NOMINATE![edit | edit source]
Go ahead and nominate now. Only signed votes will count. Users can only vote once, and new vote supersedes old vote. Please use the level two headline format for the name of the nomination with an optional comment and mandatory signature underneath and make sure to vote for whoever you think you hate more or hate that he's superior to you.
Also add {{User:NXWave/VoteSCOTM}} to the nominee's user space.
Archives are found here.