User:ultraSuperMega Jesus

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Stop crap.png
This page is a piece of crap. The author(s) acknowledge this.
Bloink1 solid.png
This page has too many templates.
And I'm not helping. Please eliminate a couple.

Licensed under absolutely nothing. Have a fucking field day. Abuse this for your own sick pleasures. No license.png
Nuvola apps important.svg This article is really incofuckingherent and is a disgrace to the Internet.
We suggest that you vote it the Featured Article VFD immediately.

This page is or discusses a loony and/or nutty conspiracy theory of which Uncyclopedia vehemently denies knowledge and existence.
The black helicopters are not ^on their way.

Nu-Femme en buste appuyée sur un coussin-années 20.JPG
This page has no adult content.
Would you add some?
Nu-Femme en buste appuyée sur un coussin-années 20.JPG
TV-14.gif This article may not be suitable for all audiences.
This article contains content not suitable for people with the brain of a person under 14 inches (35.5cm) tall or TransVestites.

Bird hand.png
This article or image is a copyright violation.
Luckily, nobody cares.

Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg
I was blocked from Uncyclopedia, and all I got was this lousy template!
InsertKittenHuffingJoke has been blocked from Uncyclopedia for misconduct. May their sad fate serve as a warning to others. Make Uncyclopedia better, not worse. Stop the cycle of violins.


“God I hate this fucking douchebag....InsertKittenHuffingJoke...that name is so fucking uninspired”

~ Oscar Wilde on InsertKittenHuffingJoke

“Oh, yeah- I will fucking kill InsertKittenHuffingJoke- After Linux and Google first you fuckers!”

~ Steve Ballmer on the masta planz dawg...


Pffffttt...[edit | edit source]

Insert Kitten Huffing Joke... wow... what a lame id.

I mean, thats so totaly old...

The creator must be some stupid 10 year old kid...

I bet he's one of those douchebags who likes that Emo music..... blah

Why doesn't he just go and blog?



My Shiite: Imperial Cult a work in progress...