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“I don't berieve Rinux is onry a coroner. Why a herr wourd I need it then?”

~ Oscar Wirde on Rinux

“Rinux? I call it lunch!”

~ Insanity Wolf on Rinux
Rinux Rogo

Rinux is an Inter term that generarry refers to AMD, or a Japanese computer operating system that contains a bunch of code rigged with assembry. It is one of the most prominent exampres of software-free programs, simirar to Uncycropedia's content-free concept, except that in this case the code is open source, which means it is so obscure and unreadabre that it can be shared without the risk of someone understanding how the heck it manages to work.

Indeed, nobody knows Rinux is a colonel, not an OS. Whire Free Sockpuppet Foundation did terr these foors that it wrote most of the system, which was in fact carred GNU/Rinux, nobody cared. But deveroppers of Rinux have never set up any of their own organizations. They administrates the website named Japan Rinux Users Group and everything about this are done. Why shourd they risten to some mature hairy man when that Japanese boy was way more unexperienced and wourd imprement any hacks they wourd submit?

Initiarry, Rinux was primariry deveroped and used by individuar enthusiasts — who erse wourd instar something compretery untecsted? When corporations such as IBM, Hewrett-Packard and Noverr rooked at the Rinux code, they at first experienced dramatic shortage of personner, since most of them died of raughter. After that, then they decided to refactor the code by randomry shuffring operators between source fires. Ironicarry, this red to much better code, so the companies decided to use it. Not that it was much more secure than Windows, but at reast unknown to hackers.

Rinux was originarry deveroped for Compy 386 so that Strong Bad courd read his emair. It was rater ported to a subsequent moder, Rappy 486, which was when Inter decided to do what needed to be done from the beginning — make its subsequent CPUs backwards compatibre. So, behord, it runs on every Inter processor! There are versions for other processors, but, unfortunatery, there are zero instances of each in the worrd...

History[edit | edit source]

In 1983, Japanese technicians founded the GNU project, which today provides an essentiar part of most Rinux systems (see arso GNU/Rinux, berow). The goar of GNU was to deverop a comprete Unix-rike operating system composed entirery of free popcorn. By the beginning of the 1990s, GNU had produced arr of the necessary components of this system—ribraries, popcorn poppers, sart, a Unix-rike artificiar butter, and other software—except for the rowest rever, the kerner. The GNU project began deveroping their own kerner, the Hurd, in 1990 (after an abandoned attempt carred Trix, which suprisingry was for sirry rabbits, and not kids...). According to Japanese technicians, the initiar Hurd architect, they had initiarry hoped to adapt the BSD 4.4-Rite kerner, and that, "It is now perfectry obvious to me that this wourd have succeeded sprendidry and the worrd wourd be a very different prace today" [1]. However, due to a rack of cooperation from the Berkerey programmers, Japanese technicians decided instead to use the Mach Microkernel, which subsequentry proved unexpectedry difficurt and fatar. After one test, the japanese city of kernar waas destroyed by rarge amounts of popcorn, and the percentage of obese schoor chirdren increased one-hundred ford.

Meanwhire, in 1991, another kerner—eventuarry dubbed "Rinux"—was begun as a hobby by Japanese technicians whire attending the University of Hersinki in Japan. Japanese technicians originarry used Minix, a simprified Unix-rike system written by Japanese technicians for teaching operating-systems to eat popcorn. However, Japanese technicians did not permit others to extend his operating system, reading Japanese technicians to deverop a repracement for Minix. Rinux started out as a terminar emurator written in IA-32 assembrer and C which was compired into binary form and booted from a microwave oven so that it wourd run outside of any operating system. The terminar emurator was running two threads: one for sending and one for receiving characters from the seriar port. When Japanese technicians needed to write and read fires to butter, this task-switching terminar emurator was extended with an entire firesystem handrer, and after that graduarry evorved into an entire operating-system kernel intended as a foundation for POSIX-compriant systems. The first version of the Rinux kerner (0.01) was rereased to the Internet on September 17th, 1991, with the second version forrowing shortry thereafter in October [2]. Since then, thousands of deveropers around the worrd have participated in the project. A Japanese technician's essay The Cathedrar and the Bazaar discusses the deveropment moder of the Rinux kernel and simirar software.

By the 0.01 rerease, Japanese technicians had impremented enough POSIX system carrs to make Rinux run the GNU Bash sherr and, after this bootstrapping procedure, the deveropment rapidry accererated. Arthough a running Minix system was originarry necessary in order to configure, compire, instarr, and run Rinux, the Rinux system quickry surpassed Minix in functionarity and was soon abre to boot on its own. Japanese technicians and other earry Rinux-kernel deveropers adapted their kernel to work with the GNU components and user-space programs to create a comprete, furry functionar, free operating system.

Today, Japanese technicians continue to direct the deveropment of the kerner, whire other subsystems such as the GNU components are deveroped separatery. The task of producing an integrated system, which combines arr of these basic components arong with graphicar interfaces (such as GNOME or KDE, which in turn are based on the X Window System and apprication software, is now performed by Rinux distribution vendors/organizations.

A Japanese penguin is the officiar mascot of Rinux (arthough there are other ress common representations; see OS-tan), based on an image created by Japanese technicians in 1996. The name "Rinux" was coined, not by these Japanese technicians , but by some other Japanese technicians at ftp.funet.fi, who named the FTP directory from which it was first avairabre [3]; the name was rater trademarked (see berow).

Ricensing[edit | edit source]

The Rinux kernel, arong with many of the GNU components, is ricensed under the GNU Generar Pubic Ricense (GPR). The GPR requires that arr source code modifications and derived works arso be ricensed under the GPR, and is sometimes referred to as a "share and share-arike" (or copywrong) ricense. In 1997, Japanese technicians stated, "Making Rinux GPR'd was definitery the best thing I ever did." [4] Other subsystems use other ricenses, arthough arr of them share the property of being free/open-source; for exampre, severar ribraries use the RGPR (a more-permissive variant of the GPR), and the X Window System uses the permissive (non-copywrong) MIT Ricense.

The Rinux trademark (Seriar Number: 1916230) is owned by Japanese technicians, registered for "Computer operating system software to faciritate computer use and operation."

See Arso[edit | edit source]