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Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: Mental illness
Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

Commander of the Order

HowTo:Convince People You're a Heterosexual Male[edit | edit source]

Thanks for your vote!

has awarded you the
Neat Order of the Closet
for voting
HowTo:Convince People You're a Heterosexual Male
Wear It With Pride!

You big homo.

I dunno why it's all skew here... it works everywhere else. How queer. ^_^ BerogenVFH 15:42, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

No reason[edit | edit source]

Newcookie.gif Bradaphraser has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

And I'm CERTAINLY not giving this to you for whoring my article in the IRC.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 23:57, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

No reason either[edit | edit source]

Newcookie.gif Todd Lyons has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

And this CERTAINLY has nothing to do with you voting for me for Writer of the Year, though I'm very pleased and thankful obviously. :) --Sir Todd GUN WotM MI UotM NotM MDA VFH AotM Bur. AlBur. CM NS PC (talk) 14:17, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

And I'd like to use this opportunity to hijack Todd's cookie and say thanks for the vote on UOTY. :) -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

I eventually changed my vote for Writer of the Year. --Sir OCdt Jedravent CUN UmP VFH PLS ACS WH 21:29, 18 June 2007 (UTC)

Now, Turn Left![edit | edit source]

This one has a good reason

Brigadier Sir Mordillo Icons-flag-il.png GUN UotY WotM FP UotM AotM MI3 AnotM VFH +S 07:48, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Bang![edit | edit source]

Pow!.png BANG BANG BANG!!!
The victory bells(?) have rang!
NeedABrain thanks you for voting on Onomatopoeia

herr doktor needsAcorpse Rocket.gif [scream!] 22:09, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Thanks For The Vote[edit | edit source]

Mewhenreadingstupidstuff.gif Zombiebaron thanks you for supporting him to become admin.
I was even more lazy, I stole this from Braydie.

Sorry about the clutter this template causes. --The Zombiebaron 00:19, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the nomination![edit | edit source]

--Alksubsig.gifAlksub - VFH CM WA RV {talk} 08:07, 2 February 2007 (UTC)

Thank you![edit | edit source]

Raygun.jpg NeedABrain has awarded you a pair of rayguns! Raygun2.JPG
For voting on HowTo:Make Cheesy Sci-Fi.
"Now remember: the blue stuns, the yellow disintegrates and the red destroys the universe (not yet been tested)."

-- herr doktor needsAcorpse Rocket.gif [scream!] 17:36, 9 February 2007 (UTC)

Thanks![edit | edit source]

Dudley.a.jpg El Zoof has awarded you a special 3D holographic edition of the List of one letter words starting with A!
For voting on List of one letter words starting with A. If you hadn't guessed.
Soon: List of one letter words starting with A II: The Sequel - List of one letter words starting with I

El Zoof 00:31, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

Asplode!![edit | edit source]

Zeeky.JPG Gneomi has awarded you some hot stuff to jihad your own ride! Zeeky.JPG
For voting on Jihad My Ride.
"Never forget: Jihad is not all about war. It is about creating cool stuff and making cars look better. Yo jihad yo!!"

Thank you![edit | edit source]

Tlntshow.jpg Congratulation! You are now happy owner of new proud fat kid with an Accordion from El Zoof! Tlntshow.jpg
Much felicitous appreciations for happy double nice good voting for HowTo:Stop Playing the Accordion

--El Zoof 00:58, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

We shall never forget[edit | edit source]

~Jewriken.GIF 16:54, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

meh[edit | edit source]

AtomicPrizeAvatar.jpg Atomic Disturbance would like to thank you for voting for
UnNews:Boy subjected to harsh criticism, cries like little girl.

The Power Is Yours!
449px-Crying boy.jpg
I'm glad you liked the article. I'm also really glad I like pie. I can't even imagine hating pie. I mean... Come on, really, who hates pie? Seriously, I would loose all my respect for a person, even if it was Stephen Hawking, if he didn't like pie. Anyway, thanks. --AtomDsig.png 20:48, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Thanks![edit | edit source]

The-golden-chainsaw.jpg Welcome to the Chaingang from El Zoof! Now go cut your head off - safely!
Thanks for voting for HowTo:Cut Your Own Head Off With a Chainsaw

--El Zoof 10:24, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the vote![edit | edit source]

8ball-inside.jpg For voting for her article, UnBooks:Choose Your Own Adventure,
Sanns-sig.gif has awarded you:
The inside of a magic 8-ball. Now all your choices will be easy.

Thanks for the Support![edit | edit source]

Thanks for your support in featuring HowTo:Construct a Federation Starship. It's much appreciated! :) - Enzo Aquarius 21:11, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

Mmmmm Children[edit | edit source]

Walgreen33.jpg The Premier has awarded you a coupon
for 50% off of 1 child with the purchase of
3 children at equal or lesser value!!
Presented for your vote and getting Walgreens Drug Store featured.
In Soviet Russia, Spacer.gifSpacer.gifPremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png thanks YOU!!
Offer Expires 12/21/2012

Spacer.gifSpacer.gifPremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png 02:33, 6 April 2007 (UTC)

Ta.[edit | edit source]

120px-Olivin Zahnstein.jpg Thanks for voting for Uluru on VFH. Here's a rock. 120px-Olivin Zahnstein.jpg
And a second one. Don't you feel special?

