UnTweets:My exam hell
Name: Simon Kossis
Location: Telford, Shropshire, England
Bio: Stressed Sixth former facing public examinations.
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Si Kossis
new droid x nbd. gona start tweeting follow me bitches #helloworld
3:34pm April 22nd, 2010 from web
offer from manchester to do politics! need two ds nd a c in history. #doddle
9:14pm April 24th, 2010 from web
saw jane ellis from history at swiming baths in bikini wit breasts that make me want to cry. #illneverblinkagain
5:45pm April 30th, 2010 from web
to the shops for tisues. gona pull it off or be blind by morning!
5:48pm April 30th, 2010 from web
a-levels start tomorrow. sleep early nd early morning for last minute swotting.
3:34pm May 20th, 2010 from web
in line for exam hall. not making eye contact so non of the clever kids tlaks to me (y)
9:05am May 21st, 2010 from web
grate trainers to stare at #wankwankwank
9:05am May 21st, 2010 from web
said hello to tommy. hes lazier than me! but i did less revision...confidence level about 5/10. @tomcat
9:07am May 21st, 2010 from web
wish id got up at 4 instead of sleeping to 845. probs shuldnt have watched shower scene from starship troopers til 130...confidence 4/10
9:08 am May 21st, 2010 from web
found "metnal pete". at least i didnt spend the night in a police cell like him...confidence about 6 now. @petemoss
9:10am May 21st, 2010 from web
culdnt find candidate number on list. cant even remember name lol or wut subject were sitting! doomed...confidence 1/10 (n)
9:14am May 21st, 2010 from web
sat in the only empty seat. rite in back behind jane. #wankwankwank
9:15 am May 21st, 2010 from web
might as well keep tweting nd get disqualed instead of failing.
9:15 am May 21st, 2010 from web
justin faggot davis brought a good luck teddy bear. think the fat fucks gonna cry, the queer...confidence 5/10 !!!! @justjustin
9:18 am May 21st, 2010 from web

jesus what it wuld be like to fuck jane elis...or anyone! #sex
9:21 am May 21st, 2010 from web
now ive got an erection nd it’s making the exam desk wobble (n)
9:21 am May 21st, 2010 from web
techers stil fucking about wit papers at front. drew a picture of mr edwards sukcing off pet dog he brings to school lol
9:23 am May 21st, 2010 from web
edwards put a question paper upside-down on my desk & winked at me, the perv! #whatapaedo
9:25 am May 21st, 2010 from web
someone at the front farted haha
9:25 am May 21st, 2010 from web
shit studied rong module on bus. fillled in first side tho...confidence 3/10
9:33 am May 21st, 2010 from web
looking fr distractions but my pencils are already sharp, fuck...confidence down to 2/10.
9:34 am May 21st, 2010 from web
will knowing abotut the nazis help wit the america cvil war??? confidence 1/10. #imsofucked
9:35 am May 21st, 2010 from web
jus lost 20 mins of the exam staring at janes arse nd now u can see right through her shirt nd shes def not wearing a bra. OMG! #boneralert
10.36 am May 21st, 2010 from web
sharpened both ends of my pecnils to chil out. dont no wut to do now but cant look up in case i see Jane again nd pass out.
10.39 am May 21st, 2010 from web
looked up nd janes jeans have sliped down #blackpanties
10.40 am May 21st, 2010 from web
fucking huge stiffy almost knocking the desk over nd it wont go away no matter how much i think about dead puppies (n)
10.41 am May 21st, 2010 from web
hid phone wen Edwards walked past smirking. twat twat twat twat twat!
10.42 am May 21st, 2010 from web
culdnt overcome urge to look up nd theres a hint of arsecrack now! have to think about edwards in speedos lol #purpleheadedmonster
10.42 am May 21st, 2010 from web
had to take supervised toilet break to deal with it. edwards kept asking if i was ok...think he wanted to join me. #whatapaedo
10.47 am May 21st, 2010 from web
feeling good enouhg to try a question. who won the war? gotta be Brazil..confidence 3/10 #imagenius
1 0.52 am May 21st, 2010 from web
shit..gave up agan. never gonna get to manchetser now. e is good enough for aberystwth but im not interested in sheep or incest.
10.55 am May 21st, 2010 from web

sharpening my ruler (y)
1 0.59 am May 21st, 2010 from web
considering if spiderman culd breed with catwoman or if his spider dna wuld be a problem.
11.00 am May 21st, 2010 from web
mayb batman culd - theyre both mamals. babies wuld have radar nd like yarn lol!
11.01 am May 21st, 2010 from web
counting the lower case “a’s” nd shading them to prove men can multi task.
11.10 am May 21st, 2010 from web
bored with shading in, might as well write an sort of essay #wishmeluck
11.14 am May 21st, 2010 from web
shaded in pic of abraham lincon to see what hed have look like as a slave.
11.17 am May 21st, 2010 from web
aded a cock to lincons head (y) #pablovangogh
11.17 am May 21st, 2010 from web
sharpening my finger.
11.19 am May 21st, 2010 from web
finished letter to examiner...fingers crossed hes the kind of lonely old fuck you’d expect to be a history grader #foreveralone
11.20 am May 21st, 2010 from web
now drew a cock on jeferson davis for political balance #smartjoke
11.23 am May 21st, 2010 from web
aded 4 kisses to letter...hope examiner’s as big a paedo as Edwards. only 4 tho, dont want him to think I’m desperate lol
11.25 am May 21st, 2010 from web
all done...will swagger past clever kids then its straight to the pub (y)
11.27 am May 21st, 2010 from web
pete says he rote his esay on how agricutlural-industral tension made socio-economic divides across th mason-dixon line that caused war #wat
11.41 am May 21st, 2010 from web
think pete may have lied about spending the night with the rozzers #whatadick
11.42 am May 21st, 2010 from web
nothing hits the spot like strongbow and blackcurrant! shuldve shaded in the d’s and p’s #regret #toodrunktocare
11.45 am May 21st, 2010 from web