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Out of 38,916 articles, these are the ones that stand out in my mind.
#[edit | edit source]
A[edit | edit source]
- A bunch of aristocrats fucking. Awesome vid
- A Helpful Compilation of the One Hundred (or so) Worst Things to Stick Your Dick into, and an Account of the Scientific Explorations Thereof — An Abridged Folio Edition, with Copious Illustrations and Annotations, for Your Edification and Enlightenment
- A wizard did it
- Alliteration
- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
- An article that contains nothing but a full stop
- Are you colour-blind?
- Armadillo
- Asian chicks
- Atlantic Records - Look at me, I'm white & nerdy!!
B[edit | edit source]
- Babel:666
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Blackout - Who turned out the lights?
- Booger King
- The Brony Conspiracy
- The Bureaucrats (Joke)
C[edit | edit source]
- Captain Obvious - He's a super hero who states the obvious
- Codeine is a fat cunt
- Crumpet
- Cuntymints
D[edit | edit source]
E[edit | edit source]
F[edit | edit source]
- Filial Piety
- Fisher Price / Fisher Price: A Retrospective - All time favorite
- Fuck fucking fucked fucker fucking fuckups fuck fucking fucked fucking fuckup fucking fucker's fuck
G[edit | edit source]
- Game:Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle
- Garfield
- Give a shit
- Goa Tse
- God v. Nietzsche
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- The Great Aspie War of Ought Six
H[edit | edit source]
- Heat death of the universe
- How to be stupid and not just funny - My personal guide
- HowTo:Cut Your Own Head Off With a Chainsaw
- HowTo:Get Banned
- HowTo:Pronounce Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Hypocrites
I[edit | edit source]
- I don't appreciate your attitude towards my potato chip situation
- I eat my own shit
- i maed a yuky doody
- In what way is Snickers satisfying?
- Incompleteness Theorem - Everyone shut up.
- No, you shut up.
- No, you shut up.
- No, you shut up.
- No, you shut up.
J[edit | edit source]
- Jamie Lynn Spears
- Jaws did WTC
- John Seigenthaler Sr. - Wikipedia's biggest fan!
L[edit | edit source]
M[edit | edit source]
- Mahogany
- MC Hammer
- Mike Gravel
- The Most Quotable Smackdown of All Time
- Movie Trailer Announcer Guy
- Mr winkler is GAY
- Much Ado About Nothing
N[edit | edit source]
O[edit | edit source]
- Oh My God! There's a Meteor Heading Towards Us
- Oscar Wilde - Not because he has cult status here. I generally like Oscar Wilde, and the article about him is good
P[edit | edit source]
- People Who Like to Fuck Naked
- Physics doesn't exist, it's all about Gnomes
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Please delete this page - Seriously, it's horrible
- Procrastination
R[edit | edit source]
S[edit | edit source]
- Saint Frankenstein's Day
- Saturn (Lying Bitch)
- Seuss on Wilde
- Shot your fuck up
- Sophia
- Stephen Colbert - Read this if you don't get it
- Stephen Hawking ran over my cat
T[edit | edit source]
- That Gray Thing on the Back of Your Screen
- That time I was nearly raped by a yak during my sojourn in Canada, and others
- This page does not exist
- Three word article
- Tittyfuck rape
- Tourette's BITCH Syndrome
U[edit | edit source]
- The Uncyclopedia Movie
- Uncyclopedia's Article on Itself
- Uncyclopedia's Article on Its Article on Itself
- Uncyclopedia's Article on Its Article on Its Article on Itself
- Uncyclopedia's Article on Its Article on Its Article on Its Article on Itself
- Uncyclopedios
- UnPoetia:It Is: A Minimalist Poem In Two Words
UnBooks[edit | edit source]
- UnBooks:An Uncyclopedian's Guide to American Politics
- UnBooks:Gone Fishing
- UnBooks:Jimbo's Love Life: The Story of Wikipe-tan
- UnBooks:The True Story of: Jimmy and the aliens; based on a true story
- UnBooks:The Whimsical World of Freedom of Expression
- UnBooks:Vincent Van Gogh's Things To Do on a Rainy Afternoon
- Uncyclopedia:Votes for deletion
UnNews[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:God Rewrites the Bible
- UnNews:I have a fucking headache.
- UnNews:Local men secure enough in masculinity to fuck other men
- UnNews:Obama doodles random shit
- UnNews:Pope says gays are destroying rainforest
- UnNews:Stuffy intellectuals discover internet memes
- UnNews:There's 'gay' and then there's 'Oscar de la Hoya gay' - an editorial by Bill O'Reilly
- UnNews:Uncyclopedia launches first satellite
UnScripts[edit | edit source]
- UnScripts:My Little Womb Newt: Pregnancy is Sexy - zomg Uncyclowikia link!
- UnScripts:Secrets of Uranus
UnTunes[edit | edit source]
- UnTunes:Be Gay
- UnTunes:I Like Cats (The Other White Meat)
- UnTunes:Middle Aged Suburban White Guy Rap
- UnTunes:Oscar's Rap (I'm a Wilde Guy)
- UnTunes:White trash girl
V[edit | edit source]
W[edit | edit source]
- White-haired Asian Scientist
- Why?:I'm hot
- Why?:Pour Boiling Hot Water Down Your Trousers?
- Why?:Save the mooses? ...with SAVINGS!!!
- Wikipedia
- Writer's Block
Y[edit | edit source]
☃[edit | edit source]
- ☃ - Snowman!