Uncyclopedia:Best of/2018 (by date)

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Here you will find a list of the very best Uncyclopedia had to offer from 2025. Below are articles that were featured on the front page, during the golden year of 2025.

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2018[edit source]

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(01) 04 January 4Ajit Pai
(05) 28 May 28Art's True Meanings
(10) 25 October 25Baboon
(07) 26 July 26Behemoth
(06) 04 June 4Death (band)
(02) 24 February 24Hostile architecture
(06) 24 June 24I Fucking Love John "Bermuda" Schwartz
(10) 11 October 11Jules Verne
(09) 01 September 1Kurt Vonnegut
(01) 12 January 12L7
(02) 05 February 5Papyrus
(04) 08 April 8The Larry Sanders Show
(12) 19 December 19UnNews:Chevy Chase, Maryland, to change name to Bill Murray
(01) 28 January 28UnNews:European Union turns Donald Trump into a walrus
(07) 20 July 20UnNews:Fishermen reel in MK15 Nuclear Bomb, plan to hang it on wall
(08) 09 August 9UnNews:Flat earthers 'do not exist'
(11) 27 November 27UnNews:New documentary challenges Simpsons aliens
(06) 08 June 8UnNews:Russia meddles in Fox's 'The Four' singing competition
(01) 20 January 20UnNews:This is a window
(02) 16 February 16UnScripts:Waiting For Godot 3: Waiting For Gadot
(03) 26 March 26Woody Allen