Forum:Count to a million/Archive XIX

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Count to a million/Archive XIX
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4628 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I still think it's cheating.

But nobody cares. Also, VMMMMVI. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:32, 04/14/2012

Yea, we should probably put it back you know. If we are going to take this counting to a million business seriously. This is serious business after all. :-) MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 22:47, Apr 14
Great, now I have to go back and cross out the whole thing... --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 22:59, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
Where are we again? ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:33, 04/14/2012
Technically, it would be 6,168 because I already said 6,167. We can start at either number. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:35, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
6,169 You just said 6,168. Mother bitches! -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-04-15T04:33
@Kırby: I can live with that. VMCLXX Also, @Qzekrom: May I have permission to remove all the numbers (6,167-9000) above? Because it's a serious pain in the ass to load. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 04:40, 04/15/2012

I archived this.

See /Archive 18. Also 11000000110112. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 18:53, April 15, 2012 (UTC)

Wow, that last archive went by like super quickly. Also, VMCLXXII. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 19:54, 04/15/2012
It sure did.
What are we gonna do about CISPA? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 19:55, April 15, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: I don't know. I already signed the petition against it 6,174 times. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:31, 04/15/2012
Capitalism sucks. Also, 6,175. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:35, April 15, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: There's an online movement going on where everybody shuts down their Facebook account. I would join it, but I don't own a Facebook. Also, VMCLXXVI. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 00:24, 04/17/2012
6,177 There's a boycott? Wow. I'm on Google+. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 00:41, April 17, 2012 (UTC)
6,178 people hate the Microsoft ad. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kemador CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 08:37, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

Suxxors Nominally Humane! 09:06 17 Apr

6,170. Who can beat this? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 20:25, April 17, 2012 (UTC)
  • @Puppy: @Qzekrom: Guys, your formatting is making this page impossible to load on my mobile phone. Please cut it out or I'll have to slap you in the faces with 6,171 fishes. No, seriously. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:55, 04/17/2012
Done. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 22:56, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

New forum rules for formatting?

Should we have rules for CSS here? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 22:57, April 17, 2012 (UTC)


No. and counting bad much? Nominally Humane! 12:28 18 Apr

  • 6173, now please keep in track! GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kemador CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 10:52, April 18, 2012 (UTC)
  • 6174 ... Years since I counted with y'guys, and it's still at the thousands? Son, I am dissapoint. --WathyreckkA SPLODE O.o 12:20, April 18, 2012 (UTC)
  • Wait, sorry, I accidentally set it back to 6170, so we should really be at 6,185 by now. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 20:52, April 19, 2012 (UTC)
  • Why did you think I was adding the right number in bright colour in the middle of the screen? (other than for lols, obviously). And 6181 because each number has to be counted, even if we do screw up the order. Nominally Humane! 11:51 19 Apr
Alright, thanks for helping out Dawg! (That's what they say in New Yawk.) Anyway, if we create some bots to help out with the ocunt we'd be there in no time. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 20:25, April 20, 2012 (UTC)
  • @Qzekrom: I'd create one, in fact, I'd create around 6,183 bots, but I don't know how. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:11, 04/21/2012
  • Ever heard of the PyWikipediaBot Framework for MediaWiki applications? It's 6,184 times better than the other stuff you'll find out there (I think) and (I think) will work on Wikia as well. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:49, April 21, 2012 (UTC)
  • 6185th attempt at making the Facebook article. Also, it's Nueva York. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kemador CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 10:33, April 21, 2012 (UTC)
  • 6186 crap lines used in this forum! ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 10:36, April 21, 2012 (UTC)
  • If only...
6187 years later
Some Guy: And we're still at 6188!

--Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 16:15, April 21, 2012 (UTC)


How come every time I get to say a number it's always even? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 22:04, April 21, 2012 (UTC)

Who knows. Also, VMCXCI. Wow, how did we get here so fast? ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:59, 04/21/2012

Rollback, and 6,196

Hey, guys. I just did an amazing manual rollback over at Apple Inc. and I was thinking that it might be useful for me to have this tool readily accessible to me. Can you get me automatic rollback rights? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:42, April 22, 2012 (UTC)

Idk. VMCXCVII. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:26, 04/23/2012
I know it's rather easy to request... or it should be. On Wikipedia, you just ask and 6,198 seconds later some admin comes and gives you your rollback rights. On Uncyc, it should be a lot easier, given we're smaller than them. In fact, I think we have too many files compared to the small number of actual articles. (Whereas Wiki makes more efficient use of its media.) 23:31, April 23, 2012 (UTC)
@ AAAAAAA ANOTHER IP!!! VMCXCIX. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:55, 04/24/2012
6,200 Hell, it's just me. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:57, April 24, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Oh. VMCCI. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:56, 04/24/2012
I sure did scare you... LOL ×6202 --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 22:57, April 24, 2012 (UTC)
6203 bottles of beer on the wall. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 22:58, April 24, 2012 (UTC)
Can we make that bot already? 6204 --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:00, April 24, 2012 (UTC)
What's up with {{Template:@user}}? It seems to be failing in the post above. I swear, if someone doesn't fix it in 6,205 minutes I'm calling the cops. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:05, 04/24/2012
What's the problem? A bunch of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to address whatever issue you're trying to solve. They will be done with it in 6,206 seconds. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:20, April 24, 2012 (UTC)


