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He's a Wilde Thang!
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Garden of Eden

“In-a-gadda-da-vida, baby/Don't you know that I love you/In-a-gadda-da-vida, baby/Don't you know that I'll always be true”

~ Oscar Wilde on Garden of Eden

Gay conspiracy

“I don't believe in a vast gay conspiracy. Wait a minute... who put this dick in my ass?”

~ Oscar Wilde on the vast gay conspiracy

Geek Empire

“One day they will inherit the earth, or was it Croydon, I forget now”

~ Oscar Wilde on Geek Empire

Genghis Kahn

“Genghis and I were good friends. We often had Tea after he buggered me.”

George Bush

“I do not care about a man who cannot perform his duties nor restrain his retardisms.”

~ Oscar Wilde on George Bush


“What? No we cant stop there, thats bat country!”

Gerhard Schröder

“One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except being raised by cattle. ”

~ Oscar Wilde on Gerhard Schröder


“Hallo! WAS?”


“What's this in my inbox? More Porn Spam? WTF? Aaaarrrggg!!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Giantmutantspideration

Global Warming, pirates

“If there's one thing pirates can't steal, it's UV rays.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Global Warming


“I say, are those damn Gnomes at it again? If they knock up my cat once more, I'm calling in an exterminator.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Gnomes

Goat cheese

“Goat cheese scares me more than Feta.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Goat cheese


“I had the goatse man. Disappointing.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Goatse

Godel's Incompleteness Theorem

“So the problem is incomplete. Who cares? I know plenty of people who are a little incomplete themselves, if you know what I mean (You know who you are). Godel was a good guy, but will that bastard called history honor him, too? Only God, our merciless and just God, knows”

~ Oscar Wilde on Godel's Incompleteness Theorem


“God is great, but Godzilla kicks ass!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Godzilla

Gordon Freeman

“He put that crowbar where? That, good sir, is grossly indecent.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Gordon Freeman


“A grue is here now. I am writing a haiku. Please go away, grue.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Grue

Grue as food

“In Soviet Russia, Grue is considered to be a delicacy!”


“Careful with that axe, Eugene...”