User talk:ChiefjusticeDS/PLS/Scoring

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I admittedly haven't checked every single place something like this might have been covered, so I figured I'd ask in case I missed something. The last time the Illustrated category looked like this, everyone involved was given a bitching at and then an extension. Is that not happening this time? I understand not wanting to set the precedent of letting that last precedent stand. --monika 05:38, October 6, 2011 (UTC)

Well, consider it a blessing that Illustrated has any articles at all. The 'chopper portion of our site is more or less dead with the exception of at most three people, and that's bad, but it's been that way for a while. The fact that there is only one half of a noob article, generously, is much more ominous.
No offense to Chief, who I'm sure has really no responsibility in this given our limited arsenal to actually get any advertising or anything around out here on the internet, but this PLS has turned out pretty shittily. I blame the time of the year and also the strange fact that we've been coasting with a rapidly shrinking userbase since 2009. We've only just begun to reach critical lows, and this is pretty exemplary of that.
Also, in case I haven't rained on everyone's parade enough yet (I haven't) you're all ugly etc. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 06:36, October 6, 2011 (UTC)
On the bright side, with the shrinking userbase, we almost never have to park out on the street anymore. -RAHB 06:46, October 6, 2011 (UTC)
Users breed users. I wanted to write an article with Hype but he died, too. Also note that Cracked invented the topics section, which is basically Uncyclopedia, or at least those articles based in reality. The good ones go alongside articles by paid writers. Personally I think we would do better if the top article of every month got a cash prize and the PLS were to cease.--Nikau 02:37, October 7, 2011 (UTC)
I believe last time we did that (two PLSes ago), it was because the two entries that were entered at the time were considered inappropriate for the category. One didn't have any self-chopped images and the other, well... raccoons! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 06:50, 6 October 2011
I couldn't remember which one it was and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't remember. I now realize that I immediately figured it wasn't that one because I never got an official ruling on whether or not images scanned from a book and labeled as original counted as original, and I figured I'd remembered if both of those scandals had happened in the same PLS. Thanks. That would have driven me crazier. --monika 07:08, October 6, 2011 (UTC)

In case anybody saw me just rollback TKF and then rollback myself, I accidentally clicked the mouse while rolling over that part of my watchlist. Crisis averted. -RAHB 06:04, October 13, 2011 (UTC)

Why haven't the results been announced[edit source]

When the judging has long finished? --Scofield & 1337 12:07, October 15, 2011 (UTC)

Because Chief disappeared before he could finish his contest --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 18:32, October 15, 2011 (UTC)
Can't a man get a life for 5 minutes round here? --ChiefjusticePS2 15:13, October 17, 2011 (UTC)
Of course one can; people just complain. Fortunately they only complain at the ones they don't expect to not do things, so when I got too busy to finish this up myself, everyone still just blamed you. Glorious, innit? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 15:49, 17 October 2011
Life is a magical thing where magical things happen --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 20:32, October 17, 2011 (UTC)