Is a magic number. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:13, 04/26/2012

6,208 pineapples on crack! Please help me write this! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:35, April 26, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Done. 6,209 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-04-26T02:24
@Kırby: No offense, but your additions to the article suck. Also, VMCCX. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 12:32, 04/26/2012
6211 That's no template. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 21:03, April 26, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Oh. Whoops. I fixed it now 6,212 times. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:04, 04/26/2012
Kay... 6,213 --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:07, April 26, 2012 (UTC)
VMCCXIV ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:23, 04/26/2012
VMCCXV Looks like we're going back to the old days. We need to make this more interesting. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:25, April 26, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: What's so interesting about that? Also, 11000010010002 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-04-27T02:32
@Kırby: Are you kidding? That is 6,217 times more interesting than what we're currently doing. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 16:06, 04/27/2012


Say "6219" if you like Pup's new signature! Perhaps as a picture, just like the old days? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 20:35, April 27, 2012 (UTC)

@Qzekrom: Actually, I think it's rather long for my likings. I'd probably make it 6,220 times shorter. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:56, 04/27/2012
That's already less than of a byte! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:12, April 28, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: @Dan: Why are you intentionally writing your text so that the number you're currently on somehow plays into it? By doing that, you know you're making the forum 6,222% lamer. Shit, I did it too. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-04-28T01:30
Because it makes it 6,223% more fun. It's like a game show where if you drop out, you get an amount of money equal to the last number you counted to. For example... oh, shit. If you live in Hungary, you're fucked. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 02:06, April 28, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Man, I wish that were the case, because then I'd win at least $6,224. Unfortunately, I won't be able to edit this post, for reasons unknown. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 03:58, 04/28/2012
@Dan: Okay. Well, then... 6,225 and good luck! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 19:18, April 28, 2012 (UTC)

New pic! Also, 6,226 --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 21:07, April 28, 2012 (UTC)

6227 Pokemon

More to see. Also, Jessica Nigri. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kemador CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 04:27, April 29, 2012 (UTC)

6228. Because I have nothing better to do on this damn site. EpicAwesomeness (talk) 09:41, April 29, 2012 (UTC)
Well then Benson's House of Pancakes is the place for you! Also... we're at 6,229 now! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 20:27, April 29, 2012 (UTC)
I have edited this forum 6,230 times. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-04-30T00:52
Good for you! I've deleted it 6,231 times. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 00:58, April 30, 2012 (UTC)
Man, I certainly hope Dan's having a good time in Chicago, because this forum is a pain in the ass to edit. It's certainly making me break 6,232 sweats. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-04-30T01:28
Yeah. If anyone at all knows how to use pywikipediabot and can create a bot to count with us, then this would go along 6,233 times faster. Gosh! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:51, April 30, 2012 (UTC)

Almost ready to archive

6234.jpg --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 21:43, May 1, 2012 (UTC)

@Qzekrom: No, please. We're archiving this page more rapidly than Firefox releases its new updates. (Translation: we've already archived this page 6,235 times, I don't think we need another archive until the page grows much longer. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-02T01:04
Okay, fine. See you in 6,236 minutes! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:17, May 2, 2012 (UTC)
Dan said he'd be gone for 6,237 days, so he should be back by now. Where the heck is he? -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-02T20:45
Mwahaha! I'm BACK!!! And this time, I've brought 6,238 flamethrowers and am ready to kick some ass! ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:55, 05/03/2012
YES!! I'm back, too! And this time, I'm ready to go Party Rockin' for the next 6,239 hours! --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 21:31, May 5, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Party rock is in the VMCCXL tonight, everybody just have a good 11000011000012. And we gon' make you lose your 0x00001862, we just wanna see ya... shake that ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 00:25, 05/06/2012
@Qzekrom: @Dan: I'm 6,243 and I know it. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-06T01:24
@Dan: @Kırby: Sorry for VMCCXLIV rockin'... --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:37, May 6, 2012 (UTC)
  1. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 01:45, 6 May 2012
  2. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 03:12, May 6, 2012 (UTC)

It's 2:42 AM.

And instead of sleeping, I'm editing this forum. VMCCXLVIII ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 06:43, 05/06/2012

  • 6249 ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 06:46, May 6, 2012 (UTC)
  • 六千两百五十 --WathyreckkA SPLODE O.o 14:56, May 6, 2012 (UTC)
  • What time is it? It's 6,251 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-06T15:05
  • VMCCLII. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 19:14, 05/06/2012
  • I'm a semi-native Chinese speaker. Hwa! (Didn't I tell you that 6,253 times?) By the way, someone wants to start at 9006 again. See /Archive 18. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:01, May 6, 2012 (UTC)
    • @Qzekrom: See, this is why we should lock all the archives. Or else the vandals will get to them 6,254 times. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:26, 05/06/2012
      • @Dan: Yeah... but isn't it enough to put the "No Editing" watermark over the edit/view source tab? I need to know how to put that on 6,255 of my pages (User:Qzekrom/original, User:Qzekrom/sig). --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:01, May 7, 2012 (UTC)
        • @Dan: Yeah I really agree. That's why I wish I was an admin because I'd do just that. @Cute Zekrom: The "no editing" watermark only works on forums, for some reason. Oh yeah, also, 6,256 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-07T04:10
          • @Kırby: It works on VFH nomination pages, too. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 19:49, May 7, 2012 (UTC)
          • Shit, I forgot. 6,257. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 19:50, May 7, 2012 (UTC)
            • @Qzekrom: I don't know how to do it either. If I did, I'd do it 6,258 times on all of my pages. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 21:07, 05/07/2012
              • @Dan: Yeah, unless Lyrithya finds out. She'd ban the hell out of you 6,259 times before you could even think about putting that watermark up. I don't even think it works in the new Wikia look, which I'm currently trying out on here. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 21:58, May 7, 2012 (UTC)
                • @Qzekrom: Spoiler alert: the new skin sucks 6,260 dongs. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:50, 05/07/2012
                • I was just going to say, what's wrong with the scrollbar? The background looks just plain weird when seen through it. But the kitten and the flowers... about 6,261 times the adorableness you'll ever get from the Vector skin. If you don't mind, I'm going to go to a new section of the discussion soon. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:54, May 7, 2012 (UTC)


