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Forums: Index > Village Dump > SIGN UP FOR TURKEY DAY BALL 2015
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3363 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
The Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball
Uncyclopedia:Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball
The BEST of the WORST, or vice versa
Awarded for Bad taste articles and images
Founder Mhaille
Reward {{Aristocrat}}
First awarded 2007
Last awarded 2015
  Turkey Day Ball   User:Aleister/The Aristocrats by Aleister
  Bad Taste Article   My frozen breath above the stars by Shabidoo
  Master Goa Tse   Grinding Nelson by Zombiebaron
Preceeded by Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball (2013)
Followed by The Article Whisperer (2014)

Judgery time

The Competition

What exactly IS The Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball? To put it simply it is a festival of frivolity and bad taste, highlighting all those fine, fine contributions we never want to see featured.

Who can enter?

Anyone and everyone. Participants may judge and/or participate in different categories but never judge and participate in the same category. Collaborations are allowed in each category but only one entry will be allowed (one single combined entry for all users in the collaboration).

How does it work?

Write an article or make an image and cross your fingers that the judges find it grotesquely delightful.

Do pieces entered in the competition have to be NEW and ORIGINAL?


Works must be original and created after the contest's official start date. This is pretty obvious but in case you've had a bout of temporary mental redartation...we thought we'd spell it out loud and clear. No pee reviews. Image request allowed only for articles...not for your image entries (for temporary retards).

When is the competition held?

Writing starts NOVEMBER 26 00:01 GMT (6pm november 25 New York Time) and lasts for two weeks. All entries will be locked for judgery DECEMBER 10th at 23:59 GMT (6pm december 10).

Judgery will last for a week thereafter. All winners will be announced a week later.

Judging will be here.


The Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball

see complete rules

The Aristocrats is often lauded as the world's dirtiest joke. But to seasoned purveyors of this joke, it is an opportunity to make the bizarre, grotesque and immoral become a platform for insane hilarity. As we enter this season of blessings-counts and humble pie, this platform seems all-too-perfect for the sick and twisted minds of Uncyclopedia. A beautiful expression of the first amendment in all her Norman Rockwellian glory.

Bad taste article

see complete rules

For articles of inappropriate or offensive subject matter, those deemed to be of "bad taste". Drawing upon many timeless classics, from the gentle subtleties of Holocaust Tycoon, the sensitivity of The Diary of Anne Frank or the information packed knowledge-base that is Anal Glands, this is your chance to join a select genre of quality humour.

The Master Goa Tse Award for Digital Imagery

QUALITY images only please!

see complete rules


This category is designed to highlight images that, although are painfully funny, inspire the viewer with the desire to spork out their eyes due to guilt and self loathing at finding them amusing. As with the other categories this is NOT about shock or gore images, it is primarily about well crafted imagery that may just happen to press the wrong buttons.

Aristocrats Judges and Entries


  1. MyOwnBadSelf
  2. RAHB
  3. Cat the Colourful


Username Entry Comment Score Results
Mhaille User:Mhaille/The_Great_Aristocratic_Old_Ones Spike 1st+1st+2nd (5+5+4=14) 1st place
Shabidoo Aristocrats Choda cream 1st+2nd+2nd (5+4+4=13) 2nd place

Bad Taste Judges and Entries


  1. Mhaille
  2. GrammarFegelein
  3. Cat the Colourful


Username Entry Comment Score Results
Shabidoo Black paint brush of tragic angst Choda cream 1st+1st+1st (5+5+5=15) 1st place
Lord Assbutt the Fourth User:Lord Assbutt the Fourth/Couch farting I'll try something fart related I guess 2nd+2nd+3rd (4+4+3=11) 2nd place
Zana Dark This article doesn't exist For the Pulitzer Prize in online comedic prose 10 years and running... FTW! 3rd+3rd+4th (3+3+2=8) Tied 3rd
Kip the Dip User:Kip the Dip/I was going to make a gay joke 2nd+4th+4th (4+2+2=8) Tied 3rd

Goatsee Image Award Judges and Entries


  1. Shabidoo
  2. Kip the Dip
  3. Cat the Colourful


Username Entry Comment Score Results
Zombiebaron WhatIfISISWasBlack.png Turn to page 12 for a full page poster of The Black Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. 1st+1st+2nd (5+5+4=14) 1st place
Mhaille Snizz-eze001.png I think the Hobbit Trilogy are a superior set of movies to LOTRs 1st+2nd+2nd (5+4+4=13) 2nd place


Gopher. MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 22:14, 1 December 2015 (UTC)

Oh codfish, I only have ONE article to judge. MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 20:35, 10 December 2015 (UTC)
So what? I've got TWO THREE to judge! GRAMMARCLAUS Santa Hat.png HO HO HO! 22:12, 10 December 2015 (UTC)
I was expecting a higher turnout. MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 22:57, 10 December 2015 (UTC)
I know right? GRAMMARCLAUS Santa Hat.png HO HO HO! 07:04, 11 December 2015 (UTC)
Ill ask all the players for a three day extension. I was unable to write or edit here the last few days. If everyone agrees then we can have at least two entries per category. Also...I hate every last one of you.˜˜˜˜
Ughh I should have read this conversation before judging.. well sure I'd actually think it's better if it's extended so there'd be more than just a one article to review. I'll let that mhaille-review float around the judging-page and change once/if you or even more still decide to participate. Also.. I'd express my endless hatred towards you all as well but I'm a rebel and so sending hugs and kisses to every single one of you sweethearts Cat the Colourful (Feed me!) Zzz Zzz...morning? 15:41, 13 December, 2015 (UTC)

So now that the competition is over can I complete my article and improve it some in peace? ^_^ Lord Assbutt the Fourth (talk) 20:15, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

Not yet, we've got to wait for the other judges to get to judgin'... -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
Okay Lord Assbutt the Fourth (talk) 20:47, 21 December 2015 (UTC)


About goddamn time this contest got finished! GrammarFegelein Icons-flag-gb.png (Chat) (Things) (CTAM) I Fuck Fix up articles. 20:23, 12 January 2016 (UTC)


Third judge needed for image competition and new judge for bad taste. Will put out requests on a few users' talk pages. ShabiDOO 17:46, 30 December 2015 (UTC)

I'd volunteer but as I've already acted as a judge in that category it might be a bit of a problem. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
Hahaha. Thanks. Not sure why everyone is completely silent on the issue. I might just try and attract new users to the site from other forums I'm on to get a judge. I wouldn't ask just anyone...especially to judge a bad taste competition without knowing anything about uncyclopedia. LOL! ShabiDOO 18:37, 4 January 2016 (UTC)