User talk:Fredd The Mahmauscher/Archive 5

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Archives: IIIIIIIV

New Rants Below[edit source]

Uno stupro umile tra gli amici[edit source]

Cosa? Non avete stata violentata ancora qui? Bene, siete i benvenuti. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 03:42,7November,2009

I resent that. Do you not see the large all-caps DESPOIL'T header? What's wrong wit' you? Necropaxx (T) {~} Saturday, 09:49, Nov
Perche? Pup
Que? FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 11:54, November 7, 2009 (UTC)
Mi dispiace, ma non parlo italiano. Pup
excuse moi, je ne parle pas du français. Also, vote on my article on VFH, please.. I'm desperate for another feature.. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 12:49, November 7, 2009 (UTC)
Dove e lo zucchero? And since that is the extent of my italian, I haven't had a chance to read it yet, Moosh. It's on my list of things to do tomorrow. Last time somebody asked me to vote I voted against though, so don't get too excited. Pup
Perché sei femmine rubare la mia lingua? Et pourquoi êtes-vous voler la langue de Jenny? CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 14:32,7November,2009

DESPOIL'T![edit source]

Now that we've all had our fun, about your article: there are 3 beefs (beeves? boefs? Biffs?) I have with it. 1) The "unrighteous woman" part. 2)The dinner with Bush (more specifically, what they ate) and 3) How did the helis find Osama? It's never really explained. Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 23:32, Nov

Also, please remove the {{killed}} template. It's embarrassing me (like I've actually done something). Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 23:33, Nov
Some parts were meant to be heavily stereotypical, as the unrightous woman and the dinner parts. And as for how they found him, I thought it was pretty obvious, they found him through his IP, specially after he gave them the coordinates of the training camp (which was a half hour drive from his hiding place).. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 06:49, November 6, 2009 (UTC)
By the way, I love how you changed the dinner tweets. "The filthy infidel" indeed. Necropaxx (T) {~} Sunday, 01:54, Nov 8 2009

Touché, Mahm00shA, on your counter-vandalism.[edit source]

Of course you realize this means war. Necropaxx (T) {~} Sunday, 23:31, Nov

Yes Yes Yes! Muahahahahaha! FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 07:20, November 9, 2009 (UTC)
Mheh heh heh. Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 14:49, Nov
Hihihihiihii. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 15:31, November 9, 2009 (UTC)

Thanks![edit source]

You're welcome. Now, it's your turn to support mine. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 16:48, November 9, 2009 (UTC)
Wow. I didn't even notice that was nominated... CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 21:18,9November,2009

Thanks[edit source]

Thanks for your vote as Writer of the Month. It's a whimsical thing I treasure as a small thanks for the little work I do here... nah, fuck that. Thanks cheers! Zimbuddha.jpg Rev. Zim_ulator (Talk) I am the dirt under your rollers 16:53, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

I vote zimulator and all I get is this lousy-arse template? Why, you're most welcome, buddy! FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 17:23, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

I fixed your double redirects[edit source]

User:Mahm00shA/UnBooks:Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water

User talk:Mahm00shA/UnBooks:Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water

You're welcome. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  07:10, November 11, 2009 (UTC)

FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 07:19, November 11, 2009 (UTC) .sknahT:

Okay, you mangy colonists.[edit source]

I've been commissioned by Mooshy to rerererevitalize IC. I'm to be the glorious leader, etc. because Sissy, Gerry, and Opty have all fucked off. So, I have a few general ideas to start with on what to do. First of all, no fucking infighting. What's said by the authority figures goes. This is Imperial Colonization, not Imperial United States Congress. Second, there should be more of a limit on articles for nomination. Somewhere between 5 and 10. We'll never get to all 17 that are up there if people's votes are so scattered. Third, an active recruiting drive. It fits the name. We're going to draft Satirical Soldiers to deal with the bloody natives at those shit articles on IC. This said, I still want to hear all of your opinions on what to do. Either drop me a line on my talk page, or I'm on IRC damn near all day very weekday. So lets get going, Colonizers! Where the Wild Colins Are - LET THE WILD RUMPUS START! 16:37, November 11, 2009 (UTC)

You're telling me that you've been commissioned by Mooshy?! :) FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 16:49, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
Well, my copy/paste is. :P Where the Wild Colins Are - LET THE WILD RUMPUS START! 17:04, November 11, 2009 (UTC)

Muhammed image on VFD[edit source]

Just thought you'd want to know King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  20:56, November 11, 2009 (UTC)