~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:47, 05/08/2012

6,263 I can't believe I have to mark this shit as patrolled. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:21, May 8, 2012 (UTC)
VMCCLXIV Anyone else miss Puppy? I made a forum about it but ZombieOnTheRadio devoured it. Oh well, maybe it's only that awesome early animated GIF sig of his that I miss. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:26, 05/08/2012
0x00001879 ZombieOnTheRadio banned him for a week and then he became this guy, who was subsequently blocked as well. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:36, May 8, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Oh. Well, if C₂H₆O was Puppy all along, then why was Puppy having conversations to and from with him? Is he like an alternate personality or something? If so, then this may turn out to be an intense psychological drama! ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:42, 05/08/2012
Sockpuppetry. As soon as I get administrative status, asasils l hibllIs.. bsnI asahnootlsb flsi a rtnmhaah .ylgienI'msunc, kl at --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:45, May 8, 2012 (UTC)
Wait, I forgot. 6267 and yours was 6266. You missed your cue. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:46, May 8, 2012 (UTC)
11000011111002 @Qzekrom: What was all that gibberish at the end of your post? ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:50, 05/08/2012
VMCCLXIX Ever scrambled a string before? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 23:54, May 8, 2012 (UTC)
@QzekromOnTheRadio: No, I don't know what you're talking about. Can I have 6,270 guesses? ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:45, 05/10/2012
@AstronautOnTheRadio: I went to some website and typed in my text and it produced gibberish. It'd take 6,271 years to unscramble it, but the individual characters are the same. I believe it's the first result for "string scrambler" on Google. This radio thing's getting to be an internet meme now, isn't it? --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 02:05, May 10, 2012 (UTC)
@SpacemanOnTheRadio: @ZekromOnTheRadio: Why is everybody adding "OnTheRadio" to the ends of their names? 6,272 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-10T03:26
@KırbyOnTheRadio: In Puppy's honor. (If 6,273 people do this, it'll be an internet meme. Someone should get ZombieOnTheRadio to come over here so we can negotiate something with the guy. I left a note on his Wikipedia talk page.) --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 21:40, May 10, 2012 (UTC)


Someone please check the Ministry of Love index. I've got some messages there that haven't got any replies in a while. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 22:13, May 10, 2012 (UTC)

VMCCLXXV. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 00:20, 05/11/2012
11000100001002. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 00:26, May 11, 2012 (UTC)
VMCCLXXVII. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 00:43, 05/11/2012
0x00001886 --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 00:49, May 11, 2012 (UTC)
@QzekromOnTheRadio: I would leave a message on Puppy's Wikipedia talkpage, but I haven't signed into my Wikipedia account for 6,279 years now. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:41, 05/11/2012
@TheHappySpacemanOnTheSpecialSpaceRadio: You can do it without logging in; I just signed with my IP address. I've done that 6,280 times before. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 01:56, May 11, 2012 (UTC)
@DanOnTheRadio: Yeah, I don't have an account because WP accounts are about as square as your mom's face... wait, that's a bad insult. Damnit, I just got 6,281% lamer. Also, @ZkeromOnTheRadio: I think this "OnTheRadio" joke will become old before it becomes a meme. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-11T02:05
@KırbyOnTheF*ckingRadio: Yeah. But like, it's supposed to be funny for about 6,282 more seconds. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 02:12, May 11, 2012 (UTC)
@MasterOfTheRadio: I guess that makes some sense. I don't know, my brain is still about 6,283% confused. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-11T02:33
Nope, make it 6284% confused. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kemador CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 05:02, May 11, 2012 (UTC)
I'll give out ¥6285 to anyone audacious enough to appeal Puppy's ban. --Qzekrom sig trans.gif This has been an automated message by Cute Zekrom (talk) 19:57, May 11, 2012 (UTC)
@QzekromOnTheRadio: I would but I'm not an admin, but I'd easily bribe an admin to do so, or give him 6,286 offers he couldn't refuse. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 03:40, 05/12/2012
@DanEnElRadio: [insert 6,287 obvious Godfather references] -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-12T04:22
@Kırby: Don't know what to say.
6,288 years later...
PuppyOnTheRadio: I'm BAAAACCCKKK!!!
Man, I wish. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 16:11, May 12, 2012 (UTC)


Almost at 6,300. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:27, 05/12/2012

