Category:My sojourn
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Dude, I just can't take a fucking sojourn anywhere. Like, WTF?
So there I was
sitting in my fucking room, doing my Solid Snake thing with the Playstation and the dogs, right? Like, boring nerd shit.
and I fucking think
maybe I should take a sojourn, right? Like, to some badass place like Canada.
so I pulled out my
wallet and bought some plane tickets... and you know what happened? That's right. I nearly got raped by a fucking yak.
Since then
I've gone to Troy, Mecca, Canada, Uncyclopedia, Chicago, Paris, Canada, North Dakota and London.
And guess what? Every fucking time, I nearly got raped.
No, seriously. EVERY FUCKING TIME.
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Featured version: 20 January 2009
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Pages in category "My sojourn"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- UnGames:Make it to Ketchikan/DeerH
- User:Mnbvcxz/That time a newt wizard did it during my sojourn in BUTT POOP!!!!
- User:Mnbvcxz/That time Elmo was nearly raped by Snuffleupagus during Elmo's sojourn on Sesame Street
- User:Mnbvcxz/That time I nearly ate apples with Mike Tyson during my sojourn in BUTT POOP!!!!
- That episode I was raped by a panda during my sojourn in the Springfield Zoo
- That time a bunch of youths made fun of my bald head during my sojourn to Bethel
- That time a newt entered my belly during my sojourn on iCarly
- UnNews:Barack Obama stole my bike
- That time I accidentally beheaded a queen during my sojourn in France
- That time I accidentally launched a thousand ships with my face during my sojourn in Troy
- That time I accidentally miscalculated the date of creation during my sojourn in London
- That time I accidentally nuked Hiroshima during my sojourn to Japan
- That time I accidentally took a sojourn in North Dakota during my sojourn in South Dakota
- That time I didn't appreciate your attitude towards my potato chip situation during my sojourn in Panera
- That time I got pushed into bananas during my sojourn in Mario Kart
- Forum:That time I nearly couldn't find a page during my sojourn in Wikia
- That time I nearly drowned during my sojourn on the Titanic
- That time I nearly got an article featured by the community during my sojourn in Uncyclopedia
- That time I nearly got turned into a PS3
- That time I nearly maed a yuky doody during my sojourn in Canada
- That time I nearly ran out of loaves and fishes during my sojourn in Bethsaida
- That time I nearly raped a yak during my sojourn in Soviet Russia
- That time I nearly took a sojourn to Canada while I was being raped by a yak
- Forum:That Time I Nearly Voted During My Sojourn To Democracy
- That time I nearly X during my sojourn in a Y
- That time I planned to kill your brother during my sojourn to Taco Bell
- That time I threw my own poop at monkeys during my sojourn in a zoo
- That time I took a sojourn to visit my friend Jim Freklowski
- That time I was impregnated by a magic balloon during my sojourn in Dinosaur World
- That time I was nearly ----- during my sojourn in -----
- That Time I Was Nearly Crashed Into by a Boeing 747 during my sojourn to the Twin Towers
- That time I was nearly eye-raped by An Article Written by Somebody that Didn't Read How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid: A Retrospective during my sojourn in Uncyclopedia
- That time I was nearly killed by Christian Bale during my sojourn on Terminator Salvation
- That time I was nearly raped by a camel during my sojourn in Mecca
- That time I was nearly raped by a dinosaur during my sojourn in the Mesozoic
- That time I was nearly raped by a formula-based running joke during my sojourn in Category:My sojourn
- That Time I Was Nearly Raped by a Frenchman during my sojourn to Paris
- That time I was nearly raped by a gay English teacher trying to sell me a free iPod during my sojourn in Canada
- That Time I Was Nearly Raped by a Nazi during my sojourn to Ireland
- That time I was nearly raped by a negro during my sojourn to the post office
- That time I was nearly raped by a Puff the magic Dragon during my sojourn in Honah Lee
- That time I was nearly raped by a reindeer during my sojourn at the North Pole
- That time I was nearly raped by a yak during my sojourn in Canada, only to have my testicles molested by a teleporting testicle molester
- That time I was nearly raped by an improperly closed nowiki tag during my sojourn on Uncyclopedia
- That time I was nearly raped by an IP during my sojourn in the talk page of Category:My sojourn
- That time I was nearly raped by an Oscar Wildebeest during my sojourn in wherever Oscar Wildebeests come from
- That time I was nearly raped by Devo during my sojourn in Akron, Ohio
- That time I was nearly raped by Feyd Rautha Harkonnen during my sojourn in Dune
- That time I was nearly raped by Ham after my sojourn through the deluge
- That time I was nearly raped by Mr. Winkler yelling AAAAAAAAA! during my sojourn to the Jordanhill railway station
- That time I was nearly raped by the power rangers during my sojourn to the 90's
- That time I was plundered in the ass by a Viking during my voyage to a retirement villa
- That time I was swallowed by a whale during my sojourn in the Mediterranean
- That time I wasn't raped by anything during my sojourn to a soda machine
- That time NIGGERS STOLE MY PAGE during my sojourn on the internet
- That time some prick nearly drowned us all during his sojourn on the Titanic
- That time Stephen Hawking ran over my cat during my sojourn in Oxford
Media in category "My sojourn"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- MySojourn.png 1,125 × 725; 99 KB
- Untitled-1.jpg 364 × 282; 37 KB
- Yak2.png 1,432 × 1,836; 1.62 MB
- Yakman.jpg 500 × 375; 38 KB