Why haven't you voted yet? FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 20:59, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
He did, you fucked up VFD with your vote. ~Jewriken.GIF 21:00, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
So it wasn't just in my head? Hmm... Maybe I do need more alcohol... -- DameViktoria Heart_anim.gif Grew up with a butler, cook and a nanny, she qualifies, doesn't she? - (Contribs) - (Talk) - (Block log) 21:02, 11 Nov
Me? How? FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:04, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
Because you are incapable of edit conflict. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 21:08, 11 November 2009
How? I had 4 edit conflicts during the last hour. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:11, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
Then you did something wrong, because you seem to overwrite a newer version with your older version. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 21:20, 11 November 2009
It happened last month. I overwrote hyperbole's edit with my mine. I'm fucking magical. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:26, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
I think I've had four too. Are we related? Also thanks for putting my vote back (whoever did it). King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  21:18, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
Propably no, because I have superpowers (EC evasion/overwriting), and you dont. neener neener :p FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:26, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
You think I don't have super powers? You want to see my roleplaying character sheet? I'm awesome! King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  21:32, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
Yes. Show me your sheet. Then I'll show you... MINE! Muahahahaha! FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 13:24, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

Apology[edit source]

I'm very sorry, Mahm00sh, but I don't think I'll be able to work on the Papyrus article. I've got to prepare a Sunday school lesson and it's eating up all my time. Again, I'm very sorry for promising and not being able to deliver. I'll try to squeeze it in if I can but if not just know I'll work on it next week. Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 06:04, Nov

No problem. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 06:19, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

title[edit source]

based on your opinion at Romartus' talk page, I've decided to change it. However, I've drawn a blank for what the title should be. Any thoughts? Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 15:04, Nov

UnBooks:Gone Fishing/Fishing with grampa/Fish Mitzvah whatever you choose, the title itself won't have a great impact on people's votes. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 15:08, November 12, 2009 (UTC)
Buhhhh...? Won't have an impact? That's why I'm doing it! Anyway, thanks for the help. Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 15:09, Nov
The namespace will, the title wont. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 15:13, November 12, 2009 (UTC)
Oh. Thanks. :) Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 17:24, Nov 12 2009

Ahem[edit source]

So Optyc says that this edit is not okay. I don't really care what's going on, but don't do things that aren't okay. There. That was easy. Now let's all have a scotch. -- Also, penis. 21:33, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

Scotch is yummy. It is never, ever ok to remove things from other people's talkpage. Ever. But I still love ya Mooshy. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN21:36, 12 Nov
Believe it or not, after all the shit that happened, I still like you too opty, you've always been nice to me.. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 06:53, November 13, 2009 (UTC)
I've always been nice to you? I must be slipping. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN18:28, 13 Nov
Blame the alcohol FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 18:34, November 13, 2009 (UTC)

What in the name of baby Zeus did you do to Zheliel's page(s) exactly? I'm obligated to ask because, not only am I a total snoop, but because blanking talk and user pages is a big no-no (as we've discussed). And since I'm an admin, it's my job to make big yes-yes. -- Also, penis. 09:17, November 13, 2009 (UTC)

It's just us, mortals, having some fun. Also, he will have no problem with it, we're friends. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 09:20, November 13, 2009 (UTC)
Good good. I knew I was right not to ban you for infinite. Carry on. -- Also, penis. 09:30, November 13, 2009 (UTC)

WTFMF?[edit source]

You have more feature than me now? But you're the adoptee. I'm so so sad. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 12:07,13November,2009

I have a nice idea. I help you with your leprechaun, you help me with my papyrus, we get them both featured and both of us get two more features to show off with, and a spot in the Hall of Shame! FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 12:28, November 13, 2009 (UTC)
Actually, the Leprechaun is pretty much done. Just a few small edits left before the finish. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 17:13,13November,2009
Then you can work with me on papyrus and get it featured. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 17:19, November 13, 2009 (UTC)
I'll try. I'm still kind of new to collabs though, and I don't know a whole lot about papyruses. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 18:16,13November,2009
The article just needs some style. Feel free to make any modifications you see fit to the article no matter major or minor. Treat it as your own article. And start NOW! FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 18:22, November 13, 2009 (UTC)

Browser[edit source]

Mushi, you suggested that I get Opera mini. I am sorry for doubting you... Pup

You have it now? FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 06:41, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah. Just have to work out how to make it the default browser, but it is about twice as fast. Pup
What phone do you have? FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 08:35, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
Nokia E71. I'm having a few issues with it at the moment. Getting closer and closer to the point where I format it and build it up again, but I just don't want to lose all the stuff I have on here. Pup
I did format my N73 several times and my 6120c once or twice. Only the N81 remains unformatted, hurrah! FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 13:24, November 20, 2009 (UTC)

