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He's a Wilde Thang!
Welcome to the Wilde Side of Uncyclopedia
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“Taht is not Tihs because it is tehr and not ehre.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Taht


“Sure let's call it that.”


“I expected these articles to taste like chicken, but they don't really taste like anything.”

~ Oscar Wilde on


“...Mr President? I figured if anyone knew where to get some tang, it'd be you...”

~ Oscar Wilde on Tang


“Let me tell you about the last time I was in Texas. What, you want to know about taxes? Fuck that shit!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Taxes


“All the better to eat you with, my dear...”

~ Oscar Wilde on Teeth

The Force

“What do you mean THE Force? Every educated man knows that there are two forces: one for the Jedi and one for sandwiches.”

~ Oscar Wilde on The Force

The Killers

“The band's performance at Glastonbury in 2005 made me wet my pants.”

~ Oscar Wilde on The Killers


“Yeah, I've been all up in there.”

~ Oscar Wilde on There


“You're thor? I'm tho thor I can hardly pith!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Thor

Time, digital

“Counter-clockwise means nothing to a digital watch.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Time

Time, illusion

“Time is an illusion. That makes lunchtime twice as long.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Time

Time, quote

“You think I have time to give a bloody quote on time?!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Time

Tip O'Neill

“He was a Speaker, but no one listens to fat people or liberals.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Tip O'Neill


“Just TiVo it.”

~ Oscar Wilde on TiVo


“What better to toast a toasted one with, than toast?”


“I suppose tomatos are- technically speaking, of course- pluralized with an "e."

~ Oscar Wilde on Tomato


“Treacle, eh? I know that's why I became a dressmaker!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Treacle


“Tuesdays are glorified Mondays no matter how holy they are.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Tuesdays


“At twilight, nature is not without loveliness, though perhaps its chief use is to bone people's daughters without them knowing.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Sex