Yeah. Just... oh my gosh, 6290 more years! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:59, May 13, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Nah, I think that's an exaggeration and it will take more like 6,291 days. By the way, love the new sig. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 03:03, 05/13/2012
Yeah. You know, I'm trying to make sense of this shitstorm that's supposed to be a forum, for God's sake. It's taking 6,292 terabytes of virtual memory in my brain to get a result. I've started by adding a nutshell tag to the top. And thanks for the compliment. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 03:06, May 13, 2012 (UTC)
I know exactly what you mean. Actually, I'm still trying to make sense of why el Kırby hasn't turned it into a pony thread-- with the picture of Sweetie Belle there and all. Also, VMCCXCIII. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 03:35, 05/13/2012
Shit, I just got reverted. Also, 11000100101102. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 03:59, May 13, 2012 (UTC)
@Dan: I would have, but someone locked it. Also, 6,295 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-13T17:06
@Kırby: Woo-hoo! Also, VMCCXCVI. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 18:36, 05/13/2012
@Dan: Well, F-U! Yeah, that's right. You know what that means? It means foo! Yeah, you heard me! Foo 6,297 times! -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-14T00:52
@Dan: @Kırby: I wonder if there's a way to protect a page so that admins as well as rollbackers, autopatrolled users, or other autoconfirmed users with special status could edit. Then I'd spend 6,298% of my time trying to cleanup that page. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 01:26, May 14, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: I wonder if there's a way to protect a page so that admins as well as rollbackers, autopatrolled users, or anybody else who isn't me couldn't edit it. Then I'd spend 6,299 hours doing that to all my pages so the admins couldn't ruin them, mwahahahahaa! -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-14T06:42
@Kırby: I suggested it at Wikipedia (i.e. that they lock one of my talk page archives so that only I could edit it), but they rejected the idea 6,303 times because it implies ownership of articles. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:00, May 16, 2012 (UTC)
VMCCC! And what's up with the lack of activity on this thread? ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:10, 05/15/2012
11000100111012 Homework. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:14, May 15, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Oh okay. I'm out of here, I have to go do 6,302 biology quizzes. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 23:47, 05/15/2012
6,303 (the current thread is above). --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:00, May 16, 2012 (UTC)


Because I was aching to start a new header and Qzekrom said 6,303 twice, meaning that one of those times he must have meant to have said 6,304. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 00:23, 05/16/2012

Oh, I6 didn't3 realize0 that5. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 01:27, May 16, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: You got6 the number3 wrong0 again7. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 01:54, 05/16/2012
@TheHappySpaceman: 63OK. S0rry8 --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:04, May 16, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: 63It's 0kay9. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 12:22, 05/16/2012
6 is a number, so 3, 1 and 0. OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 12:32 16 May 2012
VMCCCXI. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 15:35, 05/16/2012
Oh, a6nd all3 th1s to confuse2 CTAMbot. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:15, May 17, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: What CTAMbot? Did someone create one? Or even better, did they create 6,313 CTAMbots? Because I sure as heck don't know how to make one myself. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 02:33, 05/17/2012
I hope someone will create one soon, because CTAMbot would make this counting thing 6,314 times faster. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:43, May 17, 2012 (UTC)
This is still going? Wow. 6,315. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 19:18, May 17, 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, but we haven't done the picture thingy as much anymore. 6,316.
Oh, and now we're planning on creating a bot that helps us count up, up, and UP! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:39, May 17, 2012 (UTC)
6,317'. --EMC [TALK] 22:44 May 17 2012
500px-NACA_6318.svg.png Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 22:52, May 17, 2012 (UTC)
@Aimsplode: Hoo-yah! Aimsplode's back! Let's party like it's 6319! ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 00:02, 05/18/2012
Yeah! Hip-hip, 6320! Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 01:50, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

New header. VMCCCXXI. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 22:25, 05/18/2012

6,322 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-19T01:09

6,323 --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 01:33, May 19, 2012 (UTC)
VMCCCXXIV. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 02:37, 05/19/2012
6325 --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:39, May 19, 2012 (UTC)
6,326 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-19T02:43
6,327 --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:48, May 19, 2012 (UTC)
6,328 is the manliest number... -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-19T02:51
6,329 That's Greek to me. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 15:05, May 19, 2012 (UTC)
VMCCCXXX. ~Pleb General Wiseguy the magic! TheHappySpaceman.jpg Eclipse.PNG BANANA BATLETH.png 19:06, 05/19/2012
6,331 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-19T22:43
6,332 Did I ruin the fun by using a hard-to-read font? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:16, May 19, 2012 (UTC)

I'm signing off for five days because of a school trip, so please continue editing this without me.

