Forum:It's Slut List time again, folks!

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > It's Slut List time again, folks!
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6768 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Once again it's that time of the month when we look and see who's made the Offical Paris Hilton Slut Leaderboard™. The "Whories" if you will.

  1. User:Todd Lyons (1299 links) (3545 links and counting!)
  2. User:Mhaille (1092 links)
  3. User:Tompkins (814 links)
  4. User:Splaka (768 links)
  5. User:Rcmurphy (604 links)
  6. User:Codeine (516 links)
  7. User:Hinoa4 (403 links)
  8. User:Nintendorulez (392 links)
  9. User:Chronarion (358 links)
  10. User:Keitei (355 links)
  11. User:Carlb (353 links)
  12. User:Savethemooses (352 links)
  13. User:Hrodulf (335 links)
  14. User:Elvis (333 links)
  15. User:Dawg (324 links)
  16. User:Gwax (323 links)
  17. User:MoneySign (323 links)
  18. User:Zombiebaron (318 links)
  19. User:Nerd42 (305 links)
  20. User:Bradaphraser (303 links)
  21. User:Flammable (270 links)
  22. User:Nytrospawn (260 links)
  23. User:Hindleyite (246 links)
  24. User:Rataube (243 links)
  25. User:Ghelae (242 links)
  26. User:Isra1337 (234 links)
  27. User:David Gerard (206 links)
  28. User:Some user (189 links)
  29. User:RadicalX (188 links)
  30. User:Famine (180 links)
  31. User:Paulgb (171 links)
  32. User:Sikon (169 links)
  33. User:Spang (160 links)
  34. User:SimulacrumCaputosis (157 links)
  35. User:BobBobBob (153 links)

Comments, Excuses & General Finger-Pointing

"Well there's your problem, ma'am..." :) --<<Bradmonogram.png>> 19:37, 29 June 2006 (UTC)
  • I'm up to 8! --User:Nintendorulez 16:50, 30 June 2006 (UTC)
  • Thanks for the love, folks.  :) I'll apologize in advance for being around less this month. Lots to do at home right now. ~ T. (talk) 02:14, 1 July 2006 (UTC)
    • Yeah, whatever. Like what? Wife? Kids? That's no excuse, man. —rc (t) 02:24, 1 July 2006 (UTC)
  • Zombieslut? Has a nice ring to it. --The Zombiebaron 17:20, 4 July 2006 (UTC)
  • Hooray! I'm #4476!...Or is that bad?--The One and Only Czar Yah 23:46, 11 July 2006 (UTC)

Wilde vs Lyons

Sign up to support Todd (and change your signature before doing so)

Dammit, I had the hilarious idea to do this a long time ago but the computer I was using was too damn slow and wouldn't load any of the pages. -- Tinymooose.gif » Sir Savethemooses Grand Commanding Officer ... holla atcha boy» 18:51, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

We are almost there!---Asteroid B612B612.jpg (aka Rataube) - Ñ 22:10, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
When do the statistics get updated? I just added a "GO TODD" link to Template:Cookie, as well as my own sig, thinking that would be more than enough. But the numbers haven't changed yet. Anyway, sorry if anyone is offended by my temporarily messing with the cookie template... I just thought it would speed things up a little bit!  c • > • cunwapquc? 00:24, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
For some reason it seems to take a short while before it kicks in. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
For and explanation on why the Cookie Template Trick doesn't work, check out this explanation by the Splak. --The Zombiebaron 14:38, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
Yes, that was disappointing. If anybody wants to have a go with Template:Stub, that might be worth about 800 more links... But I'd suggest asking for Splaka's OK first -- you know, just to be polite about it and all.  c • > • cunwapquc? 15:19, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
I got an idea! We can start attributing quotes to Todd Lyons! Or we could manually change all the Oscar Wilde quotes to Todd quotes! Wow, that's a stupid idea.... --The Zombiebaron 19:16, 12 July 2006 (UTC)

The really real sluts

Special:Statistics. Not 100% up to date, but there you will find a list of active users sorted by number of edits (or times they ran their spambots) and not by the number of times they spamed their signature.---Asteroid B612B612.jpg (aka Rataube) - Ñ 11:33, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

  1. Carlb (by far)
  2. Spalka
  3. (Guess who?) Todd Lyons

Old, Used-Up Slut Lists