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Twitter is an internet product, with a large fan-base of "twits", who disperse information in very small text packets, known as tweets. It may be the saddest thing since bereavement, but there are literally thousands of people keeping their friends up to date with their every bowel movement. The users tell their "friends" everything.
Example: I walked on the beach.
The truth: Your friend doesn't NEED to know this.
Reason: Your friend doesn't care.

On the Innernets

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Twitter-logo.png 26 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

Something went wrong. Try reloading. ↪️

Twitter-logo.png 25 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

Something went wrong. Try reloading. ↪️

Twitter-logo.png 24 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

Something went wrong. Try reloading. ↪️

Twitter-logo.png 22 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

There is no God but Muhammad and Allah is his prophet

Twitter-logo.png 19 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

Happy old year

Twitter-logo.png 14 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

We found a copy of Super Mario and destroyed it.

Twitter-logo.png 10 Mar 2025Twitter (official) @twitter

We are ded

Twitter-logo.png 24 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Trying to find next version of #blogging.

Twitter-logo.png 25 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Tried making way to send individual people personalized blogs-- turns out it's called #email and nobody uses it anymore

Twitter-logo.png 26 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Asked #forum for ideas... going to try blogs put on physical media.

Twitter-logo.png 27 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Physical media already done called #mail like e-mail, but no e. Anyone have ideas?

Twitter-logo.png 28 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Have to poop.

Twitter-logo.png 29 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter


Graduate peeping tom.png 29 Nov 2024Tom Peepers @5741k3r

It's like a dream come true!
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Twitter-logo.png 30 Nov 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Can't think of ideas. @Hernando keeps bugging me about the

Twitter-logo.png 1 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

@StMarysPsychWard: @Hernando is so real, stop saying he's not, it makes him angry

Twitter-logo.png 2 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Idea: worst thing about blogs is they come in big chunks. What if I want smooth #creamy blogging?

Twitter-logo.png 4 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

The #tentacles are starting to bother @Hernando and I.

Twitter-logo.png 5 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Attempt one at creamy blogging failed. Warning: do not #butter your Ethernet port.

Twitter-logo.png 6 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

The @Oracle is visiting!

Twitter-logo.png 6 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

The @Oracle says I should break the blog into pieces to make it creamy. She also says we are all damned to the halls of a thousand eyes.

Twitter-logo.png 7 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Never blinking always staring.

Twitter-logo.png 9 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

I need: more #goldfish flavored crackers

Twitter-logo.png 9 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

#Monitor broken trying to break up blog. crackercrackercrackercracker *zot*

Twitter-logo.png 10 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

The relations between blogs and #SineWaves are FishCracker-sponential.

Twitter-logo.png 10 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

12 cups whiskey cream. Poured down #tentacles to satisfy @clamaxtyll.

Twitter-logo.png 13 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Leagues closer to the key of eyes. Involves breaking blogs down BUT making them come faster. Like #bullets.

Twitter-logo.png 13 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

All hail @clamaxtyll! Thou who shan't submit to his feathery wrath shall be ended.

Twitter-logo.png 14 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

I broke the #code. I made blogs small, and you update them like every hour.

Twitter-logo.png 15 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

The advantage with this new communications format is that it's not subject to #viruses, or #trojans.

Twitter-logo.png 16 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

rofl…omg i am laughing so hard at this picture of you my friend posted

Twitter-logo.png 16 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

I cant believe this but there are some real nasty things being said about you here

Twitter-logo.png 16 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

That's odd. I don't recall doing those last few messages. Maybe @Hernando is playing tricks on me again.

Twitter-logo.png 18 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

I just #twoted all over Twitter! Now i gotta clean the mess up.

Twitter-logo.png 18 Dec 2024Twitter (official) @twitter

Up-to-the minute status reports of my ascent as the chosen one of @clamaxtyll shall follow.

Eye looking thru hole.jpg 11:10See also @morelinks

#twitbook #Facebook #myface #socialernetwork #defacebook #space @dsoprano @valleygurl @DJones @GeorgeP @McElroy @Examtime @Arkboi @Odysseus @OBLaden #X
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