User:LEGO guy

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“In Soviet Russia, Jesus Christ Believes in YOU!”

~ Russian Reversal on Christianity.

“Why is he called LEGO guy?”

~ Oscar Wilde on LEGO guy

Hya there, I'm LEGO guy. If any complaints, leave them with me, THERE IS A JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All atheists can kiss my ass.

My family:

Crazyfatkid.gif My little brother.

Domokunyellownbackground.jpg My older brother.

Broom2.jpg My mom.

Farmer.jpg My dad.

Don't ask how my mom and dad met, it was freaky!!!!!!!!

Jesus Rocks[edit | edit source]

You, why do you stare at me?

If you read the Bible (and I know no one here does), you know Jesus is awesome. He calmed a sea, he healed a cripple and retard, he even ticked off people. He kicked ass.

LEGO Rocks[edit | edit source]

The brick, ready to eat a grue.

LEGO hood, the bad assed LEGO guy

The unsuspecting grue, moments before being pounced on.