Hen named Ty
The birth of Hen named Ty
There was once a hen, This hen lived on a farm. He absorbed way too much pornography of cartoon girls and became a Hen named Ty. A Hen named Ty is simply a Hen on Tai.
The Hen Named Ty's escape to the Zoo.
The Hen Named Ty escaped to the Zoo, Where this Hen found a resting place. While at the Zoo, It was allowed to absorb more Pornography of Cartoon Girls after everyone left, And in-between Zoo visits. Whenever the Zoo is closed, the Hen named Ty is allowed to absorb the stuff.
Cuisines with the legendary Hen named Ty
As you know, Many animals have Cuisines made out of them. This one in particular has "Hen named Ty Nuggets", A parody of Chicken Nuggets.
McDonalds even sold something of the sort, "McHen Named Ty Burger". This cuisine was similar to a chicken-filled burger, Except it tasted like the rare Hen Named Ty.
Hen Named Ty's Great Decline
The Hen Named Ty is extremely rare to see these days, Their name-tagged Hen-like selves have vanished from existence largely. All because of Hunters and Poachers hunting them for their eggs, meat, and other things.
What you can do to save the Hen Named Ty
Simple. Follow these three steps.
- Stop eating Hen named Ty-based meals.
- Stop eating Hen named Ty-based meals.
- Stop eating Hen named Ty-based meals.