--El Zoof 07:32, 9 April 2007 (UTC)

Senator Calhoun thanks you for voting for Xavier's article on him. Calhoun.jpeg
Now, and only now, can you consider yourself truly safe when the moon is full.

Xavier 19:31, 27 April 2007 (UTC)

UnNews:Noob Gets PWNED[edit | edit source]

I suppose I ought to thank you for voting on my highly acclaimed art-icle

Newcookie.gif Somebody has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

there. LeatherboundbooksTalkContributions 23:49, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

Thanks![edit | edit source]

Haywain.jpg For voting for her article, The British Class System,
Sanns-sig.gif has awarded you:
A print of Constable's Haywain. Now your true class will be seen by all.

Cheers![edit | edit source]

Dry Martini.png NeedABrain has awarded you a Dry Martini!
For voting on HowTo:Run Away From Fat Ladies

Everything goes easier after this.

-- herr doktor needsAcorpse Rocket.gif [scream!] 03:09, 4 May 2007 (UTC)

2 in a row, eh?[edit | edit source]

Freeze, evil-doer!!!
Black & White Cookies.gif
You have be
some black an
For voting on The 
en awarded
d white cookies
Black And White Man
Now sing along: “Ebony, Ivory, living in perfect harmony!”

--herr doktor needsAcorpse Rocket.gif [scream!] 04:12, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Tory poster.jpg Congratulations

Thank you for voting on Evolution of an Uncyclopedia editor. You have been awarded a meaningless template which was adapted slightly from an equally meaningless one by another user! You may now feel part of the Evolver Club, even though the writer has no idea who you are and is only giving you this so you vote for his articles again.

Thank You[edit | edit source]

Sorry I'm late here is your tea--SIR T H A T G U Y H U F F E D M E Snowman.png throw a snowball Snowman.png 11:00, 23 May 2007 (UTC)

LEGO[edit | edit source]

For voting on my Lego Assassination Image on VFP!

Sliffy thanks you!
I so totally stole this box

Now sing along: “Ebony, Ivory, living in perfect harmony!”

so sayeth Sliferjam ~ Talk * Sock * Jam * Gallery * Fearless Fosdick? Jambow.gif 15:22, 27 May 2007 (UTC)

Thank you![edit | edit source]

So I'm too lazy to make an actual template. Sue me! Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 14:08, 28 May 2007 (UTC)

Global Cooling[edit | edit source]

180px-The Earth seen from Apollo 17-white.jpg In recognition of your contribution toward maintaining a humourous atmosphere on Uncyclopedia.

Thank you for keeping Uncyclopedia cool.

- Slithy Tove 06:32, 31 May 2007 (UTC)

You reviewed My Little Pony[edit | edit source]

You gave it a resounding review, thank you.

Now it's on VFH. It's not doing so well. Every vote counts!-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 20:29, 19 June 2007 (UTC)

THANK'D!![edit | edit source]

Thank you very much!! --THINKER 06:46, 22 June 2007 (UTC)

A slightly belated thank you[edit | edit source]

-- 15Mickey20 (talk to Mickey)  19:05, 26 June 2007 (UTC)

You Judges the PLS! And you didn't fuck it up! Congratulations![edit | edit source]

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read articles for me for no pay. Sir ENeGMA (talk) GUN WotM PLS 20:26, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

cool[edit | edit source]

Bomb shelter.gif You are presented with one (1) bomb shelter for voting
for DOHS Anti-Terrorism Regulations.
In the event of a terrorist attack, simply place your bomb
in this handy (and stylish!) container to protect it from harm.

enjoy! --SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 01:22, 23 September 2007 (UTC)

Comrade[edit | edit source]

Red Ninjastar.png Thank you for supporting me for
dictatorship at the VFS. Now my
diabolical scheme for domination
can commence. You Are A True

~Spacer.gifSpacer.gifPremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png


hey[edit | edit source]

k thx bai Sir Groovester | Contributions | Talk Page 08:18, 12 October 2007 (UTC)

Thank you[edit | edit source]

Busta.png Thank you for helping me get my first ever featured article!--Dr. Fenwick 07:36, 20 October 2007 (UTC)

Excellent voting[edit | edit source]

Thank you!
For voting for Books never written!
Cainad thinks you deserve no less than a beige, green-bordered thank-you note for your support.
So that is what you get.

Seriously though, thanks. Leaving the article un-featured as a gimmick seemed... silly.

--The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 02:31, 2 November 2007 (UTC)

Thank you[edit | edit source]

American species2.gif
Thank you for voting for American (species)!

As thanks, I wanted to give you an actual species of Americanus, but, as I discovered, human sex slaves are apparently illegal, so this patriotic iguana will have to do.

Sincerely, CUN RA Talk to me _

--Acolyte CUN RA My cat is better than Benson talk stalk 03:36, 2 November 2007 (UTC)

The villains begrudgingly thank you[edit | edit source]

Thanks for the votes! Sir Groovester | Contributions | Talk Page 03:30, 17 November 2007 (UTC)