Also, VMCCCXXXIII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:21, 05/19/2012

6,334 It's 6333. Anyway, see you then! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:22, May 19, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: Actually, I won't be leaving until tomorrow, so I still have 6,335 seconds until I actually have to leave. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:22, 05/20/2012
Okay. We'll party for 6,336 days then once I'm drunk I'll go huff 6,337 articles. (Was that allowed?) --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:58, May 20, 2012 (UTC)
Fuck that 6,338. Also, RickRoll'd was taken down by YouTube today. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 16:06, May 23, 2012 (UTC)
At least they didn't give up 6,339. They just put it back up. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:37, May 23, 2012 (UTC)
True '6,340 dat. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 13:01, May 24, 2012 (UTC)
I wonder what Rick Astley thought of the whole 6,341. I better get back to my 6,342. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 21:41, May 24, 2012 (UTC)


Also, VMCCCXLIII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:48, 05/24/2012

Yes, we know. Now the whole forum doesn't 6,344 around you.... --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:33, May 25, 2012 (UTC)
Whatevs. Am I a creeper? If so, I apologize 6,345 times. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:44, 05/25/2012
Nope. No need to 6,346. (Try highlighting the numbers.) --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 01:56, May 25, 2012 (UTC)
I've clopped to ponies 6,347 times. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 02:41, May 25, 2012 (UTC)
@Aimsplode: Yay! Me too! Also, 6,348 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-25T03:24
@Kırby: @High General Aimsplode: 6,349. Me three! Any ideas for Windows XP? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 19:26, May 25, 2012 (UTC)
@Kırby: @High_General_Aimsplode: That's just sick. @Cute Zekrom: You do know what clopping means, right? Also, VMCCCL. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:46, 05/25/2012
@DanTahHedgehog: Nope. Also, 0x000018CF. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:50, May 25, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: To clop is "brony" slang for masturbation. So saying you've clopped 6,352 times means that you have masturbated to ponies. Basically making you support bestiality. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:04, 05/26/2012
@DanTahHedgehog: Great. Now I'll clop like it's 6353! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:29, May 26, 2012 (UTC)

In two weeks or so we can archive.

Also, VMCCCLIV. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:01, 05/26/2012

  _______  _______  _______  _______ 
 |   _   ||   _   ||   _   ||   _   |
 |   1___||___|   ||   1___||   1___|
 |.     \  _(__   ||____   ||____   |
 |:  1   ||:  1   ||:  1   ||:  1   |
 |::.. . ||::.. . ||::.. . ||::.. . |
--Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:02, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
6,356 02:27, May 27, 2012 (UTC)


I'd be damned if this reaches one million in my lifetime.--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 02:30, May 27, 2012 (UTC)

I'd be damned if this reaches 9,000 again. Also, 6,358. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:40, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
You took my line, damn you. Also 6,359--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 02:49, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
6,360 You can't trademark common English phrases, screw copyright. I'd be damned if this reaches 37,440. Ever. That is unless we develop a bunch of bots to help out. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:51, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
6,361 And nobodies takes my lines and live. *evil smile*--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 02:54, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
6,362 I'd be damned if that were true. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 03:29, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
@Qzekrom: @Iwillkillyou333: 6,363 I'd be damned if that line wasn't used one more time. -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-27T04:59
@Kırby: 6,394 I'd be damned if you were right. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 12:48, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
@Everyone: 6,395 I'd be damned if someone looked at what I did to Template:CTAM. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 12:51, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
@Kırby: 6,396 I'd be damned if what you just did there would be damned by the next dumbass who uses this saying. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 13:19, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
@Aimsplode: 6,397 Um, it's 6396. I'd be damned were it 6395. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:06, May 27, 2012 (UTC)
@Nobody in particular: I'd be damned if your mothers weren't all born in 6398 BC -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-28T16:51
6399. And yes, I'm running out of ideas. OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 16:58 28 May 2012


Did we skip at all? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 17:31, May 28, 2012 (UTC)

999,999 6,401 No we didn't. OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 17:38 28 May 2012
6,402 Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 18:14, May 28, 2012 (UTC)
6,403 I just started to think; what we'll do after we'll reach million? OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 18:19 28 May 2012
We'll party like it's 6,404! Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 18:32, May 28, 2012 (UTC)
Oh... Off course! OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 18:40 28 May 2012
6,405 We kinda did. We skipped from 6,363 to 6,394 earlier. But nobody cares. (Except TheHappySpaceman. He might care. See /Archive 18.) --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 19:11, May 28, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: Actually, I don't care. Also, VMCDVI. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:22, 05/28/2012
Ok, great! Also, 11001000001112. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 19:31, May 28, 2012 (UTC)
VMCDVIII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:32, 05/28/2012


Could someone help me with this? I need it pee reviewed badly. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:50, 05/28/2012

VMCDX I'm looking at it. Unfortunately, it's a bit random and you should avoid signing content pages. Times New Roman will be fine, but someone might object to your changing the font on the grounds of readability. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:57, May 29, 2012 (UTC)
Ha ha, funny. Also, 6,411 -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-29T02:28
6,412 I'd suggest adding Rickroll references and maybe a few images. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:34, May 29, 2012 (UTC)

I want 6,413 cheeseburgers

With pickles and ketchup on them. And don't load it up with a bunch of bullSHIT!--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 03:34, May 29, 2012 (UTC)

6,414 Alright, you asked for it! Here are your cheeseburgers:

PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg PivotMasterDX_Burger_Sprite_by_FlyingBrickAnimation.jpg

PLUS 6,400 MORE -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-05-29T04:51

I want 6,415 of these. Swastika.gif Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 20:12, May 29, 2012 (UTC)

See my latest talk page blog post, también 6,416. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:49, May 29, 2012 (UTC)
Heil Hitl...?! No, I meant, umm, Heil 6,417! Yes! OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 04:56 30 May 2012
What the 6,418 happened? I mean, what the Heil happened? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:33, May 30, 2012 (UTC)
Sieg 6,419! Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 15:23, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
6,420 is the amount of shits I don't give.--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 15:47, May 31, 2012 (UTC)


