“I'm sorry my boy, you are just stupid, and NOT in any way witty. Go back to that other page.”
Nancy Reagan
“A lovely woman. Just make sure to get out of her way when she sees a bottle.”
“Oh...Oh god...Ooo Oh God...Oh...Oh...Oh.. QUOTH THE RAVEN, 'NEVERMORE' !!”
Native Americans
“Feathers, not dots!”
New York's Village Halloween Parade
“New York is Pretty fucking gay.”
Niagara Falls
“Niagara Falls!!! Slowly I turned... step by step...”
“There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is, 'How do you pronounce Nietzsche?' Seriously. Nobody knows.”
“Number Nine. Number Nine. Number Nine.”
“Ninjas are totally sweet, but not as totally sweet as me.”
“So, this Norse guy is all like, "Þorgeirr blundr, systursonr Egils, var þar á þinginu ok hafði gengit hart at liðveizlu við Þorstein. Hann bað Egil ok þá Þorstein koma sér til staðfestu út þangat á Mýrar; hann bjó áðr fyrir sunnan Hvítá, fyrir neðan Blundsvatn. Egill tók vel á því ok fýsti Þorstein, at þeir léti hann þangat fara. Egill setti Þorgeir blund niðr at Ánabrekku, en Steinarr fœrði bústað sinn út yfir Langá ok settisk niðr at Leirulæk. En Egill reið heim suðr á Nes eptir þingit með flokk sinn, ok skildusk þeir feðgar með kærleik!" And so then I'm all like, "Dude, what are you talking about?"”
“Throughout all of human history, there has been one country that has set so examplary an example for other countries in matters of civil liberties, social justice, militarism and political ethics that it has stood the test of time as the greatest nation on this earth. Norway modeled itself poorly after this country.”
“Nostradamus wasn't fucking around. Pats taking the Super Bowl? In the fucking book. No shit.”
Nuclear explosion
“Bang! Yeah, just like that, only, you know, bigger, like. Yeah, that's BIGGER. Or perhaps LARGER THAN THAT! Boom! How do you like that, suckers? Yeah, fucked you right up. You thought you was so clever looking all hard and that, then I go and flip right out and smack you one.”