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He's a Wilde Thang!
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Page 189

“Man, it isn't fuckin' funny at all.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Page 189

Jimmy Page

“Sure, I liked the solo from "Heartbreaker", but "Stairway" is just overplayed. And he couldn't play the blues to save his life. Clapton is God.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Jimmy Page


“A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal – Panama!”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Panama Canal


“Able was I ere I saw Panama.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Panama Canal


“Sometimes I like to brag, sometimes I'm soft-spoken / When I'm in Holland I eat the pannenkoeken.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Pannenkoeken

Pauly Shore

“Pauly Shore is as unto a wild rosebud or a young car thief; O Pauly Shore, the loins of the the yearn for your vintage pr0n.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Pauly Shore


“I have nothing to declare except my penis.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Penis

People's Republic of Canada

“Why the fuck did I just buy a few acres of snow with the blood of a few American soldiers that were lying around?”

~ Oscar Wilde on the People's Republic of Canada


“A one-legged duck can only swim in circles.”


“A pie is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?”

~ Oscar Wilde on Pie


“Where's my money b!&*# ?! Oh hi mum..”


“Did you mean pimp honeypants ?”

~ Oscar Wilde on P.I.M.P.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

“Oh, a pin. No, I would not like a pin up the ass. That sounds most unpleasant.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Pin the Tail on the Donkey

Planck Constant

“The length of a plank is always constant.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Planck Constant

Playstation 2

“A Playstation 2 is not at all related to either match-sticks or monkeys

~ Oscar Wilde on Playstation 2

Plot twist

“I never use them, myself.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Plot twist

“Oo, er. I suppose I do use them, but I'm not proud of it. You know, rather like ten year old boys.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Plot twist


“I'll trade you two Pikachus and a Geodude for your Charizard!!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Pokémon


“What's the contour integral around Western Europe? Zero, because there are no Poles in Western Europe... Well, there are a few, but those are removable!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Poland


“If Gandhi can drink his own urine, why can't I eat my own poop?!”


“Don't fuck with The Pope - he'll excommunicate your ass, and that ain't pleasant.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Pope


“It was a clear case of the Pot calling the Kettle black.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Pot v. Kettle

Potato Batteries

“Without my trusty potato battery, these electrodes hooked to my testicles would be useless.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Potato Batteries


“It is said that power corrupts, but it is he who doesn't want power who is truly corrupted.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Power


“If God didn't mean for us to eat pussy, why did he make it look so much like a taco?”

~ Oscar Wilde on Pussy


“Purgatory makes me rotten brains ROFL. Haha, ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL”

~ Oscar Wilde on Purgatory