You're retiring?[edit source]

Sorry to hear that. I don't know what the "obvious reasons" are but you'll be missed - I've seen you revert vandalism, make good additions to articles and so on on many occasions, so I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you should stick around. However, if you're determined to go, I hope we'll still see you on Who Invented Foxes. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 17:38, November 21, 2009 (UTC)

The "hate speech" drama. Uncyclopedia is the last place I imagined that it would be happening. Man, I was so naïve thinking that Uncyclopedia is the perfect website... Anyway, if the whole thing doesnt end in a couple of days, I'll be going for good.. And, thanks for your concern, you being the first one to notice means a lot to me. And yes, I'll try to stick around on WIF. :) FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 17:55, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
What? How did I not no about this? And why was my message removed? And what hate speech drama? Please fill me in. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 17:46,21November,2009
Take a look at the forums and see for yourself. Anyhow, I need at least a couple of weeks off. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 18:39, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
So you're leaving because of the muslim jokes/pics/stuff? Aw, no! You're one of the coolest things about Uncyc! CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 18:55,21November,2009

I don't know, my brain fucking disoriented right now.. I'll rethink about it tomorrow. Then I'll probably take a week off. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 19:10, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
Okay, As long as by "take a week off" you don't mean "wonder off into a vast nothingness never to be heard from again." Hope your brain gets fucking disdisoriented soon. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 19:24,21November,2009

Don't leave faggot.[edit source]

Opty didn't actually mean any of what he said. He was saying deliberately offensive things to make a point. But I'll end there before I get a ban. Cthulhu.jpgPh'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!Cthulhu.jpg 19:36, November 21, 2009 (UTC)

I'm not leaving. I'm just going to take a week off and go fishing with Cthulu and the Ancient Ones. After the week is over, from the depths of Ryileh I shall awaken. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 19:45, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
Good idea. Have a short sabbatical - these rows blow up once in a while but they vanish just as quickly. Hope to see you back here soon. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 13:54, November 22, 2009 (UTC)

Has to be said[edit source]

There's no other way for me to say this except if you leave, that means the rednecks win. Pup

Naw! Not therm dern raydnecks! CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 00:26,22November,2009

Who Really Did Invent Foxes?[edit source]

So anyway, I made an account for the site, but I'm confused as what all you do there, other than just posting random stupid quotes. By the way, I posted a random stupid quote. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 02:31,22November,2009 random stupid quotes. The original idea was for it to be stupid questions (as inspired by the person who asked me "who invented foxes and why?") but it immediately spread to any other example of human stupidity. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 13:42, November 22, 2009 (UTC)
Awesome. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 16:11,22November,2009

Oh, yeah[edit source]

Please don't leave, yes? I think you're doing the right thing. Stay strong, my man. Necropaxx (T) {~} Sunday, 10:08, Nov 22 2009

You are welcome to come to my house at any time. Mates look out for each other. I'm here for you when you need it, mate. Pup
I do trust you can stay as I prefer this site to have a broad range of contributors and views. Happy fishing but perhaps you should put off your holiday in Algeria for awhile ! --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:01, November 22, 2009 (UTC)
Thank you, guys.
@Negropaxx: My artistic impression of you :p
@Pup: Thanks a lot, mate. I really love you!
@RomArtus: I appreciate it, buddy, and look what I brought you, a fish! Cthulu caught it off the shores of Algeria while I was hurling huge boulders at the poor and peaceful Algerians' buses. :) FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 18:05, November 24, 2009 (UTC)

OMG[edit source]

Does this mean you're back?! Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 15:16, Nov 23 2009

