Gulf War II (video game)
- This article is about chaos and disorder in the Persian Gulf, from 2003 onwards. For information about chaos and disorder in the Gulf of Mexico, please see Hurricane Katrina.
*Welcome to #Iraq!*
*USA has entered the game*
USA: saddam you fukin hax, u got wmdz
SadDam_da_MAN: hav i fuk
SadDam_da_MAN: rtfm, u fukkin n00b
SadDam_da_MAN: if i had em id’ve used em on u
USA: bullshit you got sum
USA: i know, i sold em 2 u b4
Tony_UK: haha, rumbled. go USA
SadDam_da_MAN: i used em all on kurdish_guy in teh last game
SadDam_da_MAN: i havnt got n e more
USA: ok, just give me sum oil then
SadDam_da_MAN: yea right
SadDam_da_MAN: u tried that shyt b4
*Insp3ct0r_Hans has entered the game*
Insp3ct0r_Hans: sup evry1
Tony_UK: hi hans
Insp3ct0r_Hans: wutz happenin
USA: saddam reckons he aint got no wmdz left
USA: and my names micky mouse
SadDam_da_MAN: fuk off
SadDam_da_MAN: hans look at my inventory
SadDam_da_MAN: tell this dumshyt wat i got
SadDam_da_MAN: go on
Insp3ct0r_Hans: I cant see n e thing
USA: bullshit
USA: look closer
Insp3ct0r_Hans: dude, there's nothing here
Insp3ct0r_Hans: xcept sand
USA: bullshit hes hiding them
Insp3ct0r_Hans: seriously dude
USA:saddam, stfu
USA:lyin shit
SadDam_da_MAN: right hans, get out
Insp3ct0r_Hans: fine, whateva
Insp3ct0r_Hans: u guys r ghey ne way
*Insp3ct0r_Hans has left the game*
SadDam_da_MAN: who looks like a rite dick USA?
Tony_UK: stfu saddam hes right
SadDam_da_MAN: ooh sorry
SadDam_da_MAN: didn't mean to upset ur boyfriend,LOL
*King_Kofi has entered the game*
King_Kofi: USA leave him alone
SadDam_da_MAN: hahaha
King_Kofi: STFU saddam, no 1 likes u either
King_Kofi: but u will b alright if u don't fuck with ne1
USA: OMG, kofi who made u GM
King_Kofi: um, every 1 actually
King_Kofi: we took a vote, remember dumshit?
USA: fuck u, i don't care
*USA has put King_Kofi on ‘Ignore’*
USA: yo blair you with me
Tony_UK: hey Germany u with us?
schroeda': ur nuts
schroeda': me n jacques will sit this 1 out
jacques_napoleon: hes right
Pootyboy: n don't say we didn't warn ya!
USA: pussys
Tony_UK: haha
*USA has attacked SadDam_da_MAN!*

SadDam_da_MAN: u fukkin h4xx0r
*Tony_UK has attacked SadDam_da_MAN!*
SadDam_da_MAN: omg u fuckin a$$holes
USA: lol, got ur airport u lamerz
*baghdad_bob is no longer idle*
baghdad_bob: bullshit
baghdad_bob: u aint in the airport
baghdad_bob: we still got it
baghdad_bob: all ur troops r ded
baghdad_bob: the rest r running away crying
Tony_UK: u r so full of shit dude
USA: oops there goes another statue
Tony_UK, PM to USA: wtf are you doin with that flag!
Tony_UK: were in ur base killin ur d00dz
Tony_UK:nice city LOL
baghdad_bob: u lying infidel
baghdad_bob: we r winning
*USA has captured SadDam_da_MAN’s base!*
USA:LOL, mission accomplished, LOL
Tony_UK: yeah
*SadDam_da_MAN has entered hidden mode*
Tony_UK: dude this new patch is all screwed up
Tony_UK: i cant use my democracy skill
Tony_UK: u try
USA: hang on
*USA has captured SadDam_da_MAN!*
USA: haha, lam3r
USA: that should settle it
SadDam_da_MAN: fuk u guyz
*USA has put SadDam_da_MAN on trial!*
*SadDam_da_MAN has attacked the judge!*
*fundaMENTALIST has entered the game*
fundaMENTALIST: lol, thx u guys
fundaMENTALIST: I got half his stuff now
*4 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*30 Iraqi civilians killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*1 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*23 Iraqi civilians killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*6 Iraqi civilians killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*2 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*24 Iraqi civilians killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*7 Iraqi civilians killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*3 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*6 Iraqi civilians killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*Western media raise log severity threshold to 3*
*2 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
USA: o shit
*9 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*American Civilian beheaded on TV!*
*4 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
USA: shit the retreat button aint working
*3 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*2 British Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*American Civilian beheaded on TV!*
USA: why is it greyed out?
*11 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
Tony_UK: mine too
*4 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*American Civilian beheaded on TV!*
*3 British Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*British Civilian beheaded on TV!*
Tony_UK: fuck
*5 American Soldiers killed by Suicide Bomber!*
*Western media raise log severity threshold to 5*
USA: ah that's better
USA: this game sux0rs
Tony_UK: 2 rite. after this I won't get a third term that's for sure
USA: @ least we got oil now
Tony_UK: yeah haha
Tony_UK: gimme sum
*Oil Pipeline takes 33 points damage*
*Oil Pipeline takes 48 points damage*
*Oil Pipeline takes 27 points damage*
fundaMENTALIST: Wheee!