Is the amount of times I've wanted to kill IWKY333. Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 16:11, May 31, 2012 (UTC)

6,422 I love you too!--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 16:51, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
Tsk tsk tsk Sycamore...6,423 Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 16:48, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
That was actually me. --Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 16:51, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
Oh and 6,422-Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 16:56, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
Buttsex. 6,423 Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 19:12, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
6,426. Bitches. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 21:42, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
6,427 Boobs--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 22:12, May 31, 2012 (UTC)
6,428 Sandniggers. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:15, June 1, 2012 (UTC)


Is the percentage the quality in this thread has dropped since Dan left. (Hint hint: Dan, come back!) -- NotReallyMyUsername 2012-06-02T03:30

VMCDXXX What, is it that every time I leave for a short period of time, all the activity on this thread is gone and everybody else stops editing it? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:54, 06/03/2012
VMCDXXXI Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 13:36, June 4, 2012 (UTC)
@HGA: Read the message I left on your talkpage. Also, VMCDXXXII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:00, 06/04/2012
@THS: Indeed, you're welcome. I'll be sure to contribute. Also, VMCDXXXIII Aimsplode (Der_Führerbunker--Wehrmacht Factories) Happy Holidays! 02:03, June 5, 2012 (UTC)
Me too, 6434. OMG!!! It`s Cat the Colourful, Jesus Christ!!! 03:06 6 June 2012
@HGA: Hey! No stealing my signature font! Also, VMCDXXXV. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 21:17, 06/06/2012
@THS: 0x00001924. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 01:08, June 7, 2012 (UTC)
@Dan: Hey, thanks for helping me out with my new signature! Also, 6,437 --PERVY July 2012 Кıяву Тαгк Сойтяıвs 2012-06-07T01:58
@Kirb Hysteria: You're welcome! Not sure if it will be readable on all computers, though... Also, VMCDXXXVIII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 12:36, 06/07/2012
Looks great on mine, love it! Also, how about mine? 6439 AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 13:46, 7 June 2012
6,440 ... --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 21:30, June 7, 2012 (UTC)
@Aimsplode: Did you make those changes to your sig that I suggested? @Kirb Hysteria: Maybe if you got rid of the backwards S at the end of it, it would work better. Also, VMCDXLI. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:34, 06/07/2012
LIKE A BOSS I DID 6,441 AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 14:06, 8 June 2012
11001001010102 Love the new sig, dude! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 15:45, June 8, 2012 (UTC)
6443 yeah first I thought that it's some random new user but it appeared to be Aimsplode's signature! Well done at confusing people! Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 16:37, 8 June, 2012 (UTC)
Had to ditch that old, bulky sig, man. Needed something small and quick. So I sort of mooched off of Socky's, Cat's and a few more people's sigs and took the old sixexpand from my previous sig and combined them all. AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 17:12, 8 June 2012 also, 6444
I remember the naziflag from your previous sig. Nazis 64 4 5ever! Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 17:20, 8 June, 2012 (UTC)
6446 Heil Uncyclopedia!! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 18:01, June 8, 2012 (UTC)


Can someone help me with my new article? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 19:18, June 8, 2012 (UTC)

Like VMCDXLVIII I can! AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 20:27, 8 June 2012
Okay, I'll repay the community later. Also, VMCDXLIX. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:30, June 8, 2012 (UTC)
When I'm up in the club everybody like "VMCDL!" everybody like "VMCDLI!" everybody like "VMCDLII!" ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:53, 06/09/2012
AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 02:01, 9 June 2012
--Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 02:10, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 02:18, 9 June 2012


I think everybody can agree it was time. Also, VMCDLV. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:57, 06/09/2012

Thank you so, so fucking much. It took an hour for me to load that while watching EURO2012. 6,456. AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 19:04, 9 June 2012
@HGA: You're welcome. Also, VMCDLVII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 20:16, 06/09/2012
Man, I'm glad I added the counter to the CTAM header. Also, 11001001110102. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 21:07, June 9, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: Oh jeh. Also, 0x0000193B. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 21:25, 06/09/2012
6,460. This is the birthplace of Internet memes! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:17, June 9, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: Speaking of memes, has anybody here who's on deviantART seen Kirb's new comic? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:32, 06/09/2012
6,462 Just looked at it. Hey, is there any way to change the licensing of your work on deviantART? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:00, June 10, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: I think so. When you're first submitting your deviation, there's something that says "Creative Commons," so I guess you hit "Choose" and there's a list of options there. Also, VMCDLXIII. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 20:14, 06/10/2012
Buttsex. VMCDLXIV AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 21:59, 10 June 2012
And guess who cared! Also, VMCDLXV. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:43, 06/11/2012
6,466 --PERVY July 2012 Кıяву Тαгк Сойтяıвs 2012-06-11T02:49


