Uncyclopedia:VFH/Brazilian-Amazon Rainforest

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Why?:Destroy the Rainforest (history, logs)

Article: Why?:Destroy the Rainforest

Score: 18 useless tree(s)

Nominated by: EMC [TALK] 03:10, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
For: 19
  1. Self-nom & for: I quite like it. Y tu? --EMC [TALK] 03:10, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
  2. Not quite shit. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 21:46, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
  3. Conditional For. Make the title Why?:Destroy the Rainforest, or something to that effect, and it has my vote. The article reads like a Why?, you just need the title change. Necropaxx (T) {~} 22:55, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
  4. For. I can't help but think of the Civilization series of games, where rainforests are useless. Sir Groovester | Contributions | Talk Page 03:51, 17 November 2007 (UTC)
  5. For. Deliciously American viewpoint (never thought you'd hear those words, eh?) Ж Kalir hippies! yay! 23:41, 17 November 2007 (UTC)
  6. I get kind of giddy just thinking of all the stumps. And cocaine. --So So 03:13, 18 November 2007 (UTC)
  7. For.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 03:25 Nov 18, 2007
  8. For Burn it down! -RAHB 01:40, 19 November 2007 (UTC)
  9. Dig fuck trees. --THINKER 06:26, 19 November 2007 (UTC)
  10. For If you could link it to the ever-useless mossy coconut, I would also vote For. But it would be an even more heartfelt For. --The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 07:04, 19 November 2007 (UTC)
  11. for - jack mort | cunt | talkKodamaIcon.jpg - 13:25, 19 November 2007 (UTC)
  12. For per title change     EugeneKay wuz here (whine thank)   23:22, 19 November 2007 (UTC)  
  13. Weak for. Also per change. --Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 09:04, 20 November 2007 (UTC)
  14. For. Even though I'm an environmentalist, this article is just awesome. -->:( 00:30, 21 November 2007 (UTC)
  15. 'For This is amazing satire. As vice-president of the Alta Earth Club, I give it my blessing. Sir Àrd-Easbaig Gearcemeanaigh Mac Ádhaimh, UmP (Talk - Articles) Icons-flag-ie.png-Icons-flag-us.png KUN SEXY WH
  16. Short, but good. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 01:11, Nov 22
  17. For --THE 15:24, 22 November 2007 (UTC)
  18. 4. FUCKING TREES! --PCgamerMofo 01:55, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
  19. I do not object in the least--AtomDsig.png 16:00, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
Against: 1
  1. This is Shit Soppy123 21:33, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
  1. Abstain per Necropaxx. Remind me to change my vote if you do.     EugeneKay wuz here (whine thank)   06:05, 17 November 2007 (UTC)  
    Vote changed.     EugeneKay wuz here (whine thank)   23:22, 19 November 2007 (UTC)  
  2. Abstain. Certainly reads more like a 'Why?'. also felt a little short to me. Really like what's there, but greedily wanted more. I'll change to a weak for if it becomes a 'Why?' though. --Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 17:39, 18 November 2007 (UTC)


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