Frog family

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You'll never know when they're there...

Frog families (known individually as spy frogs) are groups of frogs previously dispatched by the United States Government to spy on each and every citizen or enemy within or outside the United States. Frog families used to take orders directly from the US Government through the microchips planted directly in their brain. They were also the subject of a fair amount of controversy since the Government refuses to acknowledge their existence, and they use them to assassinate and spy on many different people. Once, they overthrew humanity as the dominant species.

History[edit | edit source]

The United States Government saw the potential in microchip technology and experimented with the potential uses. When one opportunity about mind control using microchips came up, the Government looked further into the potential. Their were drawbacks to the technology, as it could only control small creatures, like rats or birds. The Government decided the appropriate creature to begin testing on were frogs, and the reasons behind the decision are unknown.

It took 2 years of microchip testing before the Government approved of the technology. Frogs were first used to assist first responders in dangerous conditions before the Government started utilizing them for more malicious tasks. The frogs were then used for spying on many different people, and other Governments entirely. Over 200 people have been killed by frog families with the permission of the US Government. However, it is unknown exactly if those numbers are people killed as citizens, government officials, or terrorists.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

A frog family attempting to spy secretly.

Frog families usually attack in unison, as if a single frog attacked the frog could easily be grabbed and thrown to its death. But when frogs attack in unison they are a surprising feat of strength and teamwork, they can easily crush a skull and throw a person into a wall. The attack formation usually begins in a circle around the victim and then they ambush the head or the feet, and depending on which they crush the skull or pick up the victim by the feet and throw them into a wall.

Frog families used to take orders directly from the US Government through the microchips planted directly in their brain, and as such frog families are very unpredictable when trying to defeat a person.

Identification[edit | edit source]

A frog that was used by the US Government can only be identified by 2 key features. All spy frogs can be identified by the white glowing eyes in dark areas. Spy frogs make a high pitched scream when not close enough to its family, and can deafen people for up to 7 days. Be very careful attempting to identify a spy frog, as if it reaches more than 2 other spy frogs they will kill you.

Controversy[edit | edit source]

Critics were outraged at the discovery of spy frogs. They stated they were "inhumane" and "a crime against humanity" due to the malicious purpose the US Government used them for. Consequentially, the US Government knew that they could no long cover up the cases. The US Government claimed to have retired all spy frog operations worldwide. However the next day a spy frog sighting was reported. Critics warned of a takeover of frogs due to the mass amount of updates the government does to them, which also leads to a chance of bugs or better known as glitches. This was a correct prediction.

Takeover[edit | edit source]

One month after the grave warning, a faulty update was implemented into the frogs with several bugs in the AI. The frogs consequentially gained the ability to do things without the government's input and attacked several cities and then smaller towns. The frogs successfully managed to capture every human on Earth under their rule. The frogs had then devised a new way for humans to live, they would have to stay on one side of the Earth and if humans walked onto Frog's land they would be vaporized. Humans documented the frogs closely as well as the frogs documenting humans.

Rising tension[edit | edit source]

Frogs and humans eventually became aware that they were both being spied on. Humans discovered plans that the frogs planned to launch a nuclear bomb on human civilization and end all humanity. Frogs discovered Humans planned to launch a bomb and defeat the frogs. They both launched bombs at the same time and oddly they both collided into each other resulting in no fatalities on either side.

Afterward the Frogs and Humans planned a meeting with their leaders, the Supreme Frog and the Temporary Lord of Humanity.

The meeting goes as follows:

Supreme Frog: You committed launch nuke? Correct?
Donald Trump: Did you do that too?
Supreme Frog: Erm... Yes I did that.
Donald Trump: Want me to launch another?

(Unintelligible yelling in outrage from frogs and humans)

(Booms heard in distance)

Nukes were launched from the humans secretly during the meeting, and the Supreme Frog was assassinated by an unknown human after leaving. This action resulted in a cease fire on both ends and the frogs accepted defeat.

Frog whereabouts[edit | edit source]

Since the takeover, human life returned to normal. All of humanity learned a lesson; don't let an animal gain intelligent sentience with control of super weapons. However, the frogs are still alive on the Moon as a result of fleeing. Humans plan to launch weapons of mass destruction on the planet, but that will take years to plan to avoid impact on Earth.