Uncyclopedia:Wilde/Image Series
Our Fair Oscar[edit source]
Below, you will find the wonderful images in the Oscar Wilde Image Series. Founded in 2006 by RadicalX, the series incorporates images of Oscar Wilde (and people who kind of look like Oscar Wilde) from all time periods and situations. And, our patriarch has gotten himself into some fun photographical situations, to be sure!
The Gallery[edit source]
I'll bet you think those are a woman's legs. (by RadicalX)
Oscar, though an able athlete, was removed from the team over a heated color-scheme dispute with the owner. (by Spintherism)
Poet's pride rally. (by sannse)
The most important toy line this winter ... WILDEFORCE! Earnest Heroes. (Cane not included.) (by RadicalX)
Our protagonist waits in purgatory for an answer from God. (by RadicalX)
Hollywood onlookers may have been stunned with Oscar's choice of attire at the 2001 Academy Awards, but he felt entitled to dress flamboyantly because, after all, that little golden phallic statue is named after him. (by Imrealized)
Oscar tries to see the dinosaur in this piece of art. Can you see it?(by Zombiebaron)
A rare color photo of Oscar Wilde.
Oscar Wilde frozen in carbonite.
It appears as though Oscar Wilde was frozen in carbonite on several occasions.
What appears to be an early photo of Wilde.
The stock image of Oscar Wilde.
Oscar Wilde in his short-lived animated cartoon series, The Good, the Bad, and the Wild(e). Note his ready-to-quote look and the signature pimp cane. (by SaltyKid)
Oscar Wilde rocking out with gay-lover Freddie Mercury of Queen. Note Brian May's envious glare. Taken from the animated film Oscar Wilde's Wild Adventure. (by SaltyKid)
Another picture of Oscar Wilde frozen in carbonite.
Wilde held
at willcaptive in the Turkish sex trade.Oscar Wilde is also a skilled fencer.
Even Oscar Wilde is shocked at his popularity.
Oscar Wilde even occurs in video games.
His Wildeness doing battle with Lord Byron.
Oscar Wilde is a typical
AnglicanUnglican Bishop, abeit, less floppish than average.This MS Paint alteration is also critically needed in this gallery.
Wilde visiting San Francisco, speading the Gospel of homosexuality.
Oscar Wilde in a bikini.
Every time you upload a stupid picture of Oscar Wilde to Uncyclopedia, God freezes a naked pregnant woman in carbonite.
An example of a stupid picture of Oscar Wilde.
The spirit of Wilde at the Boston Tea Party, held by Mr T of course.
Wilde was also a Catholic Monk. He was kicked out for obvious reasons.
Wilde on "unLSD".
A painting-like image of Wilde.
Oscar Wilde was briefly on Sesame Street, he was kicked off for obvious reasons.
Oscar Wilde on Sesame Street again.
A slightly modified and unfunny version of the stock image of Oscar Wilde.
Oscar Wilde was briefly a Furry.
Yet another image of Oscar Wilde!
Oscar Wilde and his man-whore.
Oscar Wilde Was also a smiley. A popular smiley.
Oscar Wilde played Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies
Wilde is also the inventor of iHumor, and its Limey counterpart, iHumour
Oscar Wilde in happier times, when he ganged raped Winston Churchill with the aid of Mark Twain.
The Mugshot of Oscar Wilde when he reported to prison for his "Gross Indecency" conviction
Oscar Wilde was also a rapper
Oscar Wilde eventually decided furries weren't Wilde enough, and tried being a Venus fly trap for a while
Oscar Wilde is so kewl, he has his own action figure
Oscar Wilde has his own video game
Oscar Wilde still being a gay cowboy
Oscar Wilde has finally combined his two passions in life, wit and sexual assault
Oscar Wilde has jumped the shark
Oscar Wilde also represents "Change"
"This item might be found in your local supermarket's cereal isle." -Captain Obvious
Oscar Wilde coined another one. (heheh! It's a pun!)
Oscar Wilde had boobs?!
The power of Wilde unites two more foes.
That bitch that Oscar's with doesn't seem too pleased with him...
Wouldn't it be funny if Oscar Wilde was president of the United States? Um no...
Oscar Wilde starring in UnScripts:HMS Potatore