~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:24, 06/11/2012

Isn't that Roman-thing pretty overused? Also, 6468. Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 18:55, 11 June, 2012 (UTC)
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
Also, also, also, also, also, also, 6469
AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 19:52, 11 June 2012 
Yeah and that rainbo-thing too! 6470. Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 05:57, 12 June, 2012 (UTC)
@Aimsplode: Don't you think that's too many "also"'s? @Cat the Colorful: Nobody cares. VMCDLXXI. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:00, 06/12/2012
6472. We need to come up with something else to use. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 21:19, June 12, 2012 (UTC)
6473 - Something different? Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 07:55, 13 June, 2012 (UTC)
VMCDLXXIV Nah, I'm perfectly content with typing in Roman numerals, though if you want, I will stop doing so and instead type like this: 6,475 That better? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:07, 06/13/2012
You do what you want. I don't mind. But it's just pretty overused, that's all. No need to panic. Also, 6476. Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 18:13, 13 June, 2012 (UTC)
I think I might bring back the tradition of using images for your posts. Also, 6,477. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:17, 06/13/2012
Like this. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:35, 06/13/2012
What about this? Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 19:44, 13 June, 2012 (UTC)
Add alt text to your pics, please. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 01:26, June 14, 2012 (UTC)
Mkay. 6481. Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 06:40, 14 June, 2012 (UTC)
6482. Thanks! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 15:18, June 16, 2012 (UTC)
I love Gorillaz! ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:54, 06/16/2012

You knew this would happen.

AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 14:43, 17 June 2012

6,485. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 21:18, 06/17/2012
I'm super lame, so 6,486. --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 00:11, June 18, 2012 (UTC)


Time for a new header, eh, mate? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:05, 06/18/2012

You saw it coming…

~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 02:27, 06/20/2012

6,501. {{Times}} doesn't work in mobile view because your phone only has one font. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:06, June 20, 2012 (UTC)

  • @Cute Zekrom: Well, actually it's not the only template that isn't working on my phone. {{Rainbow}} and a lot of the <div> and <span> tags are also not working. For example, font color and type changes don't work on any Wikia sites on my phone (when I view them with the mobile skin). Neither does the "sig expand/sig hidden" function. Also, 6,502. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:14, 06/20/2012
Party rock is in the house! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 04:24, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

@Cute Zekrom: Awesome! I was wondering when you'd be back, because the activity on this thread has disappeared since you left. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:39, 06/23/2012


Check out my new, upside-down userpage! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:58, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

6,508 --PERVY July 2012 Кıяву Тαгк Сойтяıвs 2012-06-25T02:55
@Cute Zekrom: Technically, it's not upside down. I tried reading it that way but all I wound up saying was, "Huauahuauahuahahahuaua chacarron macarron chacarron macarron." Actually, your userpage is flipped horizontally, not really upside down. Also, 6,509. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 03:12, 06/25/2012

6510, 6511, 6512, 6513, 6514, 6515, 6516, 6517, 6518, 6519, 6520. You're welcome, d00dz. --Scofield & The Machine 12:35, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@Scofield: What, no bolded numbers? Also, 6,521. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 13:51, 06/25/2012
6,522. Did you notice that <dl> and <dd> work essentially the same way as text indentation? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 15:00, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: You forgot to end your <code> tag. Also, 6,523. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 15:37, 06/25/2012
Thanks for the reminder. Also, VMDXXIV. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 15:44, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
You're welcome. Also, 11001011111012. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 15:51, 06/25/2012

More Poo Lit Surprise Excitement

@TheHappySpaceman: 6526. I'm starting a new section of UnTunes for Epic Rap Battles of History! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 15:58, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@Cute Zekrom: 6,527. So how do we add our own? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:07, 06/25/2012
6,528. When it's done, you just make a subpage of UnTunes:Epic Rap Battles. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 18:13, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
6,529. Cool. I might do one of Noodle vs. Cyborg Noodle (both from Gorillaz). ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 20:29, 06/25/2012
6,530. I'm just waiting for Poo Lit excitement to die down. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:32, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
6,531. Yeah, don't want to run in the room when it's being engulfed by flames from the fiery turd. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 21:59, 06/25/2012

6,532. There's only about an hour left. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:05, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

6,533. Yep, only an hour until the poo cools down. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:18, 06/25/2012
6,534. Yeah. As far as I'm concerned, I'm done with my Pokémon article. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:25, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
6,535. And I'm not concerned about HTML5. The other Noob articles don't look appealing to me, though I may be wrong. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:26, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
@CuteDarkrai: I just noticed something about the word "Pokemon": It's stylized with an accent mark on the E, implying that it's pronounced "po-KEE-mon," but everywhere I've heard it, it's pronounced "PO-kee-mon." The people who stylize their logos should really research what they're doing... (Hides "DAЯK MATTEЯ" band logo.) Also, 6,536. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:38, 06/25/2012
6,537. Actually, it's pronounced /po-kay-mon/; without the accent mark, it would be /poke-mon/. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:41, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
6,538. Oh, I see! Makes more sense now. And... damnit! You got me thinking of that ForrestFire101 sketch. "Pokemon! What is your name?" "Penisaur!" "No, it's Venisaur!" "PENISAUR!" ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:44, 06/25/2012
6,539. Haven't seen that. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:54, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
It's off of his parody of the "Stick Figures on Crack" series. Here's the video:
Also, 6,540.~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:00, 06/25/2012
6,541. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:01, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Video spamming time!
Also, 6,542. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:08, 06/25/2012


