User talk:One-eyed Jack/Archive

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Messages for Jack[edit source]

Re: Obsessive-compulsive rhyming disorder[edit source]

Hey, thanks a lot, OEJ! I'm thrilled so many people on Uncyclopedia liked OCRD so much, and having it featured blew me away. But, remember, you have a hand in all of this, too: you were the first person to review my article, and as such likely the first one to take a really good look at it, and you also contributed those marvellous bits about grocery shopping and gangsta doctor visits. As such, you deserve to be praised for your contributions, too. Thanks again for everything you've done; without that first Pee Review, I highly doubt that OCRD would even be a known article, let alone featured. -- Big Brother Sig Part 1.pngCUN PLS VFH (MiniluvMinitrueUnsoc) 02:39, 21 June 2007 (UTC)

Oh, Cyclopedian-Ocular John[edit source]

I'm writing to see if you'd be at all interested in judging for the upcoming Poo Lit Surprise competition? If you're planning on writing anything, go right ahead and do that, you certainly have the talent, but if you want to assist in the judging, that would be greatly appreciated. Hit me up on my talk page if you're open to the idea.Sir ENeGMA (talk) GUN WotM PLS 22:23, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

Image[edit source]

Dunno if this one is used somewhere? or is it deletable? Please let me know. Ta -- sannse (talk) 20:16, 25 June 2007 (UTC)

Bipolar Bears[edit source]

Here's two bucks a charming portrait of a bipolar bear for your heartfelt support of manic-depressive wildlife.

Bipolar Bears Rule!!


- Thanks for the review. It made the front page. Slithy Tove 06:36, 5 July 2007 (UTC)

YourSpace[edit source]

Thankx for reveiwing this. Sorry the cartoon isn't readable. It's funny, though, because I did the most of the article using Microsoft Word, which auto-corrects misspelt words. This explains the Uncyclopedian errors (e.g., the "[[incorrect heading==, but doesn't explain the other mispelt words. Funny...

I don't know why MS Wurd missed Transelvanian. Clambered is a correctly spelled word but it means "to climb something clumsily" and what you wanted was clamored, "to shout for or demand something". I don't know what MS Wurd's grammar-check would have said about the "amounts" sentence. Incidentally, I use Firefox browser and it does a spell-check for text entry fields -- including Wiki article-editing fields like the one I'm typing this reply in right now. But I like creating articles in a word processor and then uploading them. ----OEJ 17:13, 10 July 2007 (UTC)

Thanks![edit source]

Toilet paper.jpg Dr. Skullthumper has awarded you a roll of toilet paper for voting on bathroom humor. In fact, you voted for it, too. Really quite a plus. So thanks.

Seriously, treat the toilet paper nicely. It's a bit... you know... sensitive. You might want to laugh at the jokes it makes. Particularly the one about the plunger and the elf. God, only heard that one five million times...

 Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 00:31 Feb 02, 2025 00:52, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

Gut Check![edit source]