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“I expected these articles to taste like chicken, but they don't really taste like anything.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Category:Tasteless

Some people do not appreciate tasteless humor. If you are one, then now is a good time to learn to appreciate it. Do do so, choose one of the articles listed below, carefully print it out on a color printer, take the resulting printout and, using scissors or a sharp craft knife, cut a small portion (approx 1cm square) from near the center. Place this in your mouth and chew it thoroughly for about 3 minutes. Be sure not use printer whose ink contains vegetable-based dyes, as you may be tasting the dye rather than the article itself.


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.



  • Ew(3 C, 21 P, 55 F)





Pages in category "Tasteless"

The following 86 pages are in this category, out of 86 total.

Media in category "Tasteless"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.