*Oil Pipeline takes 32 points damage*
*Oil Pipeline takes 51 points damage*
Tony_UK: fuk!
*Oil Pipeline takes 36 points damage*
*Oil Pipeline takes 12 points damage*
USA: Hey! $$$4 hlp!
*BulGARia is no longer idle*
*ITALY is no longer idle*
*Spainster is no longer idle*
ITALY: sup d00ds
USA: hlp plz
Spainster: shur
*Spaniards killed by Suicide Bomber!*
Spainster: OMG! im outta here
*Spainster has left the game*
BulGARia: k
*Rising_sun is no longer idle*
*P0lL0cK is no longer idle*
ITALY: ill hlp 2 4 $
Rising_sun: ill hlp 4 oil
USA: shur
P0lL0cK: lets rock d00dz
USA: aright
fundaMENTALIST: whuts with all these n00bs?
*Foreign diplomats have been taken hostage!*
fundaMENTALIST: lolz u suk!
USA: fuk u that was cheep
Tony_UK: yea!
*British Soldiers killed by American Soldiers!*
jacques_napoleon: look guys i told you this game sux
USA: STFU!!!1!
*al_Sadr has joined the game!*
USA: OMG stop him!
Tony_UK: sorry cant do that
*kurdMAN has joined the game!*
*shite has joined the game!*
*sUNNI has joined the game!*
kurdMAN: yo guys i wanna play 2
shite: USA fuk off this is my g@me
sUNNI: kiss my @ss shite!!!!1!!
*I-R-An has entered the game*
I-R-An: oh i wanna play plz?
USA: skr3w u n00b
I-R-An: fine
*I-R-An gives weapons to shite!*
*I-R-An gives weapons to sUNNI!*
*I-R-An gives weapons to kurdMAN!*
*I-R-An gives weapons to fundaMENTALIST!*
I-R-An: weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
I-R-An: this will make game more fuN! ^^
USA: fuk off
*I-R-An has left the game.
USA: crap...
*fundaMENTALIST has blown up a Shiite mosque!***
shite: OMG! that's my place! some1 will pay 4 this!!!!1!
USA: yo fuckheads STOP IT!!!
jacques_napoleon: U RETARD I TOLD U THIS GAME SUX
jacques_napoleon: U STFU n00b!!1!
USA: fuk!!!
*Entering Civil War mode!*
USA: WTF!!! Who said Civil War??
Tony_UK: this game suxs now im out.
USA: YOU CANT LEAVE n00b!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!
*SadDam_da_MAN has been deleted from the game, with his IP permabanned, by the Iraqi Justice System*
eyeRak1: w00t
USA: T00K J00 LONG ENUF J00 N00B!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@!!!@!!
L-Mal: stfu
*Western Media reports public approval ratings at historical minimum*
Spainster: USA, this is a right mess. stop now yes?
BulGARia: Wld be about time, too
ITALY: yeah, come on stop it
Rising_sun: just accept you lost and move on
USA: stfu you sissies!!!!!
Tony_UK: well, they have a point though, can't we just talk to Iran and ask to stop this shit?
USA: You shut up too bitch!!
*USA loses mid-term elections*
USA: fuk!
USA: er...
USA: you guys? i had this great idea? I think we need a "new approach" now.
Tony_UK: i quit.
*Tony_UK has left the game*
*FlAsH_GoRdOn has entered the game*
FlAsH_GoRdOn: we're pulling out troops.
USA: u cant, the surge is working
*FlAsH_GoRdOn has left the game*
USA: oh u asshole, gordon
*Turkey has entered the game*
Turkey: you better control those Kurds
*Kurds kill 3 Turkish soldiers*
*Kurds kill 12 Turkish soldiers*
*Kurds kill 8 Turkish soldiers*
*Kurds burn down Turkish village*
USA: i can't lose baghdad
Turkey: you got serious problems
kurdMAN: fuk you dude
Turkey: that's it we're mercy killing you
*Turkey invades Iraq*
USA: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
*Turkey kills 4 Kurd soldiers*
USA: i hate j00
Turkey: k im bored, off nao
Turkey: RTFM n00b
*Turkey has left Iraq*
*Dubama has entered the game*
Dubama: Now lets drop your weapons and lets join together to stop world hunger,war, and warming.
*Dubama is now given the control of USA*
*Dubama allow funding for forgein country that allow abortion*
*Dubama closed the Guantanamo Bay detention camp*
*Dubama allow funding for stem cell research*
*Dubama enters #afghanistan server*
*kHr15T;4n_peeP is no longer idle*
kHr15T;4n_peeP: WTF?! J00 cant do dat!!! FVCK J00!!!
*kHr15T;4n_peeP now hate Dubama*
*kHr15T;4n_peeP was muted by 4dMEd;A. Reason: Unrelated to the gulf warz u knoobs!*
USA: fuck this. I'm off to #Afghanistan
eyeRak1: wat
eyeRak1: you made this mess, ffs clean it up, n00b
*USA has left the game*
eyeRak1: fuckin westerners
eyeRak1: haven't herd the last of me
*No human players left. Entering standby mode. Transferring player resources to #afghanistan*