User:Meganew/Aircraft Used By Uncyclopedia
These aircraft are used by Uncyclopedian forces, including the Soviet Galactic Battle Fleet, the Goa Tse Clan, UNSOC and the Grue Army.
These specifications are real, half-real, created by Meganew, n00bs, or flying monkeys.
Specifications: (Airbus A380/MBJ B-100)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 240 ft
Wingspan: 262 ft
Height: 79 ft
Loaded weight: 610,000 lb (305 tons)
Powerplant: 4x Engine Alliance GP7277 Turbojet engines
Maximum speed: 634 mph
Cruise speed: 587 mph
Range: 9,400 miles.
Guns: Uncyclopedia Weaponry Co. Ltd. UWCL-2000 laser in the nose.
Bombs: 200 1,000 lb bombs
Notes: This plane is also used by the Uncyclopedia Transit Authority (UTA).
Specifications: (IF-1 If)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1. Duh.
Length: 40 ft
Wingspan: 20 ft
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 100 Quadrillion lb
Powerplant: 1× Communist Black Hole Generator, 1,000,000,000,000 hp
Maximum speed: 100 Million mph
Cruise speed: 75 Million mph
Range: Infinite (It is very efficient)
Guns: 200 20mm Lightning-charged Uber Cannons, unlimited rounds/gun
Bombs: Infinite lb of rockets and bombs, including six Mark 7 nuclear bombs
Notes: The thing's impossible to see, but very easy to destroy. 1 shot from a 20mm cannon will cause it to spiral down to Earth and explode.
Specifications (P-12)[edit | edit source]

General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 20 ft 4 in
Wingspan: 30 ft
Height: 9 ft
Loaded weight: 2,690 lb
Powerplant: 1× Pratt & Whitney R-1340-17 Radial engine, 500 hp
Maximum speed: 189 mph
Cruise speed: 160 mph
Range: 570 miles
Guns: Two .30 inch machine guns or one .30 inch and one .50 inch machine guns
Bombs: 244 lb of bombs carried externally.
Notes: It's a biplane. I don't know where the heck this came from, but seeing as vandals haven't done anything to it, it must be well-protected.
Specifications (P-26 Peashooter)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 23 ft 7 in
Wingspan: 28 ft
Height: 10 ft
Loaded weight: 3,360 lb
Powerplant: 1× Pratt & Whitney R-1340-7 "Wasp" radial engine, 600 hp
Maximum speed: 234 mph
Cruise speed: 198 mph
Range: 360 miles
Guns: 2 .30 in M1919 Browning machine guns
Bombs: 1 200 lb bomb
Notes: Uncyclopedia normally uses this on forums to fight flamewars. A couple were used by Powershot during his insurrection.
Specifications (TYATU Standardized Assault Plane)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: Enough to allow the entire group of TYATU heroes to fit in it.
Length: Between 50-80 ft.
Wingspan: between 75-100 ft.
Height: between 10-50 ft.
Loaded weight: The weight of communism.
Powerplant: 1x Communism Curry Powder 24 DVD String engine, Infinite hp
Maximum speed: Speed of plot.
Cruise speed: Terminal velocity.
Range: Between 1-infinite miles.
Guns: Whatever Han put on it.
Bombs: The plane itself when it crashes.
Notes: These are now rare ever since TYATU bit the dust. However, if you really want one, ask This Guy or Me.
Specifications (Rene's Super-Clipper)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 2, Rene Corsaire, and Lord Flandos.
Length: 100 ft
Wingspan: It has no wings.
Height: 110 ft (Including Masts), 40 ft (Without Masts)
Loaded weight: Who knows?
Powerplant: 1x Wind. Blows into the masts to make the clipper fly.
Maximum speed: Up to 500 mph.
Cruise speed: As fast as the group's plane is going.
Range: It just appears.
Guns: 9x 1600s cannon.
Bombs: The clipper crashes into other things without destroying itself.
