User:Magic man/awards

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Grand Cross of the Order

Featured articles[edit | edit source]

IC colab
Colab with basically everyone
Colab with Mattsnow
Colab with Black flamingo11
Colab with Socky, Romartus and Mattsnow

Featured image[edit | edit source]

FAPs[edit | edit source]

Awards from UN:REQ[edit | edit source]

Thumbs up2.jpg
This user created HowTo:Become a Master of Disguise, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
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Thumbs up2.jpg
This user created User:Magic man/Unquotable:Quotes in AAAAA!, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
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Thumbs up2.jpg
This user created Uncyclopedia:What VFD is not, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
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This user created Hearing impairment, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
Thumbs up2.jpg

Ninjastars[edit | edit source]

Voting awards[edit | edit source]

Bff.png World's Best Friend December 2010

Magician of the Month Magician of the month December 2010

Sandwich of the Month Sandwich of the Month January 2011: A Jesus sandwich
I got this for being nominator of the Month, september 2010

Potatochopper of the Month Award Potatochopper of the Month April 2011

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month June 2011

Snowman of the Month Snowman of the month August 2011

Sandwich of the Month Sandwich of the Month August 2011: A Sand witch

Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month September 2011

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month October 2011

Cookies[edit | edit source]

Newcookie.gif Mr. Soot Gremlin has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Voting thanks[edit | edit source]

Post Apocalypse made it in to cue, thanks to you. Now there is no chance it will happen.

Pizza delivery1.jpg Thanks for voting for me for Noob Of The Month

As a reward, I give you one of my pizzas!

Contests[edit | edit source]

Phallic stadium01.jpg
Congratulations on winning the Uncyclopedia Summer Extravaganza!
Keep this and go insane all over!

Aristocrat en Regalia
This person is a winner of the Aristocrat's Ball, which they won for their article: :File:German-Comics-Page.jpg


Judging awards[edit | edit source]

This user was a judge in the November 2010 Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball!

P.E.E.I.N.G. ranks[edit | edit source]


Potatochoppers guild rank[edit | edit source]

This user is an Apprentice in the Potatochoppers' Guild, and has earned a modest amount of respect.
This user is a Fellow in the Potatochoppers' Guild, and has earned a great deal of respect.

ΥΣΣ Ranks[edit | edit source]

Upsilon Sigma Sigma

Other[edit | edit source]

Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

Orange-line.jpg the solid orange line award. Awarded to me and many other pages about a bazillion times by

And Aleister wrote me this poem once:

"There once was a young man from Munich

Who fancied himself turning eunuch.

Buying tight pants, trim, and bling

He learned how to sing,

And donned spats, cumberbund, and a tunic."

I was feeling bored so I made this template.
Merry Christmas!
Bananaseizure.gifBanana boob shake.gif
On the left, my first dance from Dancing dude. On the right my honorary 2nd dance from Dancing dude.

I was the biopic of the week here: