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“Man, it isn't fuckin' funny at all.”
Jimmy Page
“Sure, I liked the solo from "Heartbreaker", but "Stairway" is just overplayed. And he couldn't play the blues to save his life. Clapton is God.”
“A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal – Panama!”
“Able was I ere I saw Panama.”
“Sometimes I like to brag, sometimes I'm soft-spoken / When I'm in Holland I eat the pannenkoeken.”
Pauly Shore
“Pauly Shore is as unto a wild rosebud or a young car thief; O Pauly Shore, the loins of the the yearn for your vintage pr0n.”
“I have nothing to declare except my penis.”
People's Republic of Canada
“Why the fuck did I just buy a few acres of snow with the blood of a few American soldiers that were lying around?”
“A one-legged duck can only swim in circles.”
“A pie is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?”
“Where's my money b!&*# ?! Oh hi mum..”
“Did you mean pimp honeypants ?”
Pin the Tail on the Donkey
“Oh, a pin. No, I would not like a pin up the ass. That sounds most unpleasant.”
Planck Constant
“The length of a plank is always constant.”
Playstation 2
“A Playstation 2 is not at all related to either match-sticks or monkeys”
Plot twist
“I never use them, myself.”
“Oo, er. I suppose I do use them, but I'm not proud of it. You know, rather like ten year old boys.”
“I'll trade you two Pikachus and a Geodude for your Charizard!!!”
“What's the contour integral around Western Europe? Zero, because there are no Poles in Western Europe... Well, there are a few, but those are removable!”
“If Gandhi can drink his own urine, why can't I eat my own poop?!”
“Don't fuck with The Pope - he'll excommunicate your ass, and that ain't pleasant.”
“It was a clear case of the Pot calling the Kettle black.”
Potato Batteries
“Without my trusty potato battery, these electrodes hooked to my testicles would be useless.”
“It is said that power corrupts, but it is he who doesn't want power who is truly corrupted.”
“If God didn't mean for us to eat pussy, why did he make it look so much like a taco?”
“Purgatory makes me rotten brains ROFL. Haha, ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL”