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He's a Wilde Thang!
Welcome to the Wilde Side of Uncyclopedia
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“I hear that there have been many recent reports of angry foxes eating people's fæces. I would imagine it is most unpleasant.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Fæces


“You talk on and on about this straw man, but I would much rather move up to a man of wood, especially if he would call me his 'Big Bad Wolf'.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Fallacy


“Fatal error - false query string. Re-order syntax entities.”

~ Oscar Wilde on False

Fatal Error

“My apologies to whoever's death made this error fatal.”

~ Oscar Wilde on the fatal error

Finger skateboard

“And pray tell, have they yet made one suitable for the balls?”

~ Oscar Wilde on Finger skateboard


“Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I want to be,
Pony trekking or camping,
Or just watching TV.
Finland, Finland, Finland.
It's the country for me.
Finland, Finland, Finland.
Finland has it all.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Finland


“You have to realize that as good as your uncyclopedia article may be, it'll get so FUCKED UP by other users that no one will know what the hell you were trying to say. And then everyone will think you're a jackass.”


“Good God in Heaven, what the hell was I smoking when I wrote this festering crap?”

~ Oscar Wilde on the Flintstones


“One has one's own foibles, but then who is to say that all of our own little foibles are not unlike strange little monsters called Mildred. For me at least, this is the crux of the matter at hand and one which leads me to the conclusion that the French are an unbelievably smelly and/or ignorant people.”

~ Oscar Wilde on foible


“Don't tell the French.”

~ Oscar Wilde on France

France factoids

“I preferred the Frankfurter.”

~ Oscar Wilde on France


“All arrangements of the cards in Freecell are winnable - any who would tell you otherwise are idiots.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Freecell

its whenm you hit a policeman and get free accomodation


“I love the French language.... fantastic language, especially to curse with... it's like wiping your arse with silk!”

~ Oscar Wilde on French

French pussy

“Le French are Pussies

~ Oscar Wilde on France


“It wasn't until I looked at his theories that I realized how hot my mom really was!
The kids at school weren't joking!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Freud


“I'm making artificial lovers for free, I start to howl, I'm in heat, I moan and growl and the hunt drives me crazy - I Fuck like a Beast!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Fuck