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Currently in jail for harassing the local women
Sunday, February 23, 2025, 23:39 (UTC)
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Squid sexually assaults South Korean diner
UnNews:Squid sexually assaults South Korean diner
SEOULFUL, SOUTH KOREA – A South Korean woman's main dish, half-cooked calamari, seems to have enjoyed the diner as much as she enjoyed it. During a posthumous orgasm, the marine organism ejaculated inside the startled woman's mouth.

Authorities are investigating the alleged sexual assault. They have conducted a lineup of suspects. Chefs and other restaurant employees are cooperating with police as authorities seek to determine whether the act was “consensual or forced.”

The insemination of the woman's oral cavity left her feeling a “prickling sensation,” the alleged victim claimed. “It felt as if something had penetrated my mouth.” She didn't swallow.
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