Template:DYKimage/Image Gallery
This is an image gallery of images currently listed on {{DYKimage}}. If you have a funny article with a funny picture you think should be linked to, please use this format.
[[File:example.png|right|120px]] *... that [[example]] example example? (''Pictured'')
... that the Deep-fried Mars Bar is responsible for the deaths of thousands in Scotland? (Pictured)
... that Gerry Adams IS the Lord of the Dance? (Pictured)
... that no, doing this does not make your incompetence any less obvious? (Pictured)
... that the classic fairy tale Hansel and Gretel was blamed for hundreds of accidental deaths involving elderly women being pushed into ovens by children? (Pictured)
... that while I have no idea what this means, all I know is that I just lost my life savings while some other guy just bought his fifth yacht? (Pictured)
... that Vincent Price is laughing at you from the grave? (Pictured)
... that Malcom X absolutely loved Kentucky Fried Chicken? (Pictured)
... that Sigmund Freud told me he slept with your mother last night? (Pictured)
... that in China, there is no MySpace, but a communist alternative? (Pictured)
... that I'm secretly looking for Nazi Gold right now? (Pictured)
... that The Woodburninator is a cannibal? (Pictured)
... that the Gay Agenda is out to get you? (Pictured)
... that I started drowning two minutes before typing this? (Pictured)
... that I'm coming to get you? (Pictured)
... that Albert Einstein's likeness has been used to sell pornography? (Pictured)
... that I hear voices outside my room? (Pictured)
... that former Australian prime minister John Howard once spent over 48 hours in session with his cabinet? (Pictured)
... that the waterways of Oslo, Norway are much like Venice, except that they are open sewers? (Pictured)
... that early in her career, Angelina Jolie used extensive CGI effects to cover up her anorexia? (Pictured)
... that the Qu'ran was originally taken from a page in the Thomas the Tank Engine activity and coloring book? (Pictured)
... that male and female giraffes have been banned from living together in the New York City Zoo since 1975? (Pictured)
... that the entire army of Liechtenstein consists of 3 soldiers? (Pictured)
... that Pigpen had a collection of over 200 various skin diseases during his childhood? (Pictured)
... that a smiling Joe Pesci is never a good thing? (Pictured)
... the secret to good advertising is to lie? (Pictured)
... that the Royal Pointless Military Things Tournament was founded by the Duke of York? (Pictured)
... that the Silver Surfer has a very large family? (Pictured)
... cluck gawk cluck cluck cluck cluck bock bock cluck cluck B`gawk? (Pictured)
... that Oh My God! There's a Meteor Heading Towards Us? (Pictured)
... that 45% of Japan's electrical and nuclear power is produced by manual labor? (Pictured)
... that this topless woman is clearly unhappy about her situation? (Pictured)
... that Burger King briefly attempted to introduce traditional British cuisine in the US? (Pictured)
... that Christmas was cancelled in 1984 after an unfortunate accident between Santa and a Boeing 747? (Pictured)
... that the Angel of Death is after you? (Pictured)
... that Big Bird was the guest of honor on a special Thanksgiving episode of Sesame Street? (Pictured)
... that the WWF is the only "sports entertainment" organization endorsed by PETA and Greenpeace? (Pictured)
... that the Southern United States is well-known for its "Southern Hospitality"? (Pictured)
... that in another time and place Rod Serling existed as a discarded cardboard cutout on the set of the Twilight Zone? (Pictured)
... that grave robbing accounts for 1/3 of the average Romanian yearly income? (Pictured)
... I burning your dog? (Pictured)
... that playing Dungeons & Dragons has caused many teenagers to lose their grip on reality? (Pictured)
... that the Easter Bunny must kill every 100 years? (Pictured)
... that Japanese ninjas are among those who have tried to find a way to get across the Great Wall of China? (Pictured)
... that Elvis is NOT dead? (Pictured)
... I could absolutely kill for something to eat right now? (Pictured)
... that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy? (Pictured)
... that BET is dedicated to bringing quality entertainment to the masses? (Pictured)
... that my English teacher is gay? (Pictured)
... that there was more then one model for the Mona Lisa? (Pictured)
... that your daughter wants to be just like her mommy? (Pictured)
... that tickle fights are a common occurrence in soccer? (Pictured)
... that the Black Knight always triumphs? (Pictured)
... that the toaster in Pulp Fiction is wanted in connection with at least 5 unsolved murders? (Pictured)
... that there's only one word in the vocabulary of a customer service representative? (Pictured)
... that it's a surprisingly simple process to starting your own religion? (Pictured)
... that Wikipedia contains millions of articles written by countless anonymous contributors? (Pictured)
... that Pennywise the Clown wants to entertain you? (Pictured)
... that video games have been linked to aggressive behavior in teenagers? (Pictured)
... that liberals want to eat your children? (Pictured)
... that cabbages are not to be trifled with? (Pictured)
... that there's only one way to party? (Pictured)
... that in Rhode Island any marriage where either of the party is an idiot and/or lunatic is considered null & void? And therefore, almost everyone in the state is, technically, a bastard? (Pictured)
... that you can meet all sorts of interesting people when you're drunk? (Pictured)
... that some of the victims of Pompeii were caught in compromising positions? (Pictured)
... that we lurn guud in skool? (Pictured)
... that AMC's hit series Breaking Bad Wind (Pictured) featured the actors' real farts?
... that you wash your ass not your pussy (Pictured) in the Bidet?
... that Canadian baseball (Pictured) is a thing?
... that President Hoover (Pictured) was an actual hoover?
... that John Travolta (Pictured) isn't gay?
... that Nelson Mandela (Pictured) was a cunt?
... that Pope Francis (Pictured) played football for Argentina?
... that 9/11 (Pictured) was an outside job?
... that Margaret Thatcher (Pictured) died thirty years too late?
... that hand transplant patients (Pictured) celebrate by masturbating?
... that your nipples (Pictured) can fall off?
... that the Washington Niggers (Pictured) are set to change their name?
... that Captain Autofellatio (Pictured) often gets distracted from crime-fighting?
... that phone sex operators (Pictured) are not always that hot?
... that What's-his-name off that thing (Pictured) was in that film with that other dude?
... that silent radio (Pictured) existed before regular radio?
... if you are right brained or left brained? (Pictured)
... that the history of Great Britain (Pictured) is greater than Frosties?
... that Gypsies are stealing your carrots right now? (Pictured)
... that Cafeteria food (Pictured) is not generally edible?
... that solar flares are actually maritime distress signals launched by astronauts floating in the Sun's vast oceans? (Pictured)
... that Richard Nixon really just wanted a Magnavox Odyssey?
... that Vladimir Putin's warm and paternal gaze can cure cancer?
... that Joseph Stalin (Pictured) is the the real Man of Steel?
... that guilt tripping junk mail makes up 12% of Africa's GDP? (Pictured)
... that Hans Helmuth Saltzman's collection of Camera Obscura images is the best preserved of the Renaissance era? (Pictured)
... that the The Antipodean Gallery of Post-Modern Art will play host to some of Pau Pei's most groundbreaking works of concentric art?(Pictured)