Uncyclopedia:VFH/UnMovie Review:Inception (2010)

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UnMovie Review:Inception (2010) (history, logs)

Article: UnMovie Review:Inception (2010)

Score: 10.5 pounds that Leo's head weighs

Nominated by: Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:32, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
For: 12
  1. Nom & For. Sonic did a great job on this one. As an aside, it's awesome to see that Skinfan's idea is taking off. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:32, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
  2. For, although I haven't seen the film. They revoked my daypass after I stabbed a guy in the neck. He saw the movie, and liked it. He rated it "*gurgle*!", which is quite high considering how much of a bleeder he turned out to be. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 02:45, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
  3. Symbol for vote.svg Self-For I've figured it out. Inception was all just my dream. Then I woke up on the toilet with a readers digest on my face and decided to write this. Icons-flag-pi.PNG Pirate Lord__Sonic80 (Yell  •  Latest literary excretion) __ 03:12, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
  4. For. Confused film critic idea has 'legs' here Sonic. Perhaps it could be become a regular Uncyclopedia feature! Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:44, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
  5. For. Penguin love scenes FTW. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 09:03, Sep 2
  6. Symbol for vote.svg For. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 12:04, 2 September 2010
  7. For. Yes Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 13:32, Sep 2 13:32, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
  8. damn man his head so heavy Explode fire.gif Explode fire.gifNeon Green Hammer And Sickle.PNG - Not particularly sincere, Sir ColinAYBExplode fire.gifCUNExplode fire.gifVFHExplode fire.gifWhoringExplode fire.gifMore Whoring Explode fire.gifat 23:10, Thursday 02 September 2010 - Neon Green Hammer And Sickle.PNGExplode fire.gif Explode fire.gif
  9. Forty Yeah, this works well. UnReview is a sleeping giant. Aleister 11:49 3 9
  10. Approval Granted. As the dictatorial father of UnReviews, this article has my blessing. And it's the namespace feature for September! -- Sf13 Upsilonsigmasigmacrest.PNG 1559 EST 7 Sept, 2010
  11. For. Sycamore (Talk) 10:17, September 8, 2010 (UTC)
  12. For. A pioneer of a promising namespace. Also, Page's section made me laugh. MEEPKUN VFH POTM VFP(IMAGESTALK) 19:31, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
Against: 1.5
  1. Ehhhh. It didn't make me laugh. Maybe I'm missing something, but... Necropaxx (T) {~} Thursday, 05:17, Sep 2 2010
    ..like..the experience of alcohol perhaps Necropaxx? But then you have grown up as a Mormon which would explain something!--Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:49, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
    ..and I forget..you're only 17 or 18 in a country where can't legally buy alcohol until you're 21. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:15, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
    Um. What? Necropaxx (T) {~} Friday, 01:10, Sep 3 2010
  1. Against. Just generally not very good -- 12:04, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
    What do you know? You're just a not very good IP -- Sf13 Upsilonsigmasigmacrest.PNG 1253 EST 12 Sept, 2010
    You tell him Skinfan! Icons-flag-pi.PNG Pirate Lord__Sonic80 (Yell  •  Latest literary excretion) __


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