Category:User cpp

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Users that speak C++.

0: No real understanding - You know of the language and appreciate the culture.
0.5: Minor understanding (maybe a few words) - You could speak some words but otherwise use a translator.
1: Basic understanding - You can make up a sentence and can contribute regarding the culture, but you still use a translator.
2: Intermediate understanding - You can contribute to articles in the language, but you are not fluent and make mistakes.
3: Advanced understanding - You can read and speak the language but minor errors sometimes occur.
4: Near-native understanding - You have the fluency of an average native speaker, despite it being your second or third language, etc.
N: Native fluency - You use the language in everyday situations and have full fluency, including colloquialisms and vernacular.
A: Accent - You speak the language with a thick foreign accent.
E: Education but no real understanding - You learned the language in school and never used it again.
F: Flunked this class - You got an F in the language.
G: User only speaks this language enough to seduce native speakers of this language. Why would anyone do this?
L: Lisp - You have a lisp that affects how you speak the language.
P: Profanity - You're a profane speaker of the language.
X: Seduction - You only speak the language enough to get laid.

This category is part of the Uncyclopedia Babel Project

Pages in category "User cpp"

The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.