Forum:The three types of article

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > The three types of article
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4143 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

(no idea if this ought to be in BHOP or not)

I have come to believe that most articles 'round here can be categorised as follows:

1. Observational More or less a straight parody of Wikipedia articles. These don't have a concept as such; they just look at the subject of the article and make jokes about it. Examples include Mathematics, Pierre Curie and The Exorcist.
2. Conceptual Although retaining the referential article style, these articles base themselves on an idea about the subject and keep to it. Examples include Handgun, Frog Semen and Chuck Norris (U.S. accountant).
3. Abstract Articles which totally depart from the Wikipedia style. This more or less covers articles written in the first and second person and most alternate namespaces. Examples include Dear John Letter, 2001: A Space Odyssey and God's userpage.

Any other ideas you guys got? EpicAwesomeness (talk) 17:58, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

I've got one:
4. Fucking pointless and stupid but we love them anyway Articles which contail useless drivel, or less than two letters/words that Uncyclopedia revolved around. Examples include AAAAAAAAA!, Cunt cunt cunt cunt crap crap shit and Fisher Price. AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 18:21, 24 June 2012
5. Savethemooses A class of their own. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 22:09, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
6. Things that I wrote that one time, which were awesome. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 22:53, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
A few more:
7. Pages that look like the things they're about Probably a subtype of Abstract.
8. Articles based on actual topics, but where something is switched. For example, our article on Wikipedia claims that Wikipedia is a spoof of Uncyclopedia when it's actually vice versa. And what about this new UnNews article? --Clicky! Sir CuteKyogreOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 00:01, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, that last one is probably a category within Conceptual, but it's still worth making a note of. Oooh! I sense documentation! EpicAwesomeness (talk) 07:59, June 25, 2012 (UTC)