Know Your Meme

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The mark of the devil himself.

Know Your Meme is a website created in 2007 and currently run by the Cheezburger Networks.[1] The site is supposed to document, as they put it, "memes, events, news, and viral media that spreads across or has an impact on the internet." That means that they mostly document memes, old and new, thus enriching the lives of the internet user that stumbles upon an article discussing their favorite memes.

Note the usage of the word "supposed." Although they certainly do document memes, under it's thin layer of meme-documenting and researching, its userbase is a site of many horrors. But let's slow down and start with how it all began.

History[edit | edit source]

Know Your Meme started as a video series and wiki in 2007 by the late vlog site Rocketboom.[2], who wanted to join the likes of other meme-infested sites like Encyclopedia Dramatica and Uncyclopedia. By the following year, Rocketboom realized that there were far too many memes for one page and some videos to handle (which is something that any normal person would recognize immediately), so they spun off the site into a database in December of 2008. It expanded quickly. So much, in fact, that notable magazines and blogs began to take notice of the fledgling site. Things could only get better for it as the years continued.

That did not happen.

The Brony Invasion[edit | edit source]

In 2010, a new horde of basement dwellers ravaged the internet with speed and ferocity that the internet had never seen before. These barbarians were the bronies. These adult male fans of Hasbro's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon would infect unsuspecting internet users with their happy, positive pony images in an attempt to hide their borderline pedophilic tendencies[3]. Know Your Meme was not immune to their putrid grasp, and it fell to them very quickly, due to their sacred duty to document "viral media," which, unfortunately, included My Little Pony.

During the bronies' reign of terror, people who opposed their actions, such as the top two rebels, would be hit with a storm of downvotes.

Now under their control, the bronies turned KYM's userbase into a totalitarian system. Normal people who refused to comply to bronyism were treated as second-rate citizens. This included such actions as mass downvoting of their dissenting opinions. While this may seem like a minor restriction of the right to share opinions, to the average KYM user hit with negative votes, it was like performing in your school's talent show only to have the audience laugh at you because your trousers inexplicably fell down: it was humiliating, inconvenient, and highlighted the immaturity of your tormentors. Those hit with enough downvotes would have their comments "buried," which was a restriction that said "Don't listen to what I have to say because it's unpopular and controversial and I'm a waste to air." This brand of censorship allowed the image galleries of countless memes to be flooded with pony images. The resistors were hunted down by brony mobs and were subject to mass downvotes, flame wars, and bronies tying their shoelaces together when they weren't looking.

KYM Bronies[edit | edit source]

The easiest way to tell a KYM brony apart from everyone else that used the site is the former's exclamation of the phrase "Hell yeah" whenever he saw a picture related to My Little Pony. This is because the bronies have deluded themselves into thinking that a cartoon meant for little girls is the coolest thing mankind has ever made.

End of the Bronies[edit | edit source]

Thankfully, the bronies were removed from power sometime between 2012 and 2013, when their disgusting habits were revealed for all the world to see in what is known as the "Pony Thread Simulator." The video contains several bronies taking plushes of the My Little Pony characters, placing them in their family jewels, and then declaring their intent to do the same to Rainbow Dash. As a result of these videos, a coalition of semi-decent people outed them from most major sites. Many older users hoped that this would restore Know Your Meme back to its former glory.

KYM Today[edit | edit source]

These people were, sadly, wrong.

The moment KYM was liberated a new group of basement dwellers filled their place. They were part of a group of creeps known as the Wapanese[4]. The weeboos are a group of delusional neckbeards that think that lusting over a sexualized anime girl and referring to everyone as "senpai" makes them Japanese.[5] The weeaboos began their presence on the site in 2009 when KYM user Cat-Monster posted an image of a humanized interpretation of the site in the vein of unofficial mascots like Wikipe-tan and Uncyclo-tan. However, unlike those two, who weren't the mascot for their respective sites[6], KYM-tan was picked up as a mascot after her likeness was used for the NSFW and Spoiler tags used for the image galleries. As with many other groups, the weeaboos went into hiding after the bronies invaded. When they left, however, the weeaboos arose from their grave and overran the site.

Currently the site is under a totalitarian regime similar to the one that controlled it in 2010. There's just one difference: most KYM users are unaware they live in a totalitarian regime. That's because the weeaboos are more crafty about it. Instead of treating resisters as second-class citizens, the powers that be for the site just ignore them altogether and go back to their meme-researching and anime-watching. The only other sign that the site under another totalitarian regime is that the trending image gallery is filled with images of anime girls that are borderline pornography.

A person noting KYM's fancying of anime gets downvoted. HMMMM.

KYM's Users[edit | edit source]

At first glance, the people that use Know Your Meme appear to be diligent, hardworking people. When they are not posting memes, however, they are bonafide wapanese. The daily life of a KYM user consists of the following: editing an article, watching anime, posting porn, arguing with people over which girl from Neon Genesis Evangelion is "best girl," posting porn, downvoting people with dissenting opinions, posting porn, harassing anyone who so much as resembles a liberal, and going to sleep cuddling a body pillow, followed by posting porn in their sleep. For more information on KYM's users, see this article.

This article represents the core beliefs of KYM Waifu-ism, the primary religion amongst users of Know Your Meme.

Unfortunately for the world, Know Your Meme is the only site that documents memes from the present day. That means that we are stuck with them, even if we do not like it.

Don Caldwell[edit | edit source]

Don Caldwell is the editor for Know Your Meme. KYM's users affectionately refer to him as "Meme Daddy" due to their belief that he and KYM-tan create all memes and drop them off on the internet while everyone else is sleeping, like Santa Claus. While this may seem flattering at first, it gets worse when you realize that Don is being compared to a creepy, fat, old man that breaks into people's homes and leaves presents for children.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. That name alone should hint towards the non-existent quality of the site.
  2. Not that anyone cared when it shut down.
  3. They're adults that love watching a show made for little girls. Of course they would be homosexual pedophiles.
  4. Otherwise known to the uncultured as "weeaboos."
  5. This has led to calls for the United States to nuke Japan. Sadly these pleas have been ignored.
  6. Even we have standards.