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He's a Wilde Thang!
Welcome to the Wilde Side of Uncyclopedia
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0. Da Happy Wanderer

“You can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a ladies' man, no time for talk.”

~ Oscar Wilde on 0._Da_Happy_Wanderer

11 (number)

“It's ridiculous. It's not even funny.”

12 (number)

“Here come 'da judge!”

12 year olds invading the internet

“Noname is pretty cool for a 13 year old.”


“1337n3s5 iz n3x7 2 90Dli3n355”

1337:y0ur m0m

“d0n'7 (hu' 83 741k1n' 480u7 my m0mm4.”


“Hmm..that wasn't very funny at all.”

~ Oscar Wilde on 1846


“Now that's more funny than a barrel full of horse dubies!”

~ Oscar Wilde on 1846

1939 Uncyclopedia Flame Wars

“So three Pollacks walk into a nightclub. Or was that the other way around?”

~ Oscar Wilde on the 1939 Uncyclopedia Flame Wars


1988 was a year I devoted to God, sex, drugs and school girls. I can't remember those crazy orgies without crying.”


“25 is sweeter then the morning, and bolder than a thousand grease donkeys with spanners”

~ Oscar Wilde on 25

Number 9

“#9! #9! #9! #9! #9!”