Notes: These are commonly used by the French pirates since TYATU bit the dust.
Specifications (A-22 Uncyclopedia)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 45 ft
Wingspan: 60 ft when straight, 30 ft when retracted to a 35-degree angle
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 10,000 lb
Powerplant: 1x Pratt & Whitney R-5600 "Quadruple Wasp" four-row radial engine, 5,600 hp
Maximum speed: 575 mph
Cruise speed: 550 mph
Range: 4,000 miles (Infinite range with air-to-air refueling)
Guns: 1x 20mm Vulcan Cannon
Bombs: 12x 100lb bombs
Notes: These are used by the Admins when they need to VFD stuff super-quickly. You'll have to bribe an admin to get one, though.
Specifications (Frockmaster 2000)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 20 ft
Wingspan: It has no wings.
Height: 7 ft
Loaded weight: 9,000 lb
Powerplant: 1× Daimler-Benz DB 610 liquid-cooled inverted V24 (Two DB 605 engines coupled together), 2,992 hp
Maximum speed: 13,048 mph (Mach 17)
Cruise speed: 7,500 mph (Mach 9.9)
Range: 10 miles before it crashes.
Guns: 1x 20mm MK/151 Cannon
Bombs: None
Notes: A prototype mentioned in the original Warplanes article. It didn't have wings, which is why it crashed after 10 miles of travel.
Specifications (Yak-1000)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 50 ft
Wingspan: 25 ft. Wing slanted at 25 degree angle.
Height: 13 ft
Loaded weight: 16,000 lb
Powerplant: 1x Tumansky R-28 V-300 turbojet, 15,000 hp in conversion from Metric to American
Maximum speed: 770 mph (Mach 1.01)
Cruise speed: 560 mph
Range: 950 miles
Guns: 2× 23 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23 cannon
Bombs: 2x 500 lb bombs or 1x 1,000 lb bomb.
Notes: Brought to Uncyclopedia by Timothy Engelsfair along with the Yak-500.
Specifications (Yak-500)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 45 ft
Wingspan: 35 ft. Wing slanted at a 30-degree angle.
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 19,500 lb
Powerplant: 1× MNPK Soyuz R-79V-300 turbofan, 24,300 hp in conversion from Metric to American
Maximum speed: 1,152 mph
Cruise speed: 850 mph
Range: 600 miles
Guns: 1x 30 mm GSh-301 cannon
Bombs: 10x 100 lb bombs, 4x 250 lb bombs, 2x 500 lb bombs, or 1x 1,000 lb bomb.
Notes: Brought to Uncyclopedia by Timothy Engelsfair along with the Yak-1000.
Specifications (TIE Fighter)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 20 ft (Including Wings), 6 ft (Just Cockpit)
Wingspan: 25 ft
Height: 40 ft (Including Wings), 6 ft (Just Cockpit)
Loaded weight: 300 lb
Powerplant: 1x Fusion reactor, supplying 150,200 hp
Maximum speed: 500 mph
Cruise speed: 450 mph
Range: 200 miles
Guns: 2x 15mm Vulcan Cannon, later versions had 2 Imperial Disruptors.
Bombs: 6 Proton Torpedoes.
Notes: TIE fighters can be bought from the 3rd world market for a cheap price. Sometimes you'll see modified versions on the market as well.
Specifications (A-4 Skyhawk)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 40 ft 3 in
Wingspan: 26 ft 6 in
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 18,300 lb
Powerplant: 1× Pratt & Whitney J52-P8A turbojet, 10,000 hp in conversion
Maximum speed: 673 mph
Cruise speed: 606 mph
Range: 2,000 mi
Guns: 2× 20 mm Colt Mk 12 cannon
Bombs: 9,900 lb on five external hardpoints
Notes: Still in use after 50 years of service.
Specifications (F-Bærum)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 100 ft
Wingspan: 50 feet. Wings slanted at a 25 degree angle, and are attached to the fuselage.
