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He's a Wilde Thang!
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Daddy Long Legs

“mmm daddy long legs possibly the most dangerously lame thing invented.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs Bitten

“ahh the fucker bit me… oh wait he has no fangs” (chuckles) “Unlucky!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Being bitten by a Daddy Long Legs

Dance Dance Revolution

“Explosions are not what it takes, the terrorists always make these mistakes.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Dance Dance Revolution

Darth Vader

“Don't blame me, I voted for David Hasselhoff.”

Dave Chapelle

“I contest your fallacies sir, for I am Rick James bitch!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Dave Chapelle

David Hasselhoff

“He's just too gay for my liking, sad Tasslehoff Burrfoot wanna-be Halfling that he is.”


“Death comes to those who wait.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Death

Dead babies

“I once killed a baby, I held open its mouth and poured sugar down its throat until it choked.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Dead babies


“Delete, when used with Ctrl and Alt, is a force to be reckoned with.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Delete

Dennis the Menace

“What spirit! What magnificent childlike joie de vivre! It took a couple of Lenin quotes, but eventually I sweet-talked the little rascal into bed.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Dennis_the_Menace

Just Deserts

“He nailed my head to the coffee table, but I deserved it.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Just Deserts

Dick Cheney

“In Soviet Russia, Dick sucks you!”

Digital TV

“Show me a man with no fingers and I'll show you a good time”


“Doubt is in the mind of the queer one.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Doubt

Dr. Sahara

“Dr. Sahara is a man who I know well. He can't go 3 hours without brushing his teeth. What an oddball.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Dr. Sahara


“Don't be a sissy, it's not going to bite.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Dragon


“I hate people who take drugs- especially those people in customs...they take the most!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Drugs


“I'm so drunk I don't think I could lie down without holding on.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Drunk


“A duck by any other name is still a goose.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Duck

Dukes of Hazzard

“Looks like those Duke boys better grow some wings... or start flapping their arms, which is to say a serious accident is about to occur.”