Forum:We Are Prostitutes; A Slutlist

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > We Are Prostitutes; A Slutlist
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5249 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
Slut List

  1. Mhaille ‎(23,574 links) +3,929
  2. MrN9000 ‎(10,684 links) ↑1 +912
  3. Benson ‎(9,265 links) ↓1 -6,024
  4. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user ‎(8,279 links) ↑2 +1,691
  5. Thekillerfroggy ‎(7,635 links) ↓1 -161
  6. TheLedBalloon ‎(6,628 links) ↓1 -6
  7. ChiefjusticeDS ‎(6,181 links) ↑10 +2,942
  8. Modusoperandi ‎(5,931 links) ↑1 +402
  9. Bradaphraser ‎(5,844 links) not on previous list
  10. Sycamore ‎(5,548 links) +380
  11. Under user ‎(5,257 links) ↑1 +486
  12. Todd Lyons ‎(5,004 links) ↓1 +67
  13. Zombiebaron ‎(4,992 links) ↓6 -700
  14. Tom mayfair ‎(4,278 links) ↓1 -659
  15. Insineratehymn ‎(4,003 links) ↓1 -2
  16. Fnoodle ‎(3,535 links) ↓1 +128
  17. Dr. Skullthumper ‎(3,517 links) ↓1 +159
  18. Bonner ‎(3,390 links) +190
  19. Colin "All your base" Heaney ‎(3,200 links) not on previous list
  20. Codeine ‎(3,045 links) +95
  21. Dexter111344 ‎(3,040 links) ↑16 +1,363
  22. Starnestommy ‎(3,031 links) ↓3 +7
  23. RAHB ‎(2,997 links) ↓2 +204
  24. Mordillo ‎(2,712 links) ↓2 +171
  25. Electrified mocha chinchilla ‎(2,617 links) ↑3 +577
  26. Necropaxx ‎(2,455 links) ↓1 +241
  27. Olipro ‎(2,420 links) ↑2 +512
  28. THEDUDEMAN ‎(2,380 links) ↓5 +10
  29. Ethine ‎(2,359 links) not on previous list
  30. Paizuri ‎(2,324 links) not on previous list
  31. Cajek ‎(2,315 links) ↓7 +101
  32. Braydie ‎(2,162 links) ↓6 +1
  33. Gerrycheevers ‎(1,989 links) ↓3 +84
  34. Orian57 ‎(1,928 links) ↓2 +42
  35. Mnbvcxz ‎(1,903 links) ↑4 +258
  36. SysRq ‎(1,878 links) ↓4 +18
  37. Kip the Dip ‎(1,871 links) not on previous list
  38. Ljlego ‎(1,812 links) ↓5 +21
  39. RabbiTechno ‎(1,796 links) not on previous list
  40. Optimuschris ‎(1,762 links) ↓4 +81


  • It has been 246 days since the last slutlist so I thought it was probably time for a new one. You're welcome everybody. -- The Zombiebaron 06:51, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
  • Eleven? This goes to eleven! --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 08:35, Oct 30
  • Symbol wtf vote.svg WTF? Obviously I need to start welcoming everyone just to make the top 40 of this list! Where am I really? How many people I gotta kill to make it? It is Halloween after all... where's my shot gun... LINE UP EVERYBODY!!!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  31 Oct 2010 ~ 22:05 (UTC)
  • Symbol wtf vote.svg WTF? Neat template... er, I mean, I need to work on this, too. Shotguns, Happytimes? Let's get rocket launchers! ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101031 - 22:12 (UTC)
    Yes!!! That is much better than a gun that shoots single servings of hard liquor! (I guess I did beat "User:BENSON," "Your Mom," & "George Bush;" "Pornography," "Mel Gibson," & "Sophia.") I am soooo popular; BHOP now means "Beat Happytimes you Old Potatoes!" Or something.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  31 Oct 2010 ~ 22:44 (UTC)
    What we need... is... what about them folks... that... er... what? Crap. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101031 - 23:33 (UTC)

My first time off the list. Although I would still be present if it wasn't for the cheaters welcoming committee cheaters. —rc (t) 03:44, November 1, 2010 (UTC)

Wait, there's a welcoming committee? Since when? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101101 - 03:54 (UTC)
Since about the third one of these (I'm guessing... don't you read the archives? gheesh!) duh!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  02 Nov 2010 ~ 23:51 (UTC)
What archives? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101103 - 00:53 (UTC)
Didn't you get the memo from the Archives Committee? Damn, there's no way you're going to place high on the Archives List. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 00:55, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
What Archives Committee? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101103 - 01:02 (UTC)
Sigh. Look, we're not going to get anywhere until you at least sign up with the Committee Committee. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 05:01, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
A Committee Committee?! ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101103 - 05:05 (UTC)
Yes. The Subcommittee Committee created it. The Committee on Subcommittees tried to stop them, but you know how ineffective they are... Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 12:10, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
I really don't. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101103 - 12:36 (UTC)

HOLY SON OF A THUNDERDYKE! I LOST 5 PLACES! Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 05:42, November 8, 2010 (UTC)