Forum:Gravel campaign response to endorsement
After writing this Unnews article , I e-mailed the Gravel campaign to inquire about their response. Today I received this message from them:
We appreciate Uncyclopedia's dedication to awesome, and are happy to have their support onboard.
Despite his dissent in opinion, the Senator is strongly considering Zim_ulator as his Secretary of Defense upon election.
J. Skyler McKinley
Colorado State Director
National Multimedia Coordinator
Mike Gravel for President 2008
(720) 936-6630
--Composure1 00:58, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Holy shit. I've been saying this from day one, but I cannot stress it enough right now: ELECT THIS MAN! --
- While voting is located below, you can also donate to Gravel's campaign-- 22:55, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
01:00, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
Vote for Mike Gravel
- Is he a democrat or a republican? Ah, who cares? Strong for! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 01:30, Feb 6
- Hell Yes! I have no fracking clue why, but I've been rooting for this guy ever since he made an appearance on The Daily Show. --The Acceptable
(Fnord) 02:53, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- *Looks in to the camera for a minute.* This man is great! He's a democrat, too so I don't feel as if I'm going against Al Gore in anyway. --Dexter111344 04:37, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- I would have! I couldn't go to my state's caucus tonight, but I woulda been one of only two Gravel people there. Of course, then I would have switched to Obama after Gravel was declared not viable. --
06:04, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Abstain. I want to vote for the black guy. – 07:01, Feb. 6, 2008
- For -- 18:17, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- I'm not American! - Yayyy! I don't have to care! Feb 6, 18:42
- Original exclamation! Witty comment going along with the crowd but still standing out enough to appear clever so that people will like me! Three tildes instead of four because I have a custom timestamp, making me cool! ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:28 6 Feb, 2008)
- Reply, based on the utter absence of coolness from you, and probably insulting at or to either your mother, father, siblings, inbred relatives, religion, political affiliation, or penis (or possibly lack thereof). Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 21:36, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Links to a page called Nobody cares. Points out that this has been done before by people who are far more skilled at such nonsense than us. Non sequitur. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:51, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Comment pointing out the link to Nobody Cares in mine own sig, calls you a bastard. Reference to HATE HAET HAT to make everyone aware of the fact that I know what that is. Wins the argument in my own mind. Jacks off to hentai, unable to ejaculate due to rage. One more reason to hate you. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 22:13 6 Feb, 2008)
![]() |
¡Laugh-a-palooza! |
- Annoyed by topic, forgets to sign in. 22:53, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- And this person would replace the Queen as the head of the Commonwealth? -- Sir Mhaille
(talk to me)
- Late reply. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 13:59, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
New heading to restart these things: ::::
New short sentence to spark new discussion. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 23:08 6 Feb, 2008)
- Laments that wiki isn't as good as it once was. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:33, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Advisory to take what you get. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 23:36 6 Feb, 2008)
- Oversensitive capitalized retort that is typed in an immensely immature manner for the purpose of mocking the n00b stereotype. Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 23:46, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Additional edit without first understanding your last comment, agrees to whatever it is you just said even though I don't get the joke. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 00:08 7 Feb, 2008)
- Bitching about how the Village Dump is extremely unfunny. – 04:24, Feb. 7, 2008
- Agrees with the person above, but due to edit conflicts, actually meant to agree with the 3rd or 4th or 17th-ish person above. --
Spillin Dylan
05:03, Feb 7 2008
- Condescending statement asking who you are. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 20:13 7 Feb, 2008)
- Agrees with the person above, but due to edit conflicts, actually meant to agree with the 3rd or 4th or 17th-ish person above. --
- Bitching about how the Village Dump is extremely unfunny. – 04:24, Feb. 7, 2008
- Additional edit without first understanding your last comment, agrees to whatever it is you just said even though I don't get the joke. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 00:08 7 Feb, 2008)
- Oversensitive capitalized retort that is typed in an immensely immature manner for the purpose of mocking the n00b stereotype. Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 23:46, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- Advisory to take what you get. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 23:36 6 Feb, 2008)
You need to watch this.
- Well, there go 38 seconds of my life, down the toilet. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 21:35, Feb 7
- I'm not sure why, but I had to watch it twice... --Dexter111344 21:45, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
- Is it just me or did it not embed?
Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff..