Hmmm, I got over it and I don't see any reason for staying away for the rest of the week. So yes. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 17:49, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Alright, let's count just how many Mormon stereotypes are in this image. First and foremost: The horns. All Mormons have 'em. However, we mostly keep them shaved down to avoid attracting suspicion. Second: The blond hair. While it is true that Mormons were originally created in Nazi test tubes as a part of the Master Race, Mormons rarely have facial hair. And it's never that long. Third: I see you've got the whole "Armor of God" thing goin' on. Bonus points for that. Fourth: I see you've placed me in the desert wastelands of Utah. Excellent observation. Fifth: I am in a state of slack-jawed shock at the wickedness of the world. Very nice. However, I see two glaring factual errors. First: I'm next to a pet rat and a snake. Mormons never associate with such unclean animals. And worst of all, you have depicted me as black! Everyone knows Mormons aren't black! FINAL GRADE: C+. Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 18:56, Nov 24 2009
Uhh.. I have something to say. When I made this image, I didn't in any way have in mind that you're a Mormon, I made it for the Negropaxx thing, hence the black skin, then I remembered that your name is somehow related to swords, so a put a sword in your hand. Then I added the armor, the sheild, the horns, the wound, the blood, the sweat, the scars and the mud for the warrior theme thing. Then I added the yellow hair and beard. Then the hellish desert background. Then the snake chasing the rat. Then I gave it to you as a present. Then you pee reviewed it instead of saying "lol :)" FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 20:06, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
For realz. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 20:32,24November,2009
After all the effort I put into that review?! Fine, fine: 'lol'. Happy now?
Oi! Who logged me out?! Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 20:37, Nov 24 2009
Oh, forgot the smiley. "lol :)" Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 20:38, Nov 24 2009
But now that you've shown me that you're perfectly capable of reviewing, go review my papyrus bla bla bla thing, it's like waiting for you, or something FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 20:50, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Rats. Now I have to go do some work. I'll slap a 24-hour tag on it straightaway. Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 21:33, Nov 24 2009
Great. You should also note that in exactly 24 hours, I'll be on my way to a town with a low 3G signal, which means that I won't be able to use my phone's internet, and unless I get my hands on a PC with a fast connection (which is very unlikely) I'll be out of reach for 3-4 days. So try to do the rewiew in the next 18 hours so I can read it before I take off and think about some improvements while shooting birds down from the skies with my good ol' rifle. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:50, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Or I could do it in about 2 days, while claiming to have done it between the time you left and the 24-hour mark. And you would never know. (Well, unless you check the history, but who cares about that?) I hope you realize you shouldn't have told me this. =D Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 22:52, Nov 24 2009
HaHa. No. Because I'm leaving AFTER the 24 hours are over, smarty. Now, go review it! :) FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 10:13, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

Jamie Lynn Spears Preggers Thank[edit source]

User:Miley Spears/Vote Jamie Lynn Spears Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 01:58, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

Do you celebrate Moosemas?[edit source]

Moosemas Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 02:00, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

It's reviewed[edit source]

Sorry for being so late and such. Thanksgiving kind of got in the way. Sorry. D: Necropaxx (T) {~} Saturday, 03:17, Nov 28 2009

Grandpa-boy-fishing-lighthouse.gif Hot diggity, boy!

You caught that fish so good that Necropaxx is gonna thank you!
"Thank you." ~ Necropaxx

Thanks for the namespace advice! Necropaxx (T) {~} Sunday, 05:44, Nov 29 2009

Oh yea, you're welcome. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for the review. :) FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 17:27, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Well?[edit source]

I'm still waiting for your bad taste article for the Turkey day! ~Jewriken.GIF 12:51, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, the one about the Jews and Mordillo's mother and the wild shaving cream party! You remember! Necropaxx (T) {~} Wednesday, 13:09, Dec
Now now, Necro, I didn't think you'll sink that law before going through the phase of telling me I'm an imperial Zionist. ~Jewriken.GIF 14:24, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
Damn, I totally forgot. Can you restore the stub that I wrote a month ago? FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 15:42, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
It would be better if you start over to make it fair for everyone. ~Jewriken.GIF 16:14, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
Please, I've missed a week already (I was away), and I don't have much time at my hands now.. Please. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 16:27, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
Let me check how much you actually wrote. ~Jewriken.GIF 16:32, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
The intro and a few lines.. That's all. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 16:41, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
OK, I looked at it, but still, it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the writers and since it's short - you should be able to revive it. I can restore it for you, but then it wouldn't be valid for the contest. Sorry about that really. ~Jewriken.GIF 16:49, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
Ok, I'll start over. Just give me the title, I forgot it. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 17:03, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
UnScripts:The cannibal, the necrophile and the coprophagist. ~Jewriken.GIF 17:10, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
Well... that sounds... interesting... CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 20:36,2December,2009

I Cum Blood? Check. Fucked With A Knife? Check. Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt? ehh, somewhat. Necropedophile? Only if the girl was under 18. Dismembered and Molested? definitely. Stabbed in the Throat? Check. Headless? Check. Edible Autopsy? Check. Rotting Head, The Undead Will Feast, Bloody Chunks? Check Check Check. Vomit the Soul? Check. Post Mortal Ejaculation? I guess. Stripped, Raped and Strangled? 2 out of 3. She Was Asking for It? Probably. An Experiment in Homicide? Check. Eaten from Inside? Check. Ecstacy in Decay? Check. Hacksaw Decapitation? Check. Grotesque? Hell yes. Frantic Disembowelment? I think so.
Hmm... pretty impressive, I must admit. You've got at least half of the discography in one story. Quite a feat. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 20:36,3December,2009

