Uncyclopedia:Featured articles by Category
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HowTo Articles[edit source]
UnNews Articles[edit source]
UnBooks Articles[edit source]
UnScripts Articles[edit source]
- UnScripts:All Mixed Up
- UnScripts:An interview with an Egyptian taxi driver
- UnScripts:Average Cop
- UnScripts:Genesis, Episode II: In the Garden of Eden
- UnScripts:Good Cop Inanimate Cop
- UnScripts:Good Dog/Bad Dog
- UnScripts:Grass in the Mist II
- UnScripts:Heartbeat 2012
- UnScripts:Heinous Dan
- UnScripts:HMS Potatore
- UnScripts:Law & Order: Puritan New England
- UnScripts:Les Misérables, Abrégés
- UnScripts:Michael Bay's The Godfather
- UnScripts:Noah's Ark
- UnScripts:Officers and Espionage
- UnScripts:Pixar: An Introduction for Uncyclopedians
- UnScripts:Song of the South
- UnScripts:Star Trek (film, 2009 reboot)
- UnScripts:Starsky and Hutch
- UnScripts:steal Bank Customer Service training video
- UnScripts:Superman's first adventure
- UnScripts:The Creature of Planet Cheese
- UnScripts:The Device
- UnScripts:The JFK Shootout of 1963
- UnScripts:The Rapid And The Ragey
- UnScripts:The Single Caucasian Roommate
- UnScripts:The Socialer Network
- UnScripts:The Symposium
- UnScripts:Titanic Wireless Transmissions Conspiracy
- UnScripts:To'Romisha
- UnScripts:Trapped at Sea
- UnScripts:Unromantic Comedy
- UnScripts:Waiting For Breivik
- UnScripts:Waiting For Breivik 2: The Breifist
- UnScripts:Waiting For Godot 2: Waiting With A Vengeance
- UnScripts:Waiting For Godot 2: Waiting With A Vengeance
- UnScripts:Who built the moon
- UnScripts:X-Men Origins: Wolverine
UnRecipee[edit source]
- UnRecipe:Crunchy Beaver with Pine Gum Coulis
- UnRecipe:Fantastik flavored hallucinogenic ham with Uranium seasoning
UnPoetia[edit source]
- UnPoetia:An Atheist's Eulogy
- UnPoetia:Horton Hires a Ho
- UnPoetia:Paradise Abridged
- UnPoetia:Show Me Your Tits!
- UnPoetia:T.S. Elliot Is Dead
- UnPoetia:The Best Damn Tape Measure in the World
- UnPoetia:The Night After Christmas
- UnPoetia:Walking in a Klingon Wonderland
- UnPoetia:Well-Oiled Birds
UnMysteries[edit source]
UnReviews[edit source]
UnDebates[edit source]
- UnDebate:Is it ever right to restrict freedom of speech?
- UnDebate:Is it morally unacceptable to have babies?
- UnDebate:The UnPresidential Debate
UnTunes[edit source]
- UnTunes:Ain't Another Way (The Pedophile's Lament)
- UnTunes:All You Motherfuckers Are Gonna Pay
- UnTunes:Bobby Brown Goes Down (PMRC Edition)
- UnTunes:Can't Be Blamed (For My Shitty Music)
- UnTunes:I Am The Very Model of a Crazy Fundamentalist
- UnTunes:I Like Cats (The Other White Meat)
- UnTunes:Monkeys and Footballs
- UnTunes:Stalker
- UnTunes:Still Alive (Bin Laden 2011 Cover)
- UnTunes:Still Hurting
- UnTunes:The Uncyclopedian's Song
- UnTunes:Uncyclopedia Didn't Start The Fire
- UnTunes:We In Da Club
- UnTunes:White trash girl
UnTweets[edit source]
- UnTweets:George Peterson
- UnTweets:Mr McElroyLand!
- UnTweets:Noah
- UnTweets:Odysseus
- UnTweets:Osama Bin Laden
Why? Articles[edit source]
- Why?:Am I a Power Ranger?
- Why?:Blame Hitler
- Why?:Burn a Furby?
- Why?:Buy a Cereal-o-Matic
- Why?:Categorise pages
- Why?:Do a Pee Review
- Why?:Do I have a drug dealer on my buddy list?
- Why?:Do I Like Tango and Cash?
- Why?:Do I need to provide this?
- Why?:Does Christopher Meloni not have an emmy yet?
- Why?:Does Mads Mikkelsen not speak one line of dialogue in Valhalla Rising?
- Why?:Don't we do it in the road?
- Why?:Don't You Get a Job?
- Why?:Don't You have a Girlfriend Yet?
- Why?:Eat your broccoli
- Why?:Get a tattoo of a tarantula on your face
- Why?:Have Humongous Breasts
- Why?:Hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat seven or eight times
- Why?:Invade the Falklands
- Why?:IPs can't edit the main page
- Why?:Is my molten steel bill so high?
- Why?:Is There a Moose On This Plane?
- Why?:Not fly Air Zimbabwe?
- Why?:Reinvent the wheel
- Why?:Save the mooses?
- Why?:So Serious?
- Why?:Take Your Fish To Work
- Why?:Trade Your Family's Only Cow For Magic Beans
- Why?:Use a wooden condom
- Why?:Watching a marathon of House, M.D. while you're sick is not a good idea
- Why?:Wear clothes 3 sizes too small
- Why?:Won't that damn CD player play my vinyls?
- Why?:You should get a new couch
- Why?:Your cat died