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 3,000 lb
Powerplant: Supposedly a Blajkffsbgaushf Pancake Fork connected to a 120 volt generator, 57,000 hp
Maximum speed: Warp speed. However, it usually doesn't go past Mach 1, due to stability problems.
Cruise speed: Mach 1.
Range: Infinite, but usually 100 miles, due to malfunctions.
Guns: 2x laser cannons.
Bombs: 100 Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles
Notes: The F-Bærum was a test aircraft that recently was sold to Codeine for him and his girlfriend to fly in. He reportedly paid several million Yoinxx(worth approximately $1.99) to have it.
Specifications (P-250 Fjopingouin)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 50 ft
Wingspan: 30 ft
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 10,500 lb
Powerplant: 1x Pratt & Whitney R-4200 "Triple Wasp" Radial engine, 4,000 hp
Maximum speed: 490 mph
Cruise speed: 435 mph
Range: 800 miles
Guns: 12 37mm Oldsmobile cannon, 50 rounds per gun.
Bombs: 72 R4M Anti-Air missiles
Notes: Made from the parts of an A-4 Skyhawk, RAHB's tennis balls, and Uncyclopedian's sense of humor.
Specifications (Un-1 Nintendorulez)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 40 ft
Wingspan: 30 ft
Height: 15 ft
Loaded weight: 41 lb
Powerplant: 1× Continental A-65-8 air-cooled flat four piston engine, 65 hp
Maximum speed: 500 mph
Cruise speed: 450 mph
Range: 2,000 miles
Guns: 2x specially made .50 in. Machine guns under engine.
Bombs: 20x 2 lb smoke bombs
Notes: Built by Jules Nintendorulez to destroy the FR-1 Euroipod. It was later sold to Benson's 3D House of Pancakes as a promotional tool.
Specifications (Hyperbole F-100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 AKA the Hyperbole F-Long Number))[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 900,000 Kenyan supermodels
Length: 6 mi
Wingspan: 2 mi
Height: 900 ft
Loaded weight: 1,000,000,000,000 tons
Powerplant: 7,000x GE90-115Bs
Maximum speed: It can make the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs.
Cruise speed: 2 mph, so everybody sees me. I put my rag top down so my hair can blow.
Range: Over 12,000,000,000 miles.
Guns: Each of the Kenyan supermodels is equipped with an AK-47, grenade launcher, a bulletproof vest, and an armored truck. Their guns stick out of small sealable holes on the top, sides, and bottom of the plane.
Bombs: 19,000 nuclear warheads; Project Xylophone.
Notes: Project Xylophone, also known as the F-Long Number, was the ultimate fighter aircraft. However, Hyperbole couldn't get enough money to finish it, and it remains half-completed rusting in his garage.
Specifications (Un-2 Banhammer)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1 Admin, usually Mordillo or TKF.
Length: 60 ft
Wingspan: 45 ft
Height: 30 ft
Loaded weight: 2 oz
Powerplant: 1x Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick, carefully stored in a weightless steel jar.
Maximum speed: The speed of being banned.
Cruise speed: The speed of reverting vandalism.
Range: The length of time a Judgement Day ban is.
Guns: 1x Banhammer. Can instantly annihilate any plane used by an Uncyclopedian user.
Bombs: 10x Spam Missiles. It uses these to kill sockpuppets.
Notes: Admin-only aircraft. Were used to protect some pages from Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Specifications (Fr-1 Euroipod)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 8
Length: 800 ft
Wingspan: 400 ft
Height: 200 ft
Loaded weight: 1,000,000 lb
Powerplant: 40x Communism Curry Powder 24 DVD String engines, Infinite hp
Maximum speed: 1,000,000,000 mph
Cruise speed: 1,000,000 mph
Range: 1,000 miles
Guns: 1,000 forward-facing 75mm cannon, 500 backward-facing 20mm cannon.
