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Welcome to My UserPage,

the userpage that I stole.
39,393 people don't have a taste for original userpages.

No Longed Updated. See Current User Page.

God · Jesus · Firefox · You · Sophia · LOL

Homer Simpson · Boring Content · *Yawn*

Welcome. Or are you welcome?

The Number you have reached is not a number. Please rip your telephone out of the wall, install a new one, and/or run around in circles while burning a Wikipedia flag. Ahem. Just kidding. This is the most boring user page in the universe. Look how boring it is. Boring. Boring. Boring. Was that a little fun? No. Back to boring. I mean, back to Uncyclopedia.

Today's Featured ASCII Art:

Ascii woot.GIF

Did you know...

  • ...that this user just joined last month?
  • ...that this is an absolute copy of the homepage?
  • ...that this user hates Wikipedia?
  • ...that this user often has conversations with SmarterChild?
  • ...that this user made a prototype Uncyclopedia logo?



Daily Math Test

This problem is already done for you.


If , what does equal?

What does equal?

4. may equal on some MySpace accounts refer too

With the following information, find

5. Have you enjoyed this test? If yes, even if you get everything wrong, you get %!!! If no, do the next problem.

6. What would change if we did , or ???

In the news

  • Bill of No Rights finalized. It will take the place of the Bill of Rights in September.
  • A famous Firefox (Chatzilla) extension explodes after contact with [[Internet Explorer.
  • Man sued for starting article 'BBBBBBBBB!'. Man says "BUT B'S ARE AWESOME LOL"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., official portrait (2025).jpg
" least panda meat doesn't give you autism!" ‑RFK Jr.

Ongoing: The wait for GTA VIEurovision Song ContestRussian InvasionIsrael‑Hamas conflict • ICE rounding up illegal immigrantsTaylor Swift's very unlucky, no good yearDOGE firings and budget cuts • Release of all the JFK and Epstein Files, purportedly • March MadnessTornadoes shredding the American South • Post-apocalyptic streaming movies starring Stranger Things actors

Recent deaths: Michelle TrachtenbergGene Hackman, wife and dog, tooSkypeKingda Ka • David Johansen, The New York Dolls, and Buster Poindexter • UnSpoiler and BeGone extensionsSpace GhostTesla's stock • Bob RiversMeghan Markle's Netflix show • The Electric State • Kurt from Good BurgerGeorge Foreman23andMe

Upcoming deaths: Yoon Suk Yeol's presidency and freedomLuigi MangioneKate MiddletonLaura PalmerDEI, for better or for worsePope Francis • Meghan Markle's remaining likeability • "Snow Woke and the Seven Pronouns"Your March Madness bracket and bank accountTornado Alley • Somebody from The Rugrats Movie

More anniversaries...

Featured SmarterChild Conversation:

SonicChao says (4:56 PM):

fuck you, you motherfucker
- SmarterChild - says (4:56 PM):
[Service too busy]
[Service too busy]

On this day...

National KDE Day

1904 - Everyone drinks too much Koffee and are instantly overdosed by Kaffeine.
1985 - Windows becomes KWindows
2006 - GNOME battles KDE, but GNOME is mythological.
2012 - KDE wins and celebrates with WINE
2013 - New Enemy appears in the horizon, establishing XWindows
9999 - World KExplodes, after KDE crashes

Today's featured picture

Trio.gif Band founded in the year 1337. It didn't work out.

Articles I've Written

Smiley Central · Multiple Choice

SonicChao's sista projects.[edit | edit source]