21:48, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
- Other comment expressing my amusement at this rather droll video which contributes nothing to the conversation (unless you count using the word "droll" as a contribution) ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:49 7 Feb, 2008)
- No, it didn't embed. An IP posted it, so obviously it doesn't work. ;) - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 21:53, Feb 7
- Is it just me or did it not embed?
- I'm not sure why, but I had to watch it twice... --Dexter111344 21:45, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
- Holy shit. I thought YouTube removed that video. That was the single greatest video I've ever seen, and it's a real joy to see it again. --
- Uhh...TKF? You ok? Heeeyyy, wait a minute! This isn't the real TKF! /me removes the TKF mask to reveal the IP that posted the vid, who happens to be Mike Gravel, who says something about how he would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for us meddling kids, and our dog. Rooby rooby roooooooo! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 22:02, Feb 7
21:58, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
- Uhh...TKF? You ok? Heeeyyy, wait a minute! This isn't the real TKF! /me removes the TKF mask to reveal the IP that posted the vid, who happens to be Mike Gravel, who says something about how he would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for us meddling kids, and our dog. Rooby rooby roooooooo! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
Inserts much better video, and adds a comment about its superiority. Also, mahna mahna. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 22:00, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
- Declaration of this thread's epic status, reminiscent addition about how much I miss the Muppet Show. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 22:08 7 Feb, 2008)
- Pointless comment for no reason other than to get my name into this thread. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:59, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Declaration of you being a whore. Addition taking this opportunity to declare this thread legendary, as people are just LINING UP TO HAVE THEIR NAMES IN IT. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 20:01 8 Feb, 2008)
- Post with no purpose other than to attempt to append myself to the joke, which you are all probably sick of anyway. Also, category. -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:31, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Subsequent post adding further witty statement. -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:31, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Subsequent post whoring my latest something-or-other-- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:31, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Subsequent post adding further witty statement. -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:31, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Post with no purpose other than to attempt to append myself to the joke, which you are all probably sick of anyway. Also, category. -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:31, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Declaration of you being a whore. Addition taking this opportunity to declare this thread legendary, as people are just LINING UP TO HAVE THEIR NAMES IN IT. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 20:01 8 Feb, 2008)
- Pointless comment for no reason other than to get my name into this thread. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:59, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
Second vote of the topic, clever heading to make you click on it since it's at the bottom of the page.
- Even MORE original exclamation! Desperate vote attempting to squeeze as much as I can out of this joke to assure myself that you all still like me and aren't sick of this yet. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:43 8 Feb, 2008)
- Olipro - reference to everyone's favorite condom advert (think about it), kind of sick of the joke, but continuing because we are essentially a hive mind. -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:51, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Halo 3 reference. Unfunny, totally planned realization that I'm thinking of Gravemind. Other closing sentence about crickets. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:57 8 Feb, 2008)
- More vaguely self-referential non-sequitors. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 01:11, Feb 9
- Another attempt to this Pee Review request fulfilled as speedily as possible because it's been on there since the 29th. --Dexter111344 07:01, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- Comment to the effect that there are 11 articles that have been on there longer (at the last count) and that you could always review a couple yourself to reduce the size of the queue and increase your chances. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:25, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- Vaguely off-colour joke about nipples. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 13:59, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- Very off joke about colored nipples. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 16:54 9 Feb, 2008)
- Unfunny "joke" about how late Kat is and wondering what you Americans are on about.
Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff..
22:40, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- Sarcastic welcome to what Uncyclopedia has been lolling about for the past few days. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 23:18 9 Feb, 2008)
- Overused meme based joke. Statement about how great boobies are. Signature. 00:08, Feb 10
- Realization that this joke will probably never leave this topic. Silent reflection as to whether or not I should try this elsewhere, as well as whether or not people actually believe that I type out all of my thoughts subconsciously. Statement rooted in a quiet pride in being the one to start this joke. Question as to whether or not it should be officially laid to rest soon and if I'm the one who is going to have to do it. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 00:16 10 Feb, 2008)
- Urge to use this joke anywhere and everywhere, until ADHD kicks in, and I forget to to it when I see a delightfully coloured birdie on a tree. 00:52, Feb 10
- Delighted reward of boobies for such an idea. (.Y.) Reminder that there's more where those came from. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 00:58 10 Feb, 2008)
- Realization that one year ago yesterday Anna Nicole Smith went to the great photo shoot in the sky. Offer of even bigger bewbies in her honor. ( . Y . )
Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff..
