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The stuff of internet lore and legend.
17-0 |
This user does not understand 1337 (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
ac-0 |
This user does not understand those African clicky noises (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
au-X |
This user only speaks 'Straylyan enough to seduce native 'Straylyan speakers. |
bl-G |
This user does not speak Blasphemy and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Blasphemy speakers. |
do-0 |
This user does not understand Dolphin (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
en-L |
enl-N |
This user is a native speaker of English, but Louder. |
es-E |
This user only speaks Español because it was a required course in school. |
gbs-N |
This user is a native speaker of Galactic Basic Standard. |
il-0 |
This user does not understand Igpay Atinlay (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
ns-0 |
This user does not understand Newspeak (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
pe-N |
This user is a native speaker of Plain English. |
re-0 |
This user does not understand Recondite English (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
rh-N |
This user is a native speaker of Random Humour. |
se-N |
This user is a native speaker of Simple English. |
us-N |
This user is a native speaker of American English. |
us-A |
Yah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek American English whif und estreemleh theuck akzent. |
This user is not a clearly-defined native speaker of any commonly-spoken language. |
ow-0 |
This user is right-handed. In Latin, they would be Dexter. |
This user is being held hostage in a Chinese fortune cookie factory! Men play the game; women know the score. Help! |
This user is an aeroplane, and can be annoying. No offence to pilots. |
This user likes llamas, and rides them on a daily basis. |
See? Look at them. They really like the llamas. |
No, seriously. That's them there, on the llama. ← See? |
Stop scrolling down, and admire the llama. It's much more interesting than the actual userpage, trust me. |
What, you don't believe me? Fine, see for yourself. Don't blame me when you die from lack of llama. |
Formerly lost among the dregs of society, this user has defected and crossed over from the dark side. Welcome to the machine.... |
This space for rent. Lube available. Call 1-800-666-6666. |
This user is the random unbalanced toothpick that matured their underarm hair inside of your tuxedoes so you must virtually convert them with a cubicle. |
Color |
This user likes random colored userboxes. |
This user is on fire. You can help uncyclopedia by throwing water on their head |
∞ |
This user is an ageless immortal, or so they like to think. |
♂ |
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes. |
This user hates religion, and is a sinner through and through! |
This user is interested in freethought as they sure as hell don't want to pay! |
? |
This user prefers to be anonymous. That is, numbskull, they don't want you to know who they are. |
This user is cooler than you. |
This user's sex appeal is such that people around the world compulsively shout their name during intercourse.
This user is a frisbeetarianist, and believes that when they die, their soul will fly up, and get stuck on the roof.
Pasta be upon this user. |
LV-2 | This user considers themselves an intermediate gamer and so probably has some sort of social life. |
DIFF E | This user plays Video Games on the lowest difficulty setting available as winning makes them feel good about themselves. |
This user has lost the game! |
This user is constantly PEEING. They apologize for the mess. |
![]() |
This user is a cereal killer. |
This user is a Mad Scientist. |
This user is not and has never been Napoleon. |
This user is a bit of a pyromaniac. |
This user was the millionth visitor to a popular web site. |
This user is a complete, irredeemable Green Lantern ring. They are Bat Fuck Insane, and cogitate at a sockpuppeteer. |
This user is EXTREMELY RANDOM Be advised: Approach with caution and a sense of humor. |

One or more of the authors of this entry was terribly bored.
They may be afflicted with Attention Deficit... hey, we should go fly kites. That'd be so awesome! We haven't flown kites, since, like, summer. Hey, summer is when birds come out! Birds are so cool.
This User's Favorite Sound is Feedback! |
Woof! Woof! Woof! Ruff! Ruff Ruff! Arf! Arf! |
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring....BANANAPHONE!!!! |
This user thinks that Mr winkler is GAY, and that he should GET SOME SICK! |
.sdrawkcab si resu sihT
!degnellahc-yllatnoziroh TON si resu sihT :etoN
!degnellahc-yllatnoziroh TON si resu sihT :etoN
usbx |
This user likes to use userboxes. |
Usb! |
No, really! |
USB!!!!!11 |
This user is invisible, <insert name here> sees You but you don't see him/her. Tee hee!!
Color |
This user likes random colored userboxes. |
[ insert content here ] |
This userbox is a filler, and therefore looks ugly. |
This user likes to use redundant userboxes. |
This user is interested in Fossils. Some call this necrophilia. |
This user wishes you a |
This user's head A SPLODE. |
Help end hunger! Eat the poor! |
This user has eye beams. |
This user has eye beams. |
This user is pretty sure Epic Beard Man is their father and is therefore dangerous. (List of Illegitimate Children) |
bu-0 | This user does not speak Bullet and may result in injury if does so. |
typo-N | Tihs suser is s anative spealer fo Typo. |
MS-N |
This user grew up in a forward-thinking family, and therefore always speaks their mind, you nerd. |
- User 17
- User ac
- User ah
- User au
- User bs
- User bl
- User do
- User du
- User en
- User enl
- User eo
- User es
- User fr
- User fh
- User gb
- User gbs
- User gee
- User il
- User ns
- User pe
- User Pie
- User re
- User rh
- User sa
- User sc
- User se
- User us
- User OW
- American Uncyclopedians
- Right Handed Uncyclopedians
- Anonymous Uncyclopedians
- Uncyclopedians by age
- Male Uncyclopedians
- Heterosexual Uncyclopedians
- Uncyclopedians alleged to be involved in the JFK assassination
- Things that make Baby Jesus cry
- Militant Atheist Uncyclopedians
- Members of the Evil Atheist Conspiracy
- User cool
- Uncyclopedians who are awesome
- Uncyclopedians who use Google Chrome
- Uncyclopedians who use a Macintosh computer
- Uncyclopedians in the European Union
- Uncyclopedians Who Lost The Game
- PEEING members
- Insane Uncyclopedians
- Bat Fuck Insane Uncyclopedians
- Boredom
- Uncyclopedians who think Mr. Winkler is gay
- Eye Beams
- Illegitimate Children
- User bu
- User Typo
- Uncyclopedians who speak their minds