Bombs: 1,000,000 1,000 lb bombs
Notes: Designed as a fighter to protect the Euroipod factory.
Specifications (EDian Fighter)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1 EDian. Lulz.
Length: 30 ft. Lulz.
Wingspan: 35ft. Lulz.
Height: 15 ft. Lulz.
Loaded weight: 2,500 lb. Lulz.
Powerplant: 1x GOATSE!!!
Maximum speed: 1,000 mph. Lulz.
Cruise speed: 500 mph. Lulz.
Range: Infinite. Lulz.
Guns: 40 Flamethrowers with 50 lb of napalm for each. Lulz.
Bombs: 1,000 bombs filled with GOATSE SHOCK PR0N!!! LULZ!!!
Notes: One was captured during Encyclopedia Dramatica's attack on the Euroipod factory.
Specifications (Pb-2 Lead)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 3
Length: 80 ft
Wingspan: 70 ft
Height: 30 ft
Loaded weight: 65,000 lb
Powerplant: 6x rear facing Pratt & Whitney R-4200 Triple Wasp radial engines, 4,000 hp each, each driving a 6-bladed Contraprop.
Maximum speed: 470 mph
Cruise speed: 310 mph
Range: 4,500 miles.
Guns: 2x .50 cal. machine guns mounted in a top turret, 4x .50 cal. machine guns mounted in a tail turret, 1x .50 cal. machine gun in a nose position, and 2x .50 cal. machine guns in each turret on top of the wing. Each gun has 2,000 rounds of ammo.
Bombs: 100 5 lb smoke bombs
Notes: The Pb-2 is used to lay down smoke(admin warnings) on vandals.
Specifications (Hammer & Sickle Fighter)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 20 ft
Wingspan: 15 ft
Height: 7 ft
Loaded weight: 900 lb
Powerplant: 1x Stalinator Rocket, 12,000 hp
Maximum speed: 1,000 mph
Cruise speed: 900 mph
Range: 3,000 miles.
Guns: 2x Sickle throwers, 1 in the middle of each wing, and 1 Hammer thrower, mounted on top of the cockpit.
Bombs: 4 250 lb Communist propaganda bombs.
Notes: Built by Tim Engelsfair After he turned up on TYATU.
Specifications (F8F Bearcat)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 28 ft 3 in
Wingspan: 35 ft 10 in
Height: 13 ft 10 in
Loaded weight: 10,200 lb
Powerplant: 1× Pratt & Whitney R-2800-34W "Double Wasp" two-row radial engine, 2,100 hp
Maximum speed: 421 mph
Cruise speed: 324 mph
Range: 1,105 miles.
Guns: 4× 20mm M3 cannon
Bombs: 1 1,000 lb bomb, plus 4× 5 in unguided rockets
Notes: Left over from World War II
Specifications (P-75 Eagle)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 40 ft 5 in
Wingspan: 49 ft 4 in
Height: 15 ft 6 in
Loaded weight: 13,807 lb
Powerplant: 1× Allison V-3420-23 liquid-cooled 24-cylinder double-vee inline engine, 2,885 hp
Maximum speed: 433 mph
Cruise speed: 320 mph
Range: 2,050 miles.
Guns: 6x 0.5 in wing mounted machine guns, and 4x 0.5 in fuselage mounted machine guns
Bombs: 2 500 lb bombs
Notes: Another fighter from World War II.
Specifications (X-Bærum)[edit | edit source]

General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 50 ft
Wingspan: 30 ft
Height: 20 ft
Loaded weight: 1,337 lb
Powerplant: 2x Matter-Antimatter Reactors, 568,000,000 hp
Maximum speed: Warp 10. However, never went past 500 mph.
Cruise speed: 300 mph
Range: Intended to be Infinite. Problems made its range only 1,000 mles.
Guns: 1x Death Star Laser.
Bombs: 1,000 Inter-continental ballistic missiles
Notes: The son of the F-Bærum, it's even more screwed-up.
