
A-ne-mo-ne... that just sounds wrong, does it not? That's a load of B.S.! -Oscar Wilde on Anenomes.
A see anennamy ceeyanennamee sea memone see an enemy se anenenome seein' enemy sea anomaly C-un-emmamee Cena memory see no enemy sea o' memory cenamemny xenomemany cya, enemy! C.N.-anomaly seen Memri seenamemmaly synechdoche see a Melanie seein' every see the melody seaman enemy seated malady SEEK A REMEDY sea anenome, or simply just an anenome (approximately pronounced "an enemy", NOT "an-ni-gnome", at least I think), is the evil twin of a sea anenome anemone. One of the most famous mispellings misspellings and mispronunciations of words in general, it has leaked the pages and writings of children and adults alike. It is often debated if the two types of aminals anals animals BAESTS are truly seperate separate.
Amatony of the anemone anenome[edit | edit source]
An anenome has a large amount of testicles tentacles surrounding its mouth, which it uses to swallow its prey. The replacement of "testicles" with "tentacles" does not help much, since this could easily be the start of a strange new brand of tentacle hentai featuring anonomes anonymous anenomes prominently. Most anenomes can swim, but they usually spend their time rooted to the sea floor. This is a feature that seperates makes them differant different life forms from anemones, which, for the most part, cannot swim, unless they are the Mongols. and that looks really fucking creepy. I mean, have you seen those things? Some marine biologists believe that all moving anemones are simply misidentified anenomes.
Other diffrences differences from anemones (I sure hope I spelled that right!)[edit | edit source]
- Anenomes are esthetic and melancholic, while anemones are mostly posers and attention seekers.
- Anenomes are cynical while anemones are nihilistic (hey I thought anenomes were the nihilistic ones!)
Behavior behaviour behavior behaviour behavior behaviour why the hell do you care? ugh.[edit | edit source]
Relationship to clownfish (and clowns)[edit | edit source]
Anenomes are an enemy of the clownfish, which is such a big joke that it hangs out among the corals and anemones. Most anenomes can, in fact, swim, but only do this to intimidate the stupidest varieties of clownfish (or you), which may believe that the animal is, in fact, an anemone. Then the anenome uses its testicles to ejaculate all over the clownfish, causing the fish to ejaculate evacuate, but it tends to ejaculate as well. Once the fish's balls are fully exhausted, it becomes weak and is easy prey for the anenome.