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That's not me
That's not me either, although, the picture is representative of my day-to-day dress.

Things that I wrote[edit | edit source]

Full articles[edit | edit source]

Features in bold. Quasi-features in hot pink italicised bold.

That is me. Just kidding. That's Mickey Mantle. Apparently he's a famous baseball player. I figured that out from the bat.
  • Roger Federer. A theme is starting to emerge. I like tennis, you see.
  • Cheryl Fernandez-Versini. Writing this was a very emotional and traumatic experience.
  • Paris Hilton. Did a near-total rewrite for the PLS of Winter 2008. Came second.
  • Martina Hingis. An honourably-mentioned PLS entry from Winter 2007. Reviews for this article have ranged from "Stalking greatness!" to "Deeply disturbing".
  • Health and safety.
  • Just A Minute. This was a mere stub before I got my hands on it.
  • Anna Kournikova. Part of my fabulous series of articles about tennis. It's a bit random and flits from story to story, but I still think it's quite funny nonetheless.
  • Lawn Tennis. The first whole article I made, as opposed to a rewrite and I love it so.
  • Amy Lee. This was lying in the eternal pit of despair of shattered hearts and broken dreams that is VFD until I whipped it into shape.
  • Old McDonald. My third featured article. Rejoice!
  • Dmitry Medvedev. I'm doing political satire again! I feel like an intellectual.
  • Sania Mirza. Yes, she's a tennis player. She is also the subject of my Poo lit-winning article of Summer 2008. Yay for me!
  • Sania Mirza: A Riposte. A sequel? I must be running out of ideas.
  • Shoaib Malik. So Sania Mirza is getting married, creating factual inaccuracies in her article. That sounds like cause for a formal complaint! Threequel!
  • Much Ado About Nothing. My attempt at culture.
  • Robert Mugabe. I did a lot of work towards this article's imperial colonization, getting it featured in the process. The irony of Robert Mugabe benefitting from imperialism is delicious.
  • UnBooks:The secret diary of Andrew Murray, aged 20¾. My first UnBook, but my fifth tennis article.
  • Rafael Nadal. People often ask me where I get my ideas. "Where do you get your ideas for articles?" they say. I just shrug and turn over to Eurosport. Then I write the tenth best article of 2008.
  • Necrophiliphobia. Original idea by Mrthejazz. I gave advice and spruced it up.
  • UnPoetia:Ode to my toaster. A glorious runner-up at the Summer 2007 PLS. Always the bridesmaid...
  • Penis penis Penis penis penis penis Penis penis. Quite possibly the dumbest article I've ever been involved with. I think it's funny, though.
  • Zara Phillips. I also rewrote this for the PLS, again in Summer 2007. Hooray for Wimbledon rain delays!
  • Vladimir Putin. Let's hope he has a sense of humour.
  • Charlie Sheen. Made more bitching.
  • Sweatshop. Featured article number 4!
  • Game:Oliver Twist. I added the "break into song" diversion. I can't take any credit for the article's featured status, though. That's all Cajek.

UnNewses[edit | edit source]

Coming Soon (if by "soon" you mean "maybe sometime this year, maybe never")[edit | edit source]

This is what I would look like if I became a wrestler, or if I somehow ended up playing one in a film. I would win an oscar, though.

Contributed chunks of text. Good, meaty chunks.[edit | edit source]

Translations[edit | edit source]

It gives me a giddy little thrill to find that someone has taken the time to translate one of my articles into a foreign language. Here are the one's which to my knowledge have had that honour. If you know of others, please let me know.

I wish this was me. I'd never leave the house.

Things that I didn't write, not even good meaty chunks of text. I just think they're funny.[edit | edit source]

Templates and stuff. Well, just templates, actually. This section is entirely stuff-free.[edit | edit source]

Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: Queen Elizabeth I
Vogon.jpg Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise writing competition, which they won for their article: Sania Mirza
Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month February 2008
Aristocrat en Regalia
This person is a winner of the Aristocrat's Ball, which they won for their article: User:15Mickey20/The_Aristocrats
United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
and can call you wanker with impunity.
(British Uncyclopedians)
Newcookie.gif Somebody has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
This user rewrote 2 pages for Conservation Week, because they care. How many have you rewritten, huh?
Grue weapon.jpg
Fenris was here.
Grue weapon.jpg

  1. Please note: Quotations included herein may have been misattributed or completely fabricated. This is for the purpose of misleading the general public.