About[edit | edit source]
Research[edit | edit source]
The Event[edit | edit source]
Violet was enjoying their day, being as pink as ever. Then, it happened.
Violet all of a sudden looked a lot darker! It was almost like they turned purple! Violet checked on purple, and OH MY F@#%ING GOD, they looked more like indigo! This only means one thing. the mad scientist WVandZM had arrived. This was devistating for the colour community, especially the pinks! Why would they do such a horrific deed? Violet eventually forgot that WVandZM existed and proceeded to make the "Crayola ruined colours" conspiracy theory.
That's the end of the story of how a random Uncyclopedian hurt the entire reputation of a massive business.
Or is it?
Peace at last[edit | edit source]
Finally, WVandZM decided to lay down the "violet = purple" debate by changing violet to a more suitable bright purple colour. To this day, no one knows how this came to be. And changing it to a bright purple colour still doesn't solve the violet = purple debate! What the hell was this guy thinking!?
See also[edit | edit source]
Our lord and saviour.