01:42, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Realization that one year ago yesterday Anna Nicole Smith went to the great photo shoot in the sky. Offer of even bigger bewbies in her honor. ( . Y . )
- Delighted reward of boobies for such an idea. (.Y.) Reminder that there's more where those came from. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 00:58 10 Feb, 2008)
- Urge to use this joke anywhere and everywhere, until ADHD kicks in, and I forget to to it when I see a delightfully coloured birdie on a tree. 00:52, Feb 10
- Realization that this joke will probably never leave this topic. Silent reflection as to whether or not I should try this elsewhere, as well as whether or not people actually believe that I type out all of my thoughts subconsciously. Statement rooted in a quiet pride in being the one to start this joke. Question as to whether or not it should be officially laid to rest soon and if I'm the one who is going to have to do it. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 00:16 10 Feb, 2008)
- Overused meme based joke. Statement about how great boobies are. Signature. 00:08, Feb 10
- Sarcastic welcome to what Uncyclopedia has been lolling about for the past few days. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 23:18 9 Feb, 2008)
- Unfunny "joke" about how late Kat is and wondering what you Americans are on about.
- Very off joke about colored nipples. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 16:54 9 Feb, 2008)
- Vaguely off-colour joke about nipples. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 13:59, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- Comment to the effect that there are 11 articles that have been on there longer (at the last count) and that you could always review a couple yourself to reduce the size of the queue and increase your chances. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:25, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- Another attempt to this Pee Review request fulfilled as speedily as possible because it's been on there since the 29th. --Dexter111344 07:01, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
- More vaguely self-referential non-sequitors. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
- Halo 3 reference. Unfunny, totally planned realization that I'm thinking of Gravemind. Other closing sentence about crickets. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:57 8 Feb, 2008)
- Olipro - reference to everyone's favorite condom advert (think about it), kind of sick of the joke, but continuing because we are essentially a hive mind. -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 21:51, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- Mixed feelings of inferiority as Kat's boobs are bigger than mine as well as respect for such sizable cans. Realization that it has also been one year since every man in existence came forward as the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, the name of which no one seems to remember despite being the father. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 01:52 10 Feb, 2008)
- Wasn't it Larry Butthead? Whoops, I broke the pattern.
Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff..
16:51, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Translates above to appropriate format for page. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 16:57, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Wasn't it Larry Butthead? Whoops, I broke the pattern.
Meaningless abstain, despite the fact that the focus of this forum is on discussion and nobody cares about the vote. Regret at not having used an opportunity to link to [[Nobody cares]]. Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 19:13, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Reminder that everything on this site is, essentially, nothing more than a link to Nobody cares. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 20:59 10 Feb, 2008)
- Speculation as to why Nobody cares isn't the most linked-to page on the site. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 21:22, Feb 10
- Irrelevant comment on the sexiness and unreadability of my new sig. Question about whether or not the comment was off-topic. Can you read that? Feel the love. 21:33, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Irreverent comment on the sexiness and irresistibility of Boomer. Question about whether or not Boomer would like to go off-topic with me. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:59 10 Feb, 2008)
- Suggestion that the above two get a room (preferably one where when you go in you can't come out). -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 22:16, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Obscure reference to the scene in Cube 2: Hypercube where the two people have sex in a room that contains a time-warp, and die of aging during the act. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 22:27, Feb 10
- Comment on how unbelievably sexy that would be. /me daydream statement. Can you read that? Feel the love. 22:35, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Obscure reference to the scene in Cube 2: Hypercube where the two people have sex in a room that contains a time-warp, and die of aging during the act. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
- Suggestion that the above two get a room (preferably one where when you go in you can't come out). -- red Ape (blast) (Riot Porn) 22:16, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Irreverent comment on the sexiness and irresistibility of Boomer. Question about whether or not Boomer would like to go off-topic with me. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 21:59 10 Feb, 2008)
- Irrelevant comment on the sexiness and unreadability of my new sig. Question about whether or not the comment was off-topic. Can you read that? Feel the love. 21:33, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- Speculation as to why Nobody cares isn't the most linked-to page on the site. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
- Reminder that everything on this site is, essentially, nothing more than a link to Nobody cares. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF (@ 20:59 10 Feb, 2008)