Wait wait wait, I mean 6,543. How's my new signature (per request by Aimsplode)? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:16, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Meh, when I'm trying to hover over the "Cute Zekrom/Reshiram/Arceus/Kyurem/Dialga/Palkia/Giratina/Darkrai/Mewtwo/Lugia/HoOh/Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza/Deoxys/Latios/BruceWillis" part, it always moves to make way for the "Sir" part, which kind of bugs me, for I can't go where I was trying to go. Also, 6,544. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:22, 06/25/2012
Why would you add Bruce Willis to it? He's not a Pokémon. Also, 6,545. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:26, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Because he's cool enough that if you threw him in a Pokemon battle, he would beat all the other Pokemons even if he were strapped to an electric chair, blindfolded, and had a gun aimed at his head. Anyways, was that the only thing you saw in my entire comment? Did you not see the part abut how the "Sir" part is annoying when I was trying to click on the "Cute WHATEVERHEAD" part? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:32, 06/25/2012
6,546. It directs you to my talkpage, you can just move your cursor a bit to the right and you'll be at my userpage link. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:33, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
6,547. I'm talking about the "Sir" part, which doesn't link you to your userpage or talkpage. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:41, 06/25/2012
Middle-finger.jpg6,548 04:55, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
6,548. Xamralco does that too. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:38, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Reshiram: 6,550 because that IP up there already did 6,548, so yours was supposed to be 6,549. Also, fine. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 20:51, 06/27/2012
6,551 --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 21:02, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
VMDLII. Should I make more images for this forum? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 21:19, 06/27/2012
6,553. Do it! Also, we need more people. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 22:52, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
6,554 Seriously, Qzekrom's right. We need to promote Uncyclopedia. AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 17:27, 28 June 2012
6,555 Is Teamf1 still active? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 17:32, June 28, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Zekrom: Not sure who that is. By the way, I will create some more images pretty soon. Also, will the next person to edit this create a new header? Also also, 6,556. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:18, 06/28/2012


Sure will! --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 18:23, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

6,558, 6,559 and 6,560.
Just boosted us up a few numbers. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:40, 06/28/2012

6,561. Did Exxon fund that pic? --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 18:56, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

@Cute Reshiram: Dunno, I made it on this site: Atom Smasher Also, 6,562. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:06, 06/28/2012
I just made 6,563 of those just now so I can spam the corporations with pro-OWS messages. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 19:29, June 28, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Brony (ugh): Yeah! Fight the power! Also, your "brony" message in your sig made me facepalm 6,564 times. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:02, 06/29/2012
6,565 I'm adding Easter eggs to my sig. LOLcat and Leonidas are next. For a really cool Easter egg, Google search do a barrel roll. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 16:12, June 29, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Lolcat: 6,566 Sorry for taking so long to respond, I just almost died of eargasm after hearing the new Muse single. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 18:48, 06/29/2012
@Dan: Yeah that song is pretty fucken awesome. Also, 6,567 --PERVY July 2012 Кıяву Тαгк Сойтяıвs 2012-07-02T00:38
6,567, 6,568, 6,569 and 6,570.
You're welcome. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:48, 07/02/2012
6571 Qzekrom, have you heard of the 'google can't find Chuck Norris'-thing? Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 18:04, 2 July, 2012 (UTC)
@Cat the Colorful: Qzekrom isn't here. Or he hasn't been, for quite a while. Also, 6,572. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:25, 07/02/2012
Sorry Qzekrom.

AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 15:53, 3 July 2012

6,574. Yeah I have. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:14, July 3, 2012 (UTC)
@HGA: Noooo! Not my magical weed! JK, I don't do that kind of stuff. @Cute Tom Cruise (how's Oprah doing?): Really? Then why has this thread been so inactive as of recent? Also, 6,575. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:31, 07/03/2012


I was on vacation waiting for the PLS results to come out. --Clicky! Sir CuteZekromOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 23:11, July 3, 2012 (UTC)

6,577. Who agrees that Kırby should win Perv of the Month? (Hint hint: vote FOR or AGAINST him!) ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 20:32, 07/04/2012
Score: 1


Also, 6,588. --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 22:42, July 7, 2012 (UTC)

6,589 Watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition is twice as fun in HD, because then you can see all the peeling walls and crappy home jobs more clearly. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:41, 07/08/2012
0x000019BE I wonder what San Diego fireworks looks like in HD. See my latest UnNews. --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 00:45, July 8, 2012 (UTC)
11001101111112. I'm not sure... Also, I read it. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 02:50, 07/08/2012
6,592 How is it? --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 23:42, July 8, 2012 (UTC)
6,593. It was pretty good. I didn't have time to actually, REALLY read it, though, because my power keeps going out. (This is the 6,594th time it went out this summer. Just kidding, it's only the 3rd time.) ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:05, 07/09/2012
I'm guessing it has something to do with the Con Ed strike? Don't worry, they'll only be doing it 6,595 more days this month. --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 00:14, July 9, 2012 (UTC)
@Cute Bruce Willis: No actually, we keep having a bunch of thunderstorms here where I live. Earlier this week we had a tornado. I don't know how many more of these power outages I can take-- probably about 6,596. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 02:13, 07/09/2012
6,597 Meh. Seems like something awful. 2012 maybe? --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 03:00, July 9, 2012 (UTC)
6,598 I don't believe in the 2012 apocalypse, but maybe if Lord Voldemort gets elected I will... ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 07:17, 07/09/2012
6,599 Me neither. But I believe in the 2038 apocalypse on some old operating systems. --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 00:39, July 10, 2012 (UTC)
6,600! Thankfully I upgraded to Windows 7, then. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 02:05, 07/10/2012