You forgot Addicted to Vaginal Skin... Also, still working on a way to include Hammer-Smashed Face and Meathook Sodomy.. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:00, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah I was wondering about why those two were left out. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 21:04,3December,2009
Meathook Sodomy can't be incorporated, I guess. Also, feel free to correct any typographical or grammar mistakes you encounter while delightfully reading the article.. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 21:13, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to type while looking at your story. I'll be busy doing "other things" while reading it. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 17:25,4December,2009

Bob[edit source]

You sure you want to remove it? ~Jewriken.GIF 15:33, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

Dead sure... The bastards. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 15:36, December 6, 2009 (UTC)
NO! NOT BOB! NO REMOVE BOB! ME LOVE BOB! CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 16:14,6December,2009

Carnies[edit source]

Your against vote isn't because you find the article offensive, is it? If it is, I'll more than happily change whatever it is you find problematic. I don't mean to be presumptuous or anything, but Romartus had reservations about the article along similar lines, and your reason for voting against seemed very atypical of you. Also, as a bit of a side note, I assure you I'm not racist or anything, and that the point of the article is just making fun of people that run carnivals. Sorry if I caused any problems, or anything. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 19:39, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

No. I voted against just because I was so pissed off then, I didn't even read it.. But I'll change my vote. FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 19:48, December 6, 2009 (UTC)
I see. I'm sorry Bob the Sperm didn't make it--I would have probably voted for it, but I didn't get the chance to read it again before it was removed. It's been a very busy week (hell, a really busy month) for me, and I haven't had very much time for Uncyclopedia, so yeah. Sorry about the misunderstanding, though. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:07, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
What DID happen to Bob? Was it on VFH? When? CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 00:35,7December,2009

Thanks a lot![edit source]

H1N1 influenza virus.jpg You voted to make H1N1 a front-page story!

Exposing millions to fear and spreading paranoia! And now the story has mutated! Misinformation everywhere! ...thanks a lot!!!

Slithy Tove 00:58, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

Leprechaun[edit source]

It's the series finale now on VFH. Going for one last shot. You in? CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 03:28,8December,2009

Thank you my wonderful adopted child. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 12:06,10December,2009

teh noobs[edit source]

Thanks for the thoughtful welcome to Uncyclopedia. I would love it if you adopted me! Cheers! Zimbuddha.jpg Rev. Zim_ulator (Talk) I am the dirt under your rollers 23:03, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Ok. Just add the adoption template to your userpage! :) FreddThe Metalhedd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 05:05, December 9, 2009 (UTC)

חג שמח[edit source]

(OK, you're not Jewish. But having a Foxes link in your sig earns you a Hanukkah greeting)

Thanks Man![edit source]

AnimatedSpiral2.gif WELCOME TO VORTEX 102

The first semester will cover the entire spectrum of human biological vortices, with the first quarter focusing exclusively on the colonic vortex. In this animated simulation, the event horizon (colon) can be clearly distinguished. Unlike the hydraulic, atmospheric and gravitational vortex, the biological vortices aren't open ended systems with dubious conclusions as to where the crap goes in and comes out. Since biological systems are easily identifiable and make for an easy study, we'll be spending a lot of time on them. By understanding the biological vortices, we may glean insight into the larger picture. The foundation of all knowledge starts with the colonic vortex so study this animated gif for no less than an hour a day for the next week.
Thank You!
Dr S

And you even voted "for" before I fixed it a little. Thanks! --DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  16:10, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

A Fast and Furious Thanks[edit source]


FYI, the ice-cream wasn't as good as the pants. --Matfen 21:59, December 11, 2009 (UTC)

This is because the ice cream was made of hamster semen, so in comparison, even my pants taste good. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME • 16:05 • Monday, 14-12-2009

The Longest Actual Title in Uncyc[edit source]

Howto:Start A Great Battle of Purple Coloured Guys Against Pink Coloured Guys In Which They Will Discover The Papyrus Containing The Spells To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water And Its Role In Shaping Human Histories   zheoliel   05:38 December 17

Nah, mine is still longer. :p SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME • 05:40 • Thursday, 17-12-2009

In Gratitude[edit source]

User:Zana Dark/Templates/Purple Nurples/5

~Formerly Annoying Crap 15:21, 17 December 2009

Wha? SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME • 15:27 • Thursday, 17-12-2009
Huh? ;) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 15:36, 17 December 2009
What the? It's Zana D'Ark! She's on my talk page! Woohoo! Would you please sign my autograph? :p SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME • 15:42 • Thursday, 17-12-2009