That time I nearly X during my sojourn in a Y
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Dude, that fucking thing was huge. Like, WTF?
So there I was[edit | edit source]
<verb>ing my <noun>, doing my <noun> thing with this <verb> shit and the <noun>, right? Like, <job title> badass shit.
and this fucking <noun>[edit | edit source]
bursts out of the trees, <noun>ing all over the place, and instead of going for these tiny <noun>, he goes straight for me.
so I pulled out my[edit | edit source]
<noun> and start shooting like a madman, and it tries to <verb> me! WTF?
I barely got away with a major <medical term for a common injury> and a severed <anatomical term for a well-known body part>.
No, seriously. I really <description of what I did>