Specifications (F-84H Thunderscreech)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 51 ft 5 in
Wingspan: 33 ft 5 in
Height: 15 ft 4 in
Loaded weight: 27,046 lb
Powerplant: 1× Allison T-40 turboprop, 5,500 hp
Maximum speed: 623 mph
Cruise speed: 520 mph
Range: 2,000 miles.
Guns: 6× .50 in Browning machine guns
Bombs: 1 6,000 lb Mark 7 nuclear bomb
Notes: The propeller speeds past the speed of sound.
Specifications (F-184 Thunderscratch)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 55 ft
Wingspan: 35 ft. Wings slanted at a 35-degree angle.
Height: 17 ft 6 in
Loaded weight: 30,000 lb
Powerplant: 1x Allison T56-A-427A Turboprop, 5,800 hp
Maximum speed: 600 mph
Cruise speed: 350 mph
Range: 3,000 miles
Guns: 4x 20mm M3 Cannon
Bombs: 6 1,000 lb bombs
Notes: The propeller spins past the speed of sound, just like the Thunderscreech.
Specifications (MiG-31 Firefox)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 40 ft
Wingspan: 45 ft
Height: 10 ft
Loaded weight: 47,000 lb
Powerplant: 2x Tumansky turbo-ramjet engines, 100,000 hp
Maximum speed: Mach 3
Cruise speed: Mach 1
Range: 3,000 miles.
Guns: 2x 23mm cannon
Bombs: 4 AA-6 Acrid air-to-air missiles (Thought Controlled)
Notes: The entire plane, along with the weapons and everything else can only be flown by someone who speaks Russian.
Specifications (Sukhoi Su-57 "Sanderson")[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: one (Person, not God)
Length: 90ft
Wingspan: 40ft
Height: 15ft
Loaded weight: 6,600lb
Powerplant: 2x Female Fuel-Powered Spartak turbocharged noise-jets
Maximum speed: Secret. Well then, can't read more? Mach 6.
Cruise speed: As fast as needed.
Range: Secret, but can fly to your house.
Guns: 2x 35mm Cannon, to destroy your plane.
Bombs: 7 AA-17 250lb bombs, and sometimes 1 atomic bomb to destroy your house.
Notes: The sequel of the MiG-31 was recalled after the wings were broken off during a test flight.
Specifications (Black Triangle)[edit | edit source]
General characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 30ft
Wingspan: 30ft
Height: 10ft
Loaded weight: 0lb
Powerplant: Unknown, but it supposedly puts out over 100,000hp.
Maximum speed: 20,000mph
Cruise speed: 900mph
Range: Infinite, seeing as no one has figured it out yet.
Guns: It has 3 laser cannons that can shoot enemies 180 degrees from where they're mounted.
Bombs: None, as the laser can annihilate anything.
Notes: They keep getting rarer and rarer...
Specifications B-62[edit | edit source]
To create your own plane, use these specification lines:
General characteristics
Loaded weight: 875,000 KG
Powerplant:4 SAAB G14 Nuclear Pulse Reactor
Maximum speed: 990,000 KPH
Cruise speed: 700,000 KPH
Range: Infinite
Guns: 40x 105 MM Rapid-Fire Cannons with Nuclear Core Rounds.
Bombs: 1000 Nuclear MIRVS capable of destroying the sun
Notes: Designed to destroy UN-1s. Later stored in the Museum of Commie Planes
Specifications (Plane Name)[edit | edit source]
To create your own plane, use these specification lines:
General characteristics
Loaded weight: Weight including bombs and guns
Powerplant: Engine used on the plane.
Maximum speed: How fast your plane really can go.
Cruise speed: How fast your plane normally goes.
Range: How far it can go without running out of fuel.
Guns: Light weapons, such as machine guns or cannon.
Bombs: Bombs or missiles go here.
Notes: Just put little notes and info here.