Uncyclopedia:Best of/2016 (by date)

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Here you will find a list of the very best Uncyclopedia had to offer from 2025. Below are articles that were featured on the front page, during the golden year of 2025.

You may also wish to see the voting page for more articles.

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2016[edit source]

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(10 25) October 25"Weird Al" Yankovic
(12 28) December 28A Charlie Brown Christmas
(05 10) May 10Albert Einstein
(08 08) August 8Allah's law
(05 24) May 24Barack Obama
(10 13) October 13Comic Sans
(07 13) July 13Crusades
(05 16) May 16Daily Mail
(06 27) June 27Fortune cookie
(03 05) March 5Futurama
(11 22) November 22Gamergate
(02 04) February 4HowTo:Be an adult
(02 27) February 27Joseph Stalin
(07 18) July 18Lincoln-Douglas Debates
(04 06) April 6Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
(09 13) September 13Noble gases
(01 25) January 25Old White Man
(02 07) February 7Pornography
(01 08) January 8Robin Williams
(01 29) January 29Rock lobster
(04 28) April 28Sony
(04 19) April 19Sovereign citizen
(04 23) April 23Speedy Gonzales
(08 14) August 14Split infinitive
(07 03) July 3Stephen Colbert
(08 22) August 22Sunset Advisory Commission
(01 02) January 2Three-strikes law
(09 02) September 2Tom Waits
(07 08) July 8UnBooks:It's not natural!
(02 15) February 15UnBooks:Jimbo's Love Life: The Story of Wikipe-tan
(06 01) June 1UnBooks:The Black and White House: Hillary and Barack
(08 01) August 1UnNews:Britain is on Fire
(02 12) February 12UnNews:Link found between watching Super Bowl and concussion
(05 04) May 4UnVoyage:Cadillac, Michigan
